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Why banditing?

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This thread have become so sad. I feel sorry for all those bambies who got owned by "evil" bandits. I dunno, maybe there should be PvZ servers (Player vs Zombies) where ability to kill other players is disabled?

But that would ruin the purpose of DayZ, one of the main parts of this mod is the interaction between human beings, be it murdering or working together. If you don't like the way people interact with you, maybe you should just play another game.

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I just assume that bandits to the extreme degree ( killing fresh spawns, using side chat to trick people into coming to a certain area to snipe them, essentially play the game to grief others) are just sad people in real life. Chances are they aren't the best looking, not very popular, get bullied, and by doing this in game they finally have some sort of power over people.

Because of that I will just assume that you're just a crybaby and sore loser at everything you do. See how that works?

Edited by SteveLord

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But that would ruin the purpose of DayZ, one of the main parts of this mod is the interaction between human beings, be it murdering or working together. If you don't like the way people interact with you, maybe you should just play another game.

That is partly the point. There is no other Game like DayZ and some people turn it into a regular deathmatch shooter. And by doing that they force others to do this aswell. I think this is kind of killing the game aswell as the absence of alternatives to banditing once you have geared up does.

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Because of that I will just assume that you're just a crybaby and sore loser at everything you do. See how that works?

prove me wrong then you basement dweller. You're mad at the jocks who took your lunch money, not me.

Edited by snake pliskin

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Do you talk about the game or do you talk about the hypothetical possibility of a zombie apocalypse?

About a hypothetical apocalypse of any kind. Be it zombies, asteroid, Yellowstone blowing up, WW III, epidemic, solar flare wiping out all electronics etc etc.

If first: Because it isn't what they got themselves DayZ for. This is only a possibility. I do NOT say this applies to every DayZ player.

I didn't get Battlefield 3 to drive tanks. I think armour in BF 3 is too easy. I whine about armor when i die from them or fail to kill them because they have 2-3 engineers repairing them at any given time.

That doesn't mean i would remove it from the game. I would balance it if i could but not remove it.

The same applies with DayZ. Currently there is hardly any incentive to being a good guy except your own morals. The mod poses no challenge in terms of survival, it's as easy (if not even easier) as Minecraft.

Just because you or someone else got DayZ to kill zombies and don't want PvP doesn't mean that's what everybody wants and everybody is treated equally. Everybody runs the risk of being shot at any time.

The problem is most people opt to travel inlands and hide in one of the 225 square kilometers out there instead of sticking close to potential places where they can meet other players, be it good or bad players.

If last: Because people know that there is strength in numbers plus it usually takes the need to kill someone. After they killed one time it might get easier, but it is not the natural behavior of men to kill without pondering other possibilities. This,of course, can't apply to a Game because we aren't really killing and we know it. That's why all this bullshit about how gaming turns someone into a mass murderer is just insane. And as mentioned before: There is strength in Numbers. Humans aren't a race of lone wolves. Having others with you greatly increases your survivability. The only animals that aren't running in a pack are those that are already so strong others would only mean lack of food for them. Most of us can't take Isolation forever. You are propably enjoying to be around people somehow yourself. That's why you don't play a single player game. You want to interact and compete with other players. Beeing alone would be boring.

There is strength in numbers, this is true. That doesn't mean people from all over the world will band together and sing "Kumbaya". Quite the contrary, trust will become a major issue. Paranoia will mean people will stick with those they can trust and people will strive to come out on top even in the groups they belong in. It's human nature and when society collapses we will have total anarchy and be back to our basic instincts...

* Get fed

* Feel comfortable

* Feel safe

* Protect your family

* Establish a hierarchy

The means to reaching these goals can differ widely. This includes murder, backstabbing, bullying, absuing, beating, slaying and so on.

I am well aware that killing in a game doesn't compare to killing in real life. But that is besides the point. The game is made to reflect a hypothetical apocalypse with zombies.

