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DayZ: Most Private Hives Are Not Real DayZ

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Not so much as a whinge but an observation. Ok, ok - a whinge!

Last night i joined a server which i presumed to be 'vanilla' DayZ - there was nothing in the server description to think otherwise. However upon joining i quickly realised that it was far from what i consider the "real" DayZ.

I spawned with a Makarov, a map, a compass and not 100m from where i had stood there were 3(!) fully repaired and fueled Helis. Side chat was enabled and the chat consisted of : "OMG this is the best server ever!!" and such. Further exploration revealed the map was littered with vehicles.

I realise that there are other servers which are 'vanilla' and there is a choice involved and normally i avoid these type of servers because it is not what i want out of the game. But my questions are:

Why do players like these servers that give weapons at spawn, a map, a compass, 500+ vehicles etc etc?

What sort of experience do you want out of a zombie survival game when things are put in your lap without the need for effort?

In essence, why are you playing DayZ?

Your thoughts please - it is a slow day here in downtown Brisbane.

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It's always good to have a mess around server. When you're tired of regular DayZ, and just want to have some fun, then you can join a server with 500 vehicles and one that spawns you with AS50's and just run around and fuck around. This game messes with your head sometimes, and you always need somewhere to relax

And I'm jealous of that beard :)

Edited by Masterfocker
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I suppose if you are with mates and want to goof around i can understand.

I remember one server i joined i spawned with a DMR and all the tool items. I crouched to a nearby hill and went prone to see what was going on and got instantly sniped. What was all that about?

EDIT: The beard is a must in SA!

Edited by DemonGroover
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I agree with Masterfocker. Trying to relax in DayZ can be tough most of the time.

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This belongs in the Private Hive Discussion forum.


Not really. But yeah I know what you're saying. I dunno if you've noticed it or not but the only servers with a decent population are super altered servers. It sucks for the ambitious server-owners who want a good, DayZ experience often fail because nobody wants vanilla anymore.

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This belongs in the Private Hive Discussion forum.


Good call - i probably should have used the Search function as well.......

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It makes perfect sense to start with a gun and 1 clip of ammo or maybe 2 plus basic survival stuff, Knife, compass or map. If I was going to survive in the woods I would bring a lot more then that. As for cars it why would a zombie infection plague suddenly cause more then half the cars and trucks to vanish? If anything cars should be more common and in fairer condition like 1 missing wheel or outta gas not 4 missing wheels and everything red. One thing I have never understood is why the hell there is like 3 bikes in all of chernarus, I mean how many of you have atleast 1 bike in your home?

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I suppose if you are with mates and want to goof around i can understand.

I remember one server i joined i spawned with a DMR and all the tool items. I crouched to a nearby hill and went prone to see what was going on and got instantly sniped. What was all that about?

EDIT: The beard is a must in SA!

Tell rocket that he should implement a system where the longer you're alive, the longer your beard.

I would buy the SA just for that feature.

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I agree its a bit annoying when i join a server and there is nothing to work for, at that point there is no reason to even play this is why i stick to the official DayZ Vanilla servers!

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Those servers are good for:

1. Beginners. They can familiarize themselves with weapons, vehicles, etc.

2. Practice. If you want to find out how good a certain gun is at killing zeds, go into a server where you spawn with it.

3. Fun. Just go on there and have ATV rallies or something.

Then, when you feel like playing the real experience, join the plethora of harder servers and get your surviving on.

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I play on a very standard Vanilla server. The only thing that is different are some customized wrecks and the vehicles spawns aren't all standard for someone to just look up and camp before a restart.

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It makes perfect sense to start with a gun and 1 clip of ammo or maybe 2 plus basic survival stuff, Knife, compass or map. If I was going to survive in the woods I would bring a lot more then that. As for cars it why would a zombie infection plague suddenly cause more then half the cars and trucks to vanish? If anything cars should be more common and in fairer condition like 1 missing wheel or outta gas not 4 missing wheels and everything red. One thing I have never understood is why the hell there is like 3 bikes in all of chernarus, I mean how many of you have atleast 1 bike in your home?

I think the point i am trying to make is DayZ is Rocket's baby and if he wants players to be defenceless at Spawn then why play on a server that gives you a DMR? Is that DayZ or is it a different game altogether?

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I think the point i am trying to make is DayZ is Rocket's baby and if he wants players to be defenceless at Spawn then why play on a server that gives you a DMR? Is that DayZ or is it a different game altogether?

It's still a zombie survival game. Can't kill all the zombies on the map with that DMR. You have just eliminated the inital hour of gearing up. Some people find that part of the gameplay less enjoyable when playing in a group. You wanna run around together, whether you have only an axe or a machine gun, but to actually meet up would require each one to go seperately looking for loot for half an hour and then, when everyone has at least a little bit of stuff, slowly move towards each other.

