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Rick the Survivor

More ways to gather food and water

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Since food and drink are going to be less common in the Stand Alone...

If you can hunt animals and drink straight out of ponds why couldn't you fish for food. It would make sense to have more than two ways of finding food in a zombie apocalypse. I cant think of many other ways execpt maybe gather berries and such. Any ideas for other ways to get food?

Also running with the idea of drinking out of ponds, there sould be a chance you could get sick doing this, (or maybe infected for that matter). You would need to boil the water or have some sort of water filter to cleanly drink the water.

Just wanted your guys opinion on these topics and if you think they would be good ideas.

Edited by Rick the Survivor
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I think gathering berries or fruits off trees would also be good :)

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Already been suggested, and disinfecting water (I believe some ponds/rivers will still be fresh and safe to drink without purifying) has been confirmed for standalone.

However forageing for food would be an awesome addition, as well as raiding the abandoned gardens for veggies (don't think itd be a good idea to make it so players can start gardens though, just grab a pumpkin or turnip or something from a garden)

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I have never ever run out of food on DayZ Mod. With all the new additions for the SA and new animals I doubt we will run out of food. If food is rare, Players will be forced to explore around. I only hope the newly planned Mod mechanic for consumption is not in the SA.

It would be nice to take pumkins and other foods from locations. Water can be contaminated now with the addition of defaction and urinating, I believe there will be means to purify or clean contaminated goods (Clothing inc')

As stated many times, It is still early days, so who knows?

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This would create another use for the campfire too. Loot some kind of saucepan to be able to place it over the campfire to boil it. Maybe have some kind of filter you could loot which would make the process safer rather than lighting a campfire up in the middle of the woods?

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Harvest able crops, plants, small plants that grow raw tomatoes (disgusting but very good and healthy for survival). Cannibalism technically already in 2017 mode but in that one you cut people open and just take human flesh out of their inventory and cook it. Would be a lot better if you could just plain eat their raw corpse. Much more appropriate for psychopathic bandits too. You know. All that shit.

Edited by JayTee13

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i wonder myself, why aren't there apple, pear, plum trees? potatoes in vodka home country? anyone?

Edited by joe_mcentire

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  On 1/30/2013 at 10:19 PM, JayTee13 said:

Harvest able crops, plants, small plants that grow raw tomatoes (disgusting but very good and healthy for survival). Cannibalism technically already in 2017 mode but in that one you cut people open and just take human flesh out of their inventory and cook it. Would be a lot better if you could just plain eat their raw corpse. Much more appropriate for psychopathic bandits too. You know. All that shit.

But if you ate their dead flesh you might become a zombie too.

Edited by Rick the Survivor

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  On 1/31/2013 at 4:48 AM, Rick the Survivor said:

But if you ate their dead flesh you might become a zombie too.

No only a cannibal as their flesh is most likely not infected. While you would turn into a zombie if you eat zombie flesh.

you could add kinda "Book of Eli"-Cannibal-Syndrome. As you eat more and more human flesh, your body tends to overreact on anything - starts freezing / sweating earlier, gets hungry a lot earlier and "normal" food like beans or pasta will not restore all of your "hunger-level", only human flesh is able to do it, needs to drink more often etc.

also, to identify wether someone is a Cannibal or not as random player, you could enforce others to lower their gun and stand still - they would be shivering all over the place


1:47-1:50 and 2:39-2:46

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Hello there

I would like to see more survivalist methods of foraging. Dew gathering or carrying water in a condom and a sock for example.

Etc etc.



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How about bee hives? Consuming the honey is great for medicine and for eating as it provides enough vitamins to treat diseases along with burns/sores. Honey can treat respiratory diseases, kidney/liver diseases and even skin disease.

The honeycomb could also be consumed.

The thing I would worry about is berries being poisonous and bees occupying their hives ;)

EDIT: 100th post! :D

Edited by TIC321

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The way "I" see it is that food needs should require you to move. You shouldn't be able to jsut sit in a corner of the map having all you need at hand. One of the major "points" of consumption of resources is to force you to leave your comfort zone to gather resources.

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  On 1/31/2013 at 6:02 PM, Lady Kyrah said:

The way "I" see it is that food needs should require you to move. You shouldn't be able to jsut sit in a corner of the map having all you need at hand. One of the major "points" of consumption of resources is to force you to leave your comfort zone to gather resources.

Exactly then those camping the NW airfield might have to get up once in a while.

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cheesecake... but seriously, i think we should be able to milk cows.

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  On 1/31/2013 at 6:02 PM, Lady Kyrah said:

The way "I" see it is that food needs should require you to move. You shouldn't be able to jsut sit in a corner of the map having all you need at hand. One of the major "points" of consumption of resources is to force you to leave your comfort zone to gather resources.

I like this. I like this a lot.

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I'd like to see foraging etc. come with a certain knowledge requirement. As we all know, not all berries are good berries.

And some of the mushrooms out there are, well, magic... and/or exremely poisonous.

As LKyrah said, you shouldn't be able to comfortably live out your days in the same area.

The wildlife would soon get wise to your schemes and GTFO, fruit and veg take time to replenish.

However, IMO in this context more consideration should be given to player's gear.

DayZ 2017 makes it harder to stay fed, until you have a hatchet/knife/matches, then it's plain sailing again.

Clearly options and variety are on the wishlist, but upping the challenge should take priority.

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I would love to see fishing in the game. I know not at first but later on when Rocket and team can start adding features to the base game.

It would bring more food options, more equipment to gather, and more play options for the sandbox.

I know its cheesy but I was one of those nerds that liked fishing in WoW, would like to see it here.

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  On 2/1/2013 at 10:12 AM, Chabowski said:

I'd like to see foraging etc. come with a certain knowledge requirement. As we all know, not all berries are good berries.

And some of the mushrooms out there are, well, magic... and/or exremely poisonous.

If you accidentally trip on shrooms during the Zombie Apocalypse... You're gonna have a bad time.

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