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If you get caught in an explosion and days and you some how survive, shouldnt your character go deaf? being deaf means your character cant hear anything.

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My character has gone deaf from explosions before. It's not for a long period of time but he does go deaf for some time.

Edited by Skat3rat

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I think having disabilities like this would be cool.

Having trouble seeing if you look at the sun for too long or something.

Having trouble hearing if you're too close to an explosion, or large amounts of LMG fire next to your ear. Think... Black Hawk Down.

Maybe add earbuds as an item to prevent this?

Cool idea though.

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As long as the injury is not too serious, Yeah why not? I would hate to be deaf or sunblind in this game, would be in a world of hurt.

You wouldn't hear anything in towns or when crap shot john was trying to shoot you.

As far as disabilities go, I would love to know healing time for Broken legs and such. Would you have a limp too?

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Your character can temporarily go deaf, from explosions or blood loss.

Once my character went permanently deaf...all i could head through my headset was muffled sounds and that ringing sound.


But then i got ArmA'd then i respawned and everything was fine.

Edited by GOD™

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Once my character went permanently deaf..

Well then there ya go, it's already in the game.

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problem i see.. why shouldn't i simply respawn rather before playing with an permanent inability? i know some of you are all in for the whole immersion-thingy but i think a huge punch of ppl wouldn#t embrace this idea i guess.

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