Ultimately, there's place in this game for both.

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It makes perfect sense to start with a gun and 1 clip of ammo or maybe 2 plus basic survival stuff, Knife, compass or map. If I was going to survive in the woods I would bring a lot more then that. As for cars it why would a zombie infection plague suddenly cause more then half the cars and trucks to vanish? If anything cars should be more common and in fairer condition like 1 missing wheel or outta gas not 4 missing wheels and everything red. One thing I have never understood is why the hell there is like 3 bikes in all of Chernarus, I mean how many of you have at least 1 bike in your home?

The whole idea behind where and how you spawn at the moment is that you washed up on shore and found the world like it is, not "oh the zombie Apocalypse is happening let me just grab my stuff, ok i'm ready let it start now.".

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I think the point i am trying to make is DayZ is Rocket's baby and if he wants players to be defenceless at Spawn then why play on a server that gives you a DMR? Is that DayZ or is it a different game altogether?

DMRs kinda step too far I mean the farthest primary I would give someone is the axe. I thought the reason why he took the guns away from new spawns was to remove them as a threat in a hope to lower KoS.

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I understand that there should be variety in servers as different players want different things, but the shear number of 'unofficial' versions of DayZ is getting huge.

Some of them are not the original game at all.

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The whole idea behind where and how you spawn at the moment is that you washed up on shore and found the world like it is, not "oh the zombie Apocalypse is happening let me just grab my stuff, ok i'm ready let it start now.".

You might have me for starting inv but my point on cars still stands and the bike logic is solid as a rock.

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As to vehicle rareness, I'd say that was at least in part because of the safety against zombie they represent. Now that that's slowly fading, vanilla might deserve a few more vehicle spawns. And guess what? They added 2 vehicles.

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I think it is pretty much the beauty of the mod that there is so much variety. There's a server for everyone and a million and one different options in choosing how to play.

That was the original brilliance of it, letting the players decide how they wanted to play. What we have now was always going to happen and especially so with the absence of Rocket and his vision/direction.

I suppose if you are with mates and want to goof around i can understand.

This pretty much sums it up for me. I really havent had the time to put into DayZ over the last few months like I used to and hence if I just want a quick screw around with some mates for an hour or so a week or each fortnight these kinds of servers are just what the doc ordered.

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I am bit 50/50 on the vehicles.

I understand that they would be common IRL but the idea of there being 7-10 vehicles per person in a game like DayZ seems to belittle the game. A vehicle should be a goal to attain. It just seems too easy on some servers.

Bicycles though - yeah they should be a bit more common.

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yeah hes right, cars should be bountiful, pretty much anywhere on the planet... and bikes should be more common than makarovs for gads sake. but the simple and elegant solution to this problem is to set the game like 5 or more years AFTER outbreak... then you can justify the fact that yeah there are a shitload of cars around, but none of them work anymore. so players would still have to fix them. also you legitimize the rarity of gasoline somewhat. (RIGHT after outbreak, fuel would also be abundant) so cars that need some new parts and a scarcity of fuel leads to it not mattering if there are 50 almost functioning cars in the streets.

bikes though... bikes should be really common. the logic is solid as any rock ive ever seen... on par with the sedimentary variety id wager. yessir

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Fairly simple answers;

| It's always fun to mess around with DayZ(ed) & just enjoy the Game. However, most people don't particularly enjoy the long walking trek's and so on, with this and the limited Vehicles in 'Regular DayZ(ed)' it become's more a chore to play. Yes, people (..myself included) don't mind the long hour's spent walking aimlessly too some extent. Yes, people still love the core feature's of DayZ(ed) and it's unmatched in the current Zombie-Survival MMO Genre. But, don't attempt to sugar-coat it with the usual / pretentious ''That's DayZ, bro'', It begins to get.. frankly, boring after long night's of walking.. and walking.. and walking.

These Servers, as said, are strictly Private Hive. People needn't worry about loosing Data, which lead's to a lot of enhanced aspect's such as people tend to be more willing to be Friendly, due to there being little to loose. While it detract's from what some consider DayZ, it add's a lot for a lot of people.

Side note : DayZ at the current state is a Modification of a Game. Rocket created it to Modify what others considered their baby, no? Rocket himself has embraced the Modification community, a sense of 'The more the Merrier' deal. If you enjoy something different, yet enjoy the core concept's, you can easily modify. From the starting load-out, to the amount of Loot. Sorry to get a little hipster here, but: The original DayZ(ed) had you spawn with a Revolver & Ammunition. Then, it was degraded to a Makarov. Finally, to nothing at all. If anything, spawning with a weapon is closer to the original & real DayZ(ed) then not.

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