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Why banditing?

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There is something that bothers me. No, not what you thougt. It's not you bandits. It's the question why people decide to be bandits. From the "How I became a bandit" thread I read some storys where people just were out to kill other players. But I don't understand why? If you are here for the kills, why don't you play something else? Some Game that is about fighting other players.

In DayZ you barely encounter other players, if you're not roaming Cherno or Elektro, and most of the Players you encounter are coming freshly from the spawnpoints. Most do not have gear worth even the ammunition, so there is no reward. Not even a fight since most times it works with killing someone from a hiding place that haven't even noticed you are there.

When I heard of this game I thought it was about surviving the zombie apocalypse, not about some strange war between mad gunslingers. I heard something like " you can never know wether someone betrays you or not". Well... I wasn't betrayed ever. Every Player I spot seems to just kill on sight. No matter the attracted Zombies or that I even look like I have something useful for them. I was even shot shortly after respawning, carrying no gun and having only my coyote backpack. And that kill is the only one that ever bothered me because that just didn't make any sense at all.

So please answer my question so I can finally rest. Why playing DayZ when it only seems to be about the kills?

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To get a good K/D!


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Everyone likes to play DayZ differently, that is why some people like to be bandits.

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It has to stem from some psychological deficiency in their heads.

How else could you sum up a person who's instinct and preffernce is to kill, Wether real or virtual!

Sorry I was reffering to killer bandits, Not the real bandits who mug you. (they are just chavs)

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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Wow! Those were quick replies. Still doesn't satisfy me.

Gews: Thats exactly what I do not understand. Why play a survival game when just intending to kill people.

HockeyGuy: I know. What bothers me is why they prefer playing a bandit.

Only good reason I see so far is "Everyone kills on sight, so better kill first!" But who started this?

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Killing another player in this game is incomparable to any other game. The feeling that your actions are greatly impacting another player is thrilling, regardless of if it's positive or negative. There is no risk to death in games like CoD. You lose points. In DayZ, you lose EVERYTHING. Some people like that high octane rush.

I don't kill players, and I'd hate it if people weren't bandits.

On the same side of the coin, if you DON'T want to be killed, why don't you play something else? I'm not accusing you of it, but it's the same principle you're applying to bandits.

Edited by Rage VG
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Killing another player in this game is incomparable to any other game. The feeling that your actions are greatly impacting another player is thrilling, regardless of if it's positive or negative. There is no risk to death in games like CoD. You lose points. In DayZ, you lose EVERYTHING. Some people like that high octane rush.

This, exactly. It's not just another cheap kill.

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When I first got the mod, there was very little killing going on, then when the mod exploded and everyone bought it Killing / banditing was a norm.

I won't put blame on any particular group, but, when most games out there are FPS type of gameplay, you will inherit that mentality. Players will naturally bring that into DayZ.

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Because bambies do things that make me want to shoot them, like:

-Not getting the fuck off of sidechat.

-Asking really dumb questions like "who shot me?"

-Saying they're friendly and then taking all the loot.

-Sitting in open fields wondering to themselves why people who have nothing but a backpack full of food and bullets want to use their food and bullets.

A hatchet is all you need to fight zombies. If you're carrying anything else, you're obviously at least partly expecting a fight with a sentient being. Don't bullshit yourself, after you play bambi-taxi for three hours DayZ gets boring without any pvp.

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Killing another player in this game is incomparable to any other game. The feeling that your actions are greatly impacting another player is thrilling, regardless of if it's positive or negative. There is no risk to death in games like CoD. You lose points. In DayZ, you lose EVERYTHING. Some people like that high octane rush.

I don't kill players, and I'd hate it if people weren't bandits.

On the same side of the coin, if you DON'T want to be killed, why don't you play something else? I'm not accusing you of it, but it's the same principle you're applying to bandits.

So you/they play DayZ to kill other players because they actually loose something. Like in EVE-Online (which I play and enjoy in PvP). But why DayZ? Aren't there any other Games that punish death like that? This is a serious question. I don't know any to be honest.

