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infected or zombles (yes zombles)

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why are people saying "your body should re-animate" "zombies are dumb" "zombies are un-realistic" I thought an INFECTION was the reason the INFECTED where walking around,not hell was full

plus zombies are impossible...a super virus is.....so tell me infected or zombies? D:

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They should really adjust the website then. The first line of the "What is Dayz" tab on the front page of the official website reads " Realistic "Zombies" with custom animations"

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Also the front page has a picture of a zombie with ZOMBIE written under it.

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imo Zombies are not impossible. I'm no expert in that kind of stuff but I could think of a bacteria manipulating the human brain in a way that the human gets unconscious for quite a long time, where the brain is manipulated in a way to not feel pain anymore (definately possible) and just runs with the basics - hunger. Maybe also hunger only for meat, if the bacteria needs something which is mostly inside meat. They would not be as near-unkillable as the classic zombie, as the most imoprtant organs would still be needed, but seemingly dead rising and then going after every source of meat they can get, while surviving having their legs shot off and many other things that would kill a normal human quite fast without medical treatment, are possible. And I think that's the common definition of a Zombie.

But I personally don't care, I think if something like I said above would happen IRL everyone would call it the "Zombie Disease" or something.

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I believe in the interview given a while back to TotalBiscuit, Dean mentioned that he had tried to use 'Infected' as much as possible, yet people still referred to them as 'Zombies'.. Henceforth Dean's mentioning of the Infected ( I still maintain their Infected by a super-virus rather then the undead ) as Zombies on various occasions - Although they may just be typo's, the point remains.

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They are infected, but 'Zombies' sells and is part of popular culture so people know what they are getting. The authenticity of 'infected' is pretty much as impossible as zombies in this sense, incidently, so we just go with it.

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I don't think the word 'zombie' has to mean reanimated undead corpses, I'd still classify the 28 Days Later style 'infected' as zombies. :)

But yeah, in DayZ the zombies are infected and not undead, so turning into a zombie after you die wouldn't really make much sense.

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just needed clarifying cuz of all the douches who post "zombies"

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just needed clarifying cuz of all the douches who post "zombies"

Did you not read your own thread? The consensus is that both terms apply and have been used officially.

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I don't call them infected.. The Walking Dead zombies or "walkers" are infected too. It just works the different way.

Basically, anything that is a reanimated human and wants to eat your flesh is a zombie to me.

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Zombies or Infected or whatever they are, who cares about it?

The only thing that matters is to don't become their dinner because they are coming to eat you!

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I don't call them infected.. The Walking Dead zombies or "walkers" are infected too. It just works the different way.

Basically, anything that is a reanimated human and wants to eat your flesh is a zombie to me.

Except they are not reanimated. You can call them zombies, but they are not undead

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They are very ill people with a mystery infection. Call them what you like.

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Except they are not reanimated. You can call them zombies, but they are not undead

Well what are they, since some awful disease has got to their brain and made them attack humans? It's basically the same thing.

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Well what are they, since some awful disease has got to their brain and made them attack humans? It's basically the same thing.


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basically whatever term works for whatever situation to illustrate is often used . if a " zombie " cant be animated in a certain way its " infected " :lol:

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Isn't Zombie summoned by dark powers? To rise from their graves and fight for the darkness?

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It really doesn't matter... where's the Jean-Luc Picard smiley...

Edited by Gews

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It's not a question on if an infection like this is realistic or not. The biggest question should be how long would it last. I am trying to find the article again, but awhile ago a university did a study on this type of outbreak. The students as a joke looked at the results of both the living dead (Slow moving), and an infection (Fast moving). The results were hardly impressive for you zombie lovers. For the living dead, the infection would would have a sudden spike in spreading and would basically stop once quarantined. And for an infection, due to the lack of basic survival instincts the infected persons wouldn't last more then 48 hours.

Realistically the only way an infection like this could spread would be if it was airborne, waterborne, or was able to strike a huge quantity of the population instantly.

Edited by Sappa

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A zombie is a 'mystical being', an undead. It belongs in the same category as ghosts, skeletons, vampires and any other thing that has been dead and risen again. But since they are mindless, it's just fitting to call them something similar to the legend, as a person with an infection can just be moderately ill or in slight/immense pain. If anything else, I would lean towards calling them walkers, crawlers and runners, since that's what they do.

But hey, I like the word Zombie, the undead are frightening, even if the "zombies" in DayZ are technically alive and "well", just very, very angry and very hungry and would gladly eat the face off anyone they loved when they were concious. To call them zombies just spices it up abit, and out of old habits I will probably continue calling them thus.

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It does not matter, but the game itself gives a hint: Day "Z" for Zombies. Or am I crazy? :D

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I rather enjoy this topic.

It is rather confusing to some whether the zeds or legit zombies or infected (which is why I prefer calling them zeds).

Usually, when it comes within the strain of a virus that is transferred from one to another, it is usually represented as an infection. Zombies are simply a pop cultural reference made to appeal for the public.

Under a biological point of view, the enemies on infected.

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