I feel the game reflects that possible reality quite well. People kill for many reasons, some just for fun as would happen in a real life apocalypse for whatever reason there may be acting as the trigger to it all.

You know, people murder for the simplest reasons in real life already. The difference is they are most often put in jail or killed off.

Imagine a world where all these murderers are sprung free. They kill for any reason and in an apocalypse there are even less hurdles for them to overcome.

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First: I didn't get me DayZ because I want to kill zombies. I actually like PvP. As I mentioned before there was this fight between me and a bandit with only pistols. I enjoyed it very much.If this was EVE-Online or if the side chat would've been active on that server I would have told him "gf" (good fight) after that (getting sniped is still fucking boring, though). So don't think I'm just angry that I got killed by a bandit. I just expected to encounter more players that are more concerned about the zombies and willing to create some kind of save haven instead of just killing other players. I didn't know how easy it is to avoid the zombies when I bought it. I expected them to be far more deadly.

You have my beans on the BF thing too (if it really is like that. I never played it) and I don't want banditing to be forbidden. I was just curious about why people play DayZ when they are only out to kill other players. Sadly none of their reasons seems to really have to do with the Undead hordes. Most of them are just bored or want to piss off people if not doing it just to prevent getting killed.

About the hypothetical "Apocalypse"

People aren't even very murderous when it comes to surviving. They surely kill to survive, but that's it. It takes a lot to make someone to kill someone else. Greed is rarely a motive. Beeing desperate is a motive. When people kill for money it's most because they really need it, not to get more money. Of course there are seldom cases in which people actually kill to satisfy their greed, but those people mostly have a mental disorder before that. You wouldn't kill someone so easy. Even if it is a complete stranger. So let's get through all of your points.

Get fed:

A group with two hunters or scouts is more likely to spot food.

Feel comfortable:

If the other person does not give you good reason to distrust them you propably feel more comfortable with other people around.

Feel Safe:

Again there is the thing about distrust, but everyone would know that four eyes are better than two. Therefore you'd be much saver.

Protect your family:

Why not protect a whole clan with a whole more men like they did in the early years of mankind. All the Families would be save from outside threats if there are more warriors to defend them.

Establish a hierarchy:

This point is your best one because it is very individual. Even the most anarchistic guys will listen to a trained survival specialist if their life depends on it. Otherwise they are just dumb or mislead about their own capabilities. Or maybe they aren't and can handle themselves pretty well. We live in a society with not much authority left, but people would accept authority if confronted with a lethal threat. There are reasons that we always had leaders. And most weren't just "the strongest" because people tend to listen to those they think are capable of the right decisions. Thus men were following their Elders and Shamans for a long time. Tell me: Wouldn't you listen to a trained soldier that can fire a gun, know about camouflage and navigation (is that term even used when not talking about Navy stuff) and is capable of keeping himself and propably others alive in the wilderness for days?

As you can see there are very good reasons for not shooting each other as well as for fighting each other. The first humans even traded with each others when they encountered each other instead of killing everyone on sight.

The best example for surviving are Soldiers I guess. In the Bundeswehr (german army) Soldiers get teached to trust each other and be trustworthy from the beginning. Soldiers operate almost never alone. In the Bundeswehr you can optionally make a test to become a "Einzelkämpfer" which means something like a solo fighter. This is completely optional and not considered to be of any importance to a soldier. All that counts is operating as a team. A team can keep you alive if something goes wrong.

Of course this doesn't work in DayZ. Zombies aren't much of a threat teammates have to save you from. But the human instinct ist to run in a pack, not beeing a lone wolf.

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First: I didn't get me DayZ because I want to kill zombies. I actually like PvP. As I mentioned before there was this fight between me and a bandit with only pistols. I enjoyed it very much.If this was EVE-Online or if the side chat would've been active on that server I would have told him "gf" (good fight) after that (getting sniped is still fucking boring, though). So don't think I'm just angry that I got killed by a bandit. I just expected to encounter more players that are more concerned about the zombies and willing to create some kind of save haven instead of just killing other players. I didn't know how easy it is to avoid the zombies when I bought it. I expected them to be far more deadly.