And to answer your Question: As I said the only time getting killed bothered me (except getting killed by cheaters, that is really frustrating) was when I obviously just spawned (Coyote pack, no gun.) I think banditing must be part of the game. It's something that makes the game interesting. But the way I expirienced it mostly is that the way banditing is done turns DayZ from a survival game to a senseless deathmatch. It's not about getting their stuff, it's only about killing other players. But I can understand that the actual impact killing the other player has on him, makes banditing way more exciting then going on a killing spree in CoD.

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When I first got the mod, there was very little killing going on, then when the mod exploded and everyone bought it Killing / banditing was a norm.

I won't put blame on any particular group, but, when most games out there are FPS type of gameplay, you will inherit that mentality. Players will naturally bring that into DayZ.

Day Z IS a shooter... don't be daft, please. You don't run around with an M14 AIM to kill zed.

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It's not about getting their stuff, it's only about killing other players.

You obviously don't understand the value in killing someone while they only have a dinnerbell (the second best gun in the game). Give them a few more minutes to live and they'll be shooting your tire out like a cunt with the DMR they found in the firestation.

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You obviously don't understand the value in killing someone while they only have a dinnerbell (the second best gun in the game). Give them a few more minutes to live and they'll be shooting your tire out like a cunt with the DMR they found in the firestation.

I'd use an assault rifle to just kill zombies.

And there we are where we started... it's just killing for the kill or killing because "they could do". But I understand it all now. One kind is killing for the thrill it gives in DayZ and the other kind is doing it because that survivor could be one of the first kind... or could become one of the first kind.

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Day Z IS a shooter... don't be daft, please. You don't run around with an M14 AIM to kill zed.

Last i knew it was a survival game. OP, this kind of mentality should answer your question.

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Last i knew it was a survival game. OP, this kind of mentality should answer your question.

It does...

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It's probably for the best that a lot of potential psychopaths are nicely contained in games like this. Killing each other for unlocks in virtual reality is still better than killing each other for shoes in real ..reality.

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The scarf.

No, seriously though, I don't know. I don't find any interest in being a bandit. Killing noobs / fresh spawned people, I mean, what's the point ?

Sharing stuff with other survivors is way more interesting and entertaining.

Edited by Fenrod

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You're presuming every player comes into this game wanting to survive and make it feel like a real zombie apocalypse for themselves. Some don't, and just want to ruin your day and taste your tears or whatever. Those that want to treat it like a real life zombie apocalypse probably aren't out there banditing, but those who don't approach the game that way could care less. Indeed, a kill in this game represents more anguish to the killed, because they've worked so much harder on getting to where they are gear and locationwise. If you want to give someone a bad time, you can do this much moreso in DayZ. The game is in the end a sandbox game, and people are going to approach it in many different ways.

You ask, "why don't they take that mentality to another game and do it?"... the same could be said in the forums of whatever other game that is... why are they doing that "here"? There are folks who want to approach games for how they are designed and intended, and there are others who just want to watch the world burn, as it were.

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Oh, I forgot one thing : 95% of bandits are immature little kids.

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Oh, I forgot one thing : 95% of bandits are immature little kids.

What evidence, other than your personal opinion, do you have for that claim?

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What evidence, other than your personal opinion, do you have for that claim?

This is a game dude. Can you even have evidences that aren't from your own experience ?

Edited by Fenrod

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This is a game dude. Can you even have evidences that aren't from your own experience ?

Not statistical evidence, claiming percentages as fact, no.

Edited by klesh

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Last i knew it was a survival game. OP, this kind of mentality should answer your question.

Look at my first post, that should explain a lot more.

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This is a game dude. Can you even have evidences that aren't from your own experience ?

When a newspawn, who lost nothing more than a minute of their time to respawn, begins swearing profusely and verbally sobbing into sidechat, I'm more inclined to say it is the other party who are little kids.

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