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Haters gonna hate but I'm liking the new update. Anyone else with me?

Edited by Ansssi
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The new update is buggy as hell...

But some of the features I like.

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All the beans for this update, lolrolling thru the northern forests.

Please tell me you meant this ironically. If I ever see someone combatrolling through the meadows, KOS -.-

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The new update is buggy as hell...

But some of the features I like.

Yeah...It is buggy as hell.lol I will run past a few zeds and a few seconds later I get hit.

But I am still loving it!

Edited by DanielTy88
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I feel as though I'm back to day 1, crawling past zeds, making sure places are safe before I go looting. In the previous update I would just sprint through towns and loot.

My only gripe is the stupid combat roll, it really needs to go.

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I found it necessary to sneak in cities and around zombies. Before you could easily shoot zombies with a pistol, even if there were others around. They wouldn't aggro from far away.

Now, if you shoot one zombie in a town with a pistol, you will aggro all other zombies from maybe 100m. Even with a pistol. It's realistic, sure, but you really can't just run 'n' gun through towns anymore.

Looking forward to the other new and fixed stuff that I haven't tried out yet.

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After all the whining about the latest patch, I took a look last night.

Didn't find THAT harsh as other players around. A little disapointed with some stuff, a little happy with others.

Again, I think people just cry too much about this game/mod. If it's different now, just get used to it.

Really liked the new ammunition models.

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Best update yet, bugs are always there.

I love the zeds, way better then what it was.

Game was meant as a zombie survival game, but it had became a full out PvP game with the zombies only beeing annoying, now the game will change for the better again.

Zombies should also go and investigate a sniper shot from 500 to 1000m away.

I love the update, keep up the work.......

Script restriction #44 beeing a bitch though.........

Edited by Allie
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Its awsome (though a little buggy) the fact my main weapon is nearly permanently my axe says it all, no more run and gunning.

Also i quite like the fact there seems less zombies around when you go into a town, but if you start firing they come from all over, i made the mistake of firing a lee enfield in a supermarket and must have had 30 dinner guests after that!

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Haters gonna hate but I'm liking the new update. Anyone else with me?

I'm in mate.

I particularly appreciated the Z's behaviour.

I attracted a lot of them shooting with my M1911...I have made a rough time into an one way building.

Z's should behave that way

Thanks to all DZ team for their good job...SA will worth the waiting.

Edited by OldFossil

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Please tell me you meant this ironically. If I ever see someone combatrolling through the meadows, KOS -.-

Yes I did mean it in ironic way :P the roll is just silly! should only be enabled without backpack and without main wep hanging on your shoulder. (maybe with the smaller backpacks could work too?)

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not sure if it this or some previous update but seems zeds are way to dumb. Sometimes I can run 1m infront of one and will not even look at me. I started to test new patch and got 10 zeds agro on me, I runned into that small black house and found makarov with 1 clip - it was enought to kill 5 zeds but thay kept coming into my small house. They were like ~ 20 I thought - now I am dead (and I liked coz thought zeds finaly are dengerous), but then i just runned through them and did not get even 1 hit ...... :( were is those lovely zeds when dayz just started .... give me back them ... I want to be scare of them - they made people willing to group up, they made people think 2 to KOS .... thay made Dayz much more fun as it is right now

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Just played a proper 3 hours this morning and it was AMAZING!!

Aside from having to really play the game again (havent had to worry at all about zombies since what like...summer last year?)

And the performance increase!! My comp is 100% cpu limited, and suddenly I can play properly! Rather than an average fps of 20-30 fps, im now more like 30-35, but without fps drop spikes around towns. its amazing

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That is all.

Lol. I just ate a pack of bacon, don't make me eat another one :lol:

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