You have my beans on the BF thing too (if it really is like that. I never played it) and I don't want banditing to be forbidden. I was just curious about why people play DayZ when they are only out to kill other players. Sadly none of their reasons seems to really have to do with the Undead hordes. Most of them are just bored or want to piss off people if not doing it just to prevent getting killed.

About the hypothetical "Apocalypse"

People aren't even very murderous when it comes to surviving. They surely kill to survive, but that's it. It takes a lot to make someone to kill someone else. Greed is rarely a motive. Beeing desperate is a motive. When people kill for money it's most because they really need it, not to get more money. Of course there are seldom cases in which people actually kill to satisfy their greed, but those people mostly have a mental disorder before that. You wouldn't kill someone so easy. Even if it is a complete stranger. So let's get through all of your points.

Get fed:

A group with two hunters or scouts is more likely to spot food.

Feel comfortable:

If the other person does not give you good reason to distrust them you propably feel more comfortable with other people around.

Feel Safe:

Again there is the thing about distrust, but everyone would know that four eyes are better than two. Therefore you'd be much saver.

Protect your family:

Why not protect a whole clan with a whole more men like they did in the early years of mankind. All the Families would be save from outside threats if there are more warriors to defend them.

Establish a hierarchy:

This point is your best one because it is very individual. Even the most anarchistic guys will listen to a trained survival specialist if their life depends on it. Otherwise they are just dumb or mislead about their own capabilities. Or maybe they aren't and can handle themselves pretty well. We live in a society with not much authority left, but people would accept authority if confronted with a lethal threat. There are reasons that we always had leaders. And most weren't just "the strongest" because people tend to listen to those they think are capable of the right decisions. Thus men were following their Elders and Shamans for a long time. Tell me: Wouldn't you listen to a trained soldier that can fire a gun, know about camouflage and navigation (is that term even used when not talking about Navy stuff) and is capable of keeping himself and propably others alive in the wilderness for days?

As you can see there are very good reasons for not shooting each other as well as for fighting each other. The first humans even traded with each others when they encountered each other instead of killing everyone on sight.

The best example for surviving are Soldiers I guess. In the Bundeswehr (german army) Soldiers get teached to trust each other and be trustworthy from the beginning. Soldiers operate almost never alone. In the Bundeswehr you can optionally make a test to become a "Einzelkämpfer" which means something like a solo fighter. This is completely optional and not considered to be of any importance to a soldier. All that counts is operating as a team. A team can keep you alive if something goes wrong.

Of course this doesn't work in DayZ. Zombies aren't much of a threat teammates have to save you from. But the human instinct ist to run in a pack, not beeing a lone wolf.

You're forgetting there are quite a few people who like to spit in the face of logic and reasoning. An alarming amount, in fact.

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I'm a bandit for a simple reason - I like the hunt.

The thrill of stalking your target for (hours/days) at a time is priceless, and it provides an adrenaline rush that no FPS (or third person shooter, for that matter) has ever made me experience. I've racked up tons of playing hours on Day Z, and I can't say I've ever had a kill that was quite the same, it keeps me playing.

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The people who kill fresh spawns on the coast for no reason, or for fun, are not bandits. They are just assholes. People, stop acting like they`re bandits, they are not

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Currently there is hardly any incentive to being a good guy except your own morals.

That's the good point. Maybe if, for exemple, your thirst and hunger level decreased slower when you have higher humanity (like 20 minutes, 30 minuted, 45 minutes for heroes of no need to drink, eat) and faster for bandits (like if every bandit would need to drink eat every 10,8 or 7 minues), then not killing on sight would make sense, and more likely non-bandits would shoot only bandits.

Cause as it is for now, not killing on sight is just stupid.

