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Made my first kill today..

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So, I've been playing DayZ for 6 months now..

I'm going trough Rogovo, checking for gear.. I have a Ak and plenty of food.. I'm 4-5 meters away from the door into a red house.. Suddenly around the corner comes 2 guys, 1 in ghillie with an m4 and the other got a M9 SD.. They didn't see me.. The guy with the M9 turns towards me and i just empty my whole mag into their bodies..

They're both down, and I'm running to cover to reload.. I can hear the guy scream while getting eated by zombies.. They're both dead..

I've been a Lone wolf for ages, never shot someone before.. They got it all, NVG, as50, gps etc. Kinda feel bad but still, got some nice gear...

Dunno if this was the right thing to do, what do you guys think?

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I reckon you did the right thing, 2 players geared to the teeth like that would not of given u a chance if they had seen you 1st.The risk of them losing their gear just to be friendly would be too great.

I am being stereo typical, they could of been the only camo'd friendly snipers on the game and you just blew them away!!!!!

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I think it's pretty certain that they would have killed you had they spotted you first but you never know.

Personally I would have avoided them, and if that was no option then I would shoot.

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Did you get that rush of adrenaline?

It doesn't matter how you achieve it, so long as you do.

That's why we play this game.

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So, I've been playing DayZ for 6 months now..

I'm going trough Rogovo, checking for gear.. I have a Ak and plenty of food.. I'm 4-5 meters away from the door into a red house.. Suddenly around the corner comes 2 guys, 1 in ghillie with an m4 and the other got a M9 SD.. They didn't see me.. The guy with the M9 turns towards me and i just empty my whole mag into their bodies..

They're both down, and I'm running to cover to reload.. I can hear the guy scream while getting eated by zombies.. They're both dead..

I've been a Lone wolf for ages, never shot someone before.. They got it all, NVG, as50, gps etc. Kinda feel bad but still, got some nice gear...

Dunno if this was the right thing to do, what do you guys think?

They were probably hackers because they had all that and would've definately killed you on sight

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Maybe they wanted to give you a bunch of hugs, but you murdered them!!!

...you murderer...

Real Talk: You never know what will be coming to you once you see someone in DayZ.

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Sad to say, with that kind of gear, they probably wouldn't have done you any favors.

It might just have saved your life.

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Not sure on this. I have NVG's/GPS/Guille/M4A1 CCO SD, and I haven't killed anyone yet. I pretty much keep out of the way of other players, and with that kind of gear it's a very easy thing to do. I'm not sure what I'd do if I did run into another player, fact is most of the players would kill me for my gear, so I probably would shoot first.

It's an odd side effect of having the best gear in the game, you know other people want it, and you know you don't want to give it up.

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