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Devon206 (DayZ)

Is This Something New For The Sniper Rifle, M107?

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Hey guys, I found an M107 Sniper Rifle on a dead guy in the barracks on a private hive server. When I picked it up I was amazed and admired it for a bit, then I zoomed in on a Zombie, it made a green box around its chest and locked on, it wasn't auto-aim, it just let me see the green box through the wall where the Zombie was, the M107 as its name just says, "M107." Please tell me if this is a new feature of the update, or if I should just drop it and go back to my trusty Enfield. Thanks for the help!

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Hey guys, I found an M107 Sniper Rifle on a dead guy in the barracks on a private hive server. When I picked it up I was amazed and admired it for a bit, then I zoomed in on a Zombie, it made a green box around its chest and locked on, it wasn't auto-aim, it just let me see the green box through the wall where the Zombie was, the M107 as its name just says, "M107." Please tell me if this is a new feature of the update, or if I should just drop it and go back to my trusty Enfield. Thanks for the help!

It's either an update, or hacker is running a script on the server that causes that. Either way, you can't get banned. Enjoy.

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Drop it, and trust the dinner bell. I'm pretty sure Dean Hall wouldn't be stupid enough to add a wallhack feature to the game.

Edited by WolfOneSix
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A friend noticed this on our clans private hive server also.

I think it is a glitch, at least with the 107, I have not seen this with thje AS50 yet.

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Okay, I am deciding to go back to my enfield, in at the NWAF anyways, pretty sure I can find a nice weapon there! Thanks.

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So, can we get some sort of response from the Devs on this?

No mention of chages to the 107 were mentioned, and it really sounds unintended IMO.

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Bumping this again because I'd really like an answer about the 107, I'll continue to bump until I get an answer.

Was there a change made to make the 107 auto lock targets, or whatever it does?

Why do we see a hit box or whatever you call it?

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I don't think it's an update but it would make sense if it locked on to vehicles because it's an anti-material rifle

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Its just a glitch with the update. Im sure itll get patched out soon. Especially since they removed the thermal scope gun in the same update :P

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search the forums.

Theres a large thread on this already, its bugged after an update and seems to be using the scope for a anti-air weapon.

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Umm, no. This is a new feature of the M107. It also will lock onto the drivers seat of any vehicle.

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I don't think it's an update but it would make sense if it locked on to vehicles because it's an anti-material rifle

No, it wont, because is a sniper rifle after all, and is not a special bullet or heatseeker, is just a .50 BMG antimaterial round, snipers need to set range, aim and shoot like if it was a m24/svd

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I don't think it's an update but it would make sense if it locked on to vehicles because it's an anti-material rifle

You sir, have just won my Dumbass of the Week award.

But, back to the point. It's a glitch that'll be patched out sooner or later. But in the mean time enjoy the wall hacks.

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Umm, no. This is a new feature of the M107. It also will lock onto the drivers seat of any vehicle.

Err, Yes. Its bugged.

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Drop it, and trust the dinner bell. I'm pretty sure Dean Hall wouldn't be stupid enough to add a wallhack feature to the game.

It's not Rocket..

It's the community dev team, they all have the ability to make things worse.

Edited by Sutinen
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Umm, no. This is a new feature of the M107. It also will lock onto the drivers seat of any vehicle.

i officialy pissedmy self for a good 2-3minutes.

I do love these forums, i forgot non-thermal / aws weapons can track through walls, its a bug.

the m107 is fully capable of tkaing an engine block or penatrating a large wall surface.

The way it works is the head of the "round" hits the wall with such force that it ejects thousands of little HE like penetrables which blast a hole through the wall (or destroy a large surface area of human tissue)

Look up .50 rounds and penetrating power :)

good comment though

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*WARNING* thread has been highjacked by stupidity.

I love you, not stupidy! someone here has black ops experiance and is sharing us some new info on world class technology!


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When DayZ was updated in 1.7.5(.1) there was also an ArmA update. There's a glitch with the updates that causes the targeting mechanism to happen with the M107. No idea why, but it happens. Some servers have temporarily banned the M107 for such reasons causing it to become overpowered.

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No, it wont, because is a sniper rifle after all, and is not a special bullet or heatseeker, is just a .50 BMG antimaterial round, snipers need to set range, aim and shoot like if it was a m24/svd

I think he was probably joking. But anyways rifles like the M107 are classified as anti-material rifles. Not sniper rifles. Anti-material rifles were designed to shoot vehicles and such, not people. They are, however, used to shoot people sometimes. I don't think the Military uses .50BMG rifles for their sniper teams very much. I mean the thing weighs over 30lbs. When you add that to all your gear plus the .50 ammo it's going to be a lot. I would rather have a 7.62NATO rifle such as the M40A5 USMC sniper rifle. I know this is all semantics and proper terms but, BMG actually stands for Browning Machine Gun. The round was originally developed for HMG's. Interesting fact, a US Military sniper named Carlos Hathcock used a Ma Duece (.50BMG HMG) with a scope on it to snipe a Military leader during the Vietnam War.

Edited by TacticalN29

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