Edited by Frosti

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We go in Elektro and declare Martial Law in side chat. It generally brings in players to fight us. We've had some good success with that the past few days.

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That's the good point. Maybe if, for exemple, your thirst and hunger level decreased slower when you have higher humanity (like 20 minutes, 30 minuted, 45 minutes for heroes of no need to drink, eat) and faster for bandits (like if every bandit would need to drink eat every 10,8 or 7 minues), then not killing on sight would make sense, and more likely non-bandits would shoot only bandits.

Cause as it is for now, not killing on sight is just stupid.

This is as stupid as having bandit skins. No one should be awarded/hindered because of their play style. No matter what game mechanic the game gives me, it still won't determine how I play my game... You could make me glow neon green, and make me walk like I was in quick sand... but as long as I can get a hold of a gun and have you in my sights I will shoot you.

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DayZ provides you with a major adrenaline rush.

You freshly spawn, and you look around, you see no signs of any other players, even though you are logged into a full 70 player server, so whilst looting, you're constantly freaking out over a variety of things.

"Is there a sniper on that hill?"

"Whose footsteps are those?"

"Is that player friendly?"

"Why did my DMR evaporate?"


So whilst you have all of this running around in your head, you have to keep your guard up, so usually when I see an armed player, my mind goes " Shoot him! Before he shoots you!" Sometimes I don't, which results in my death, or a new partner. I'm sure the same way of thinking is common.

Although sometimes people kill because they get scared or surprised. For example, if one player is looting the third floor of the fire house, and another player is looting the second floor, and one starts walking down the stairs, and the other starts walking up, I guarantee that the player reactions aren't going to be


More like

"OH FUCK!" *Spam left mouse button"

But most bandits kill for loot, or for the hell of it. I have no problem with that, it makes the game more exciting, sure it can be annoying when you get shot, but a fresh start is always nice.

Also, Hero players get a slight damage resistance boost due their body armor. (Not 100% on this)

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prove me wrong then you basement dweller. You're mad at the jocks who took your lunch money, not me.

Others in this thread have already explained why being a bandit can be enjoyable in this game. The way people choose to play a game doesn't say anything about them. Again, you're just a whiner drowning in ignorance.

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Because bambies do things that make me want to shoot them, like:

-Not getting the fuck off of sidechat.

-Asking really dumb questions like "who shot me?"

-Saying they're friendly and then taking all the loot.

-Sitting in open fields wondering to themselves why people who have nothing but a backpack full of food and bullets want to use their food and bullets.

A hatchet is all you need to fight zombies. If you're carrying anything else, you're obviously at least partly expecting a fight with a sentient being. Don't bullshit yourself, after you play bambi-taxi for three hours DayZ gets boring without any pvp.

Quoting myself because this thread should have died when I posted this. Everyone gets a free trip to the coast when its inconvenient, get over it.

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Others in this thread have already explained why being a bandit can be enjoyable in this game. The way people choose to play a game doesn't say anything about them. Again, you're just a whiner drowning in ignorance.

The way you play a game given nearly uncountable options says everything about you. I know a few people with a morbid fascination with seeing just how far a game will let them go in doing messed up stuff. The first time you delete all the exits in a Sim's house to see what will happen might just be curiosity. Every time after that and you're just exposing sociopathic tendencies you just don't want to admit to. You have been given the choice to snipe a guy who just spawned with nothing more than a hatchet or head north and find harder to kill targets that might offer an upgrade to your gear. When you choose the easy and pointless route because you can, that realizes no end but satisfaction in hurting other people, you can't say that implies nothing about you as a person. Even if you say, 'I'm just playing a certain character in way I think he would act', you still made the choice of what character to play. I never came on here to argue that you shouldn't be allowed to kill other people, but rather to campaign for the makers of this game to at least limit the ability of people to completely ruin the game for people just starting out or at least have consequences beyond a skin that can be covered up with a ghillie suit.

