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Hotfix Looking for Testers

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  On 2/8/2013 at 9:49 AM, ToxicSludge said:

Can anyone give me a job where I can play dayz all day?

Be a YouTuber...you just need a gimic

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Hopefully the hotfixes are for disappearing tents and unfixable cars. Kind of annoying as I just lost another MK Mod 0.

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  On 2/8/2013 at 12:23 PM, Victus Mortuus said:

Hopefully the hotfixes are for disappearing tents and unfixable cars. Kind of annoying as I just lost another MK Mod 0.

Havent seen any disappearing tents and unfixable cars. Are you sure it's not your server (or all private servers... that Bliss thing introduces more bugs than you'd guess)?

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  On 2/8/2013 at 1:14 PM, Michaelvoodoo25 said:

Anyone know what was being tested?

All the changes from to, i.e.:

- New sound file for gathering & splitting wood

- Zeds now walk around most fences (found one they still go through) instead of straight through them

- Their chase pathing was improved to zig-zag no more (they still sway, but no ridiculous zig-zagging)

- Aggro/communication ranges (using a debug map that draws circles for those distances and shows zed movement live, so you see whether all within the aggro range aggro'd etc)

- Zed vs vehicle combat (attack range is slightly off, and bicycles didn't allow getting pulled from)

- Slight loot changes

- They don't walk through some objects anymore (still others)

- Found a nasty bug from arma2 beta patch that killed semi-fire, fixed right away

- Testing new respawn delay when a certain threshold is hit (it's not as straight-forward as one might think, if you're just sitting in electro church with an LMG they still keep coming, but the result is that once you kill the initial swarm they keep coming as waves of single zeds, not waves of hordes, outnumbering you in the blink of an eye)

- We tested basically everything else aswell just to check for any new bugs and to see for some bugs whether they're mostly lag/Bliss-based or actual DayZ bugs

May have forgotten something.

Edited by Elvaron
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- Their chase pathing was improved to zig-zag no more (they still sway, but no ridiculous zig-zagging)

I want to see that, Is there a video? has anyone streamed or tubed' it yet?

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  On 2/8/2013 at 2:25 PM, Michaelvoodoo25 said:

- Their chase pathing was improved to zig-zag no more (they still sway, but no ridiculous zig-zagging)

I want to see that, Is there a video? has anyone streamed or tubed' it yet?

Doubt it, was <10 ppl. Patience, my dear Watson. :)

Also, just so I don't fuck over the comm.devs with my statements, no guarantee the we tested will be the one released, so... take it at face value :)

Edited by Elvaron
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I did have plans to masturbate, but I could put that off till' later. I'm free all day everyday legitley... sadly...

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Would love to, but Im currently sanding my 4Runner for paint. If you still need testers around 7-8 PM EST, Im open :)

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Ready for action.

I'd love to help out. I'm a big fan of testing. If you need anyone else, I'll gladly join!

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