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Crossbow kills?

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Just killed somebody who was shooting at me on Origins with an M4. Took him out with a crossbow. Any of you got some interesting kills with crossbows?

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The other day I came across a hacker that had unlimited ammo crossbow, and sprayed me with it, without recoil or reloading.

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I've held 4 kills on one life with a crossbow all bandit kills they were lucky ones as the group of bandits were placing wire everywhere around polana factory, I entered with out being seen due to the artifacts and started plucking with my right click zoomed so I could see through the artifacts a little. A straggler pumped me full of lead after I ran out of bolts and tried to pick a winchester off one of the bodies.

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I shot a guy with the crossbow twice, he passed out and died from blood loss. I got my first AKM off him. I still have his AK in my pack.

Edited by Cap'n
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I shot a guy with the crossbow twice, he passed out and died from blood loss. I got my first AKM off him. I still have his AK in my pack.

Did you throw flares on him after he was dead to signify your victory :D?

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Was an ancient tale, but one worth mentioning.

I was scavenging within the bowels of Cherno when the slight tapping of footsteps were heard on the outside of the streets at a nearby door. I had only a crossbow at the time, and I was unaware of it's effects. I figured it was gonna be another zombie, so I aimed my Crossbow at the door, and as soon as I saw the glimpse of something...


A death message was shown below and I looked to find a bandit on the ground, holding a revolver. The blood was spurting out from the wound located in his head, right between the eyes was the bolt that I had shot.

This marked my first bandit kill of the season...

Edited by The Smorski
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Probably killed 1-3 people, nothing to special. But I hope in the SA you can hold more arrows and they'll spawn more commonly or like you can find 0-10 in a quiver at once. I'd love to use it more often.

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A couple of days ago after i spawned i found a Crossbow in elektro, afterwards i rushed to the school too look for a bigger backpack and some other basic stuff. When i reached the school i heard another playing running around inside the building so i decided too hide in a classroom. A little while later the player enters the classroom where i am hiding i see he has an AK, so i get kinda nervous, he tells me he is friendly but judging from his bandit skin i wasnt about too trust him, so i shot the him in the head with the 1 bolt i had, afterwards i equipped my hatchet and finished him off. Then i took his backpack and AK and ran off with a big smile on my face :P

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Bandit shot someone in elektro, as soon as he crossed the corner across from the hospital. He was greeted with an arrow to the face.

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The other day I came across a hacker that had unlimited ammo crossbow, and sprayed me with it, without recoil or reloading.

I have had that, He kept teleporting to all the players on the map (Fallujah) and killing us with a automatic crossbow. Bastard.

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I've only had one kill with the crossbow. I had fairly recently spawned. All I had in terms of weapons were a crossbow and an M1911, but I didn't have any ammo for the sidearm. I had two bolts for my crossbow.

I went to meet up with a friend of mine in the treeline outside of Cherno, but when I got there, I found that he'd been killed by a bandit. Said bandit was crouched over him, looting my friend's corpse. Having the jump on him, I got in as close as I could and fired a bolt right into his head. It was pretty awesome.

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Did you throw flares on him after he was dead to signify your victory :D?

No, but I've done it in the past. One time, I found a clan camping out a little east of Black lake, and I was shifting through their inventory when I found some satchel charges. I placed one on their Offroad(they had both offroads in the server. Greedy bastards indeed.), and waited for the right moment. Thus, I gained my first bandit mask.

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Crossbow kills can be very rewarding. I took a long distance (50m) shot at a guy on my first time on Taviana.

I turned just in time to see a guy with an M4A1 come around a wall and squat in a bush, then aim at me.

Took a "what the hell" shot and instantly killed him.

My celebration was short-lived. He had 3 squad mates coming up behind him.

Still, they were pissed at the kill. And that made all the difference.

Edited by taco241

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I've only killed one survivor with it, I shot him in the head. He ran towards me and seemed pretty dangerous. That was probably the most satisfying kill I've gotten.

Then, I got somewhere around 500 zombie kills with.

Edited by Sutinen

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Never really been a fan of the crossbow in its current state (hard to carry lots of ammo, pretty weak irons and the one shot re-chamber). It is however one of my favourite things to find when I just spawned, Hitting zombies isn't a problem if crosshairs are enabled on the server.

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No player kills but i'v killed 20 zombies so far while only have 1 bolt lol...PEW sneak to body take bolt...PEW...repeats xD

It's to fun...i have 6 mags for my m1911 yet still only use my x-bow with 1 bolt...been lucky on the server i joined i haven't died yet!

(been playing only 2 hours...and i'm new to the game so its impressive to me xD) also whats funny is its a Vet server with Cross-hairs off...its not that hard to aim up close at least...just aim at the nuts! rofl.

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The crossbow is terrible. I have killed two people with it and one was AFK. If they made it so you could have a quiver and that you could aim it properly then it might be an OK weapon.

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I've never really had time for the crossbow in it's current state, though it is a weapon i have always wanted to be improved and use.

In Standalone with quivers and proper sights the crossbow could be my favourite weapon.

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You can actually use the "sight" properly, the tip of the arrow you slightly see is 150 meters. I've shot a couple of zombies using that.

But I agree that it needs some proper sights. The new recurve crossbow has a scope on it.

Edited by Sutinen

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