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The way you play a game given nearly uncountable options says everything about you. I know a few people with a morbid fascination with seeing just how far a game will let them go in doing messed up stuff. The first time you delete all the exits in a Sim's house to see what will happen might just be curiosity. Every time after that and you're just exposing sociopathic tendencies you just don't want to admit to. You have been given the choice to snipe a guy who just spawned with nothing more than a hatchet or head north and find harder to kill targets that might offer an upgrade to your gear. When you choose the easy and pointless route because you can, that realizes no end but satisfaction in hurting other people, you can't say that implies nothing about you as a person. Even if you say, 'I'm just playing a certain character in way I think he would act', you still made the choice of what character to play. I never came on here to argue that you shouldn't be allowed to kill other people, but rather to campaign for the makers of this game to at least limit the ability of people to completely ruin the game for people just starting out or at least have consequences beyond a skin that can be covered up with a ghillie suit.

But you're trying to monopolize how we should be allowed to play. And it's not "infinite options on how to play", there's actually very few ways to play dayz right now. You can either be friendly, which invariably sends you to a grave before you can get a full kit, and even if you get there, ferrying around bambi's all day gets EXTREMELY boring. I've done it, flying a huey around all day letting nuspawns get a fast-ride to a helo crash or the NWAF to the point where half the server is docile to me.

So then what? Go kill some zed in town for shiggles with a mk48? I don't need any gear anymore and as long as I have some steaks and water, I'm good to go.

The only way to enjoy DayZ is to start over and enjoy the thrill of navigating the world with hardly anything more than your trusty dinnerbell, and rather than just run into some zed and let my stuff go to waste, I may as well have a good time with it. So I go out and start shooting, sometimes I go a long time without dying, sometimes some badasses show up and a learn what happens when you're an ass to people. Then I respawn and the slate is clean.

This isn't some epic quest to evaluate the sanity of everyone who plays this... this is the BETA of an INCOMPLETE game. There's only so much you can do. So if you're going to accuse bandits of being psychotic, then I'm going to accuse you of being detached from reality because you think a half-finished game is some kind of second life.

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This isn't some epic quest to evaluate the sanity of everyone who plays this... this is the BETA of an INCOMPLETE game. There's only so much you can do. So if you're going to accuse bandits of being psychotic, then I'm going to accuse you of being detached from reality because you think a half-finished game is some kind of second life.

I never said bandits are psychotic. I said people that decide to snipe fresh spawns are sociopathic people. Some in this very forum have come out and said they only do it because they know it pisses people off. I also said what you choose to do in a video game definitely reflects who you are in real life if you were given the choice to do not do that thing. Playing a game with guns is all about killing something and it doesn't make you psychotic or anything else if you use them, you're playing the game as intended. I have shot plenty of other players. I do it rather than die. Choosing to harass someone that just spawned, from a full km out because you can is pointless in game other than letting that part of you that real cops with real guns keeps you from expressing in real life.

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But you're trying to monopolize how we should be allowed to play. And it's not "infinite options on how to play", there's actually very few ways to play dayz right now. You can either be friendly, which invariably sends you to a grave before you can get a full kit, and even if you get there, ferrying around bambi's all day gets EXTREMELY boring. I've done it, flying a huey around all day letting nuspawns get a fast-ride to a helo crash or the NWAF to the point where half the server is docile to me.

So then what? Go kill some zed in town for shiggles with a mk48? I don't need any gear anymore and as long as I have some steaks and water, I'm good to go.

The only way to enjoy DayZ is to start over and enjoy the thrill of navigating the world with hardly anything more than your trusty dinnerbell, and rather than just run into some zed and let my stuff go to waste, I may as well have a good time with it. So I go out and start shooting, sometimes I go a long time without dying, sometimes some badasses show up and a learn what happens when you're an ass to people. Then I respawn and the slate is clean.

This isn't some epic quest to evaluate the sanity of everyone who plays this... this is the BETA of an INCOMPLETE game. There's only so much you can do. So if you're going to accuse bandits of being psychotic, then I'm going to accuse you of being detached from reality because you think a half-finished game is some kind of second life.

I think there is an important difference in using your gear to fight other geared players and shooting newspawns with no reason or challenge. If you just want to get yourself in a fight to actually compete with other players, nobody will call you a psychopath, but doing stuff just to piss people off is kind of sociopathic.

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I think there is an important difference in using your gear to fight other geared players and shooting newspawns with no reason or challenge. If you just want to get yourself in a fight to actually compete with other players, nobody will call you a psychopath, but doing stuff just to piss people off is kind of sociopathic.

You seem to equate it more to homocide than pranking.

Do you call people who throw snowballs murderers-in-training?

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I never said bandits are psychotic. I said people that decide to snipe fresh spawns are sociopathic people. Some in this very forum have come out and said they only do it because they know it pisses people off. I also said what you choose to do in a video game definitely reflects who you are in real life if you were given the choice to do not do that thing. Playing a game with guns is all about killing something and it doesn't make you psychotic or anything else if you use them, you're playing the game as intended. I have shot plenty of other players. I do it rather than die. Choosing to harass someone that just spawned, from a full km out because you can is pointless in game other than letting that part of you that real cops with real guns keeps you from expressing in real life.

Again the difference between you and me is that I see shooting nuspawns as the equivalent of throwing a snowball at you or tripping you on the way to the next class at school. You see it as literally killing people. I guess you see it that way because you don't feel a sense of friendly competition between other players and just assume we literally mean you ill-will.

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You seem to equate it more to homocide than pranking.

Do you call people who throw snowballs murderers-in-training?

So you actually throw snowballs at people you never met?

I wouldn't call people that do that "murderers-in-training", but I definetly call them insolent assholes.

You don't have to be a killer to be sociopathic. A sociopath is someone who can't understand the feelings of others and therefore doesn't care about them. Or maybe he does care, is fascinated and likes to lure these feelings out again and again because of that. Anyway. What I really mean by calling someone a sociopath is normally a person that does not seem to follow any morality (and lack good manners). Since Sociopaths aren't able to do that, I use this term. I rather tell people to be incapable of beeing a good person then just call them an asshole.

And yes, someone that makes it his goal to make other people feel bad (anger, sadness, frustration, no matter how exactly) without a reason is definetly just an asshole. But don't assume that I think bandits are assholes. They are not. The assholes are the ones that are killing freshly spawned survivors just to piss the player off.

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So you actually throw snowballs at people you never met?

I wouldn't call people that do that "murderers-in-training", but I definetly call them insolent assholes.

You don't have to be a killer to be sociopathic. A sociopath is someone who can't understand the feelings of others and therefore doesn't care about them. Or maybe he does care, is fascinated and likes to lure these feelings out again and again because of that. Anyway. What I really mean by calling someone a sociopath is normally a person that does not seem to follow any morality (and lack good manners). Since Sociopaths aren't able to do that, I use this term. I rather tell people to be incapable of beeing a good person then just call them an asshole.

And yes, someone that makes it his goal to make other people feel bad (anger, sadness, frustration, no matter how exactly) without a reason is definetly just an asshole. But don't assume that I think bandits are assholes. They are not. The assholes are the ones that are killing freshly spawned survivors just to piss the player off.

You sir, are a hardass, and need to learn how to have some fun in life, even if it's at your own expense.

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You sir, are a hardass, and need to learn how to have some fun in life, even if it's at your own expense.

You are wrong about me. The only thing is that I do not involve People I don't know in my fun for I don't know how they would respond. What I do with friends and family is a completely different matter. I am hardly a hardass.

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You are wrong about me. The only thing is that I do not involve People I don't know in my fun for I don't know how they would respond. What I do with friends and family is a completely different matter. I am hardly a hardass.

I rofl'd at how you essentially called yourself a sociopath just now. Please, if this is how you think, you need to leave multiplayer games and never come back.

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