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Out of the fire...

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Into the frying pan.

Hey there guys!

I'd like to start with an apology incase this thread could be answered by another thread around these forums.

Now, I'm posting this thread just for some answers/tips.

I've been playing ARMA II for who knows how long and finally decided to give DayZ a go.

What tips would you give for a new player to DayZ, but a seasoned player of ARMA?

Should I dive straight in and lone-wolf my way through the outbreak or should I recruit from the outside and attempt it as a team? The obvious answer may seem to get a team but what are the chances that they will slow me down, be a drain on my resources etc.

The map - where should i head to, where should i avoid?

When i first jump ingame what should i do after getting my bearings and a scope of terrain? Do i start with nothing?

Finally: what should i look at when picking a server?

I appreciate any replies and apologies for the mess, currently writing this via my phone. Peace out guys!

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I would suggest playing lone wolf. Most of the fun of the game is learning how to survive yourself. You should find yourself a private whitelisted server though.

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In order:

I'd recommend a small team of people you know VERY well. One guy focuses on carrying survival items (food, drink, fire wood, tent, etc), One focuses on mechanical parts (tyres, scrap, etc), and the last one, medical supplies (Mostly Bloodbags and Morphine, a few epipens and a handful of bandages, maybe 2 or 3 painkillers.) If you find any larger backpacks, prioritize the mechanical person, as they take up the most space. Second should be medics.

The reason for this is simple: The extra food you can carry because of all the free space will mean you can simply feed them with the food you would've abandoned, whilst increasing your chances of getting a car due to being able to carry parts, decreasing your chances of dying to zombies due to having plenty of medical supplies, and increases your general safety. It also stops you getting bored and lonely.

As for tips, Trust nobody who you don't know. That doesn't mean kill them, it simply means don't let them easily kill you. Make sure you crouch around zombies and don't run on concrete, you make a lot of noise.

If you're looking for some PvP and get some end-game loot, go North-east to the airfield. Be ready to die.

If not, stick towards the middle of the map, closer to the north. Then you can camp out in the forests, head to the coastal cities to loot, or head up north-east if you change your mind.

You start with essentially nothing. Head to any decent-sized city and loot what you can.

When picking a server, I highly recomment a quiet one if you're going public. If you are gonna go straight for a whitelist server, look for one with good ping, and frequent restarts. I personally use Balota Buddies.

Good luck.

Edited by Rage VG
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Thanks for replies guys. Interesting to see different opinions on the survival tactics.

I'm not sure about the idea of specific loot for each person to carry as there's the possibilities of that person getting left behimd.

I think I'll be getting my ARMA team on here as we're already used to working as a team, might also be safer traveling as a pack.

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I like playing lone wolf but some times it is necessary to get outside help for things such as Bloodpacking.

Avoid Elktro and Cherno on highly populated servers. (unless you are the one doing the Pking)

Best loot is at NWAF and Stary Sabor (At least for me) NWAF also has a lot of well geared Pker's .

You start with nothing, try sneaking into building at least until you get a hatchet.

As for servers i like to stick to the official servers because you get the full DayZ experience.

Good luck and i hope to see you ingame!

Edited by Nomadic Nut

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Thanks for replies guys. Interesting to see different opinions on the survival tactics.

I'm not sure about the idea of specific loot for each person to carry as there's the possibilities of that person getting left behimd.

I think I'll be getting my ARMA team on here as we're already used to working as a team, might also be safer traveling as a pack.

If they mean that little to you that you would leave them behind, they're not the type of person you should be teaming up with in the first place.

When I say to team up, I mean people equally as competent and trustworthy as you are.

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Combine what you already learned in ArmA with the assumption that people you meet are either out to get you or as scared and paranoid as yourself.

Keep your group sizes small, if you're too many, you're better off splitting up in smaller groups. Big is slow and slow is dead.

Edited by Dallas

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I'd recommend getting DayZ 2017. A "mod for the mod" essentially. The premise is that it takes place 5 yrs after the initial DayZ. Basically, things are "picked over" already. Loot is far more scarce and the new player skin looks awesome!

I always felt the original DayZ gave away to much gear and way to easily. To many high grade military weapons, sniper rifles etc. all just laying around. Hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles should be far more common place in this type of setting than every single player you run across is equiped like a Navy Seal who snipes you from 2 hilltops away. Like, EVERY player.

Silliness IMHO - just don't feel all this "tier 1" type gear (NVG's, rifles with thermal scopes, suppressed assault rifles with scopes, etc etc) would be that previlant in a post-apocolymptic world. Every player in standard DayZ owns 6+ vehicles and 15+ tents all loaded up with tons and tons of supplies, extra tier 1 military gear, etc. Their zompocolypse world characters have more material objects then most people aquire in RL. In a burned out wasted world. Does that make sense?

Right now my character is sporting a double barrel shotgun at best and I'm slowly starving to death. lol. I HAVE to find a can of beans NOW!! The pressure of dodging zombies and creeping from house to house empty handed while my food metre gets redder and redder is exhilarating. This is stressful (in a good way).

Check it out: http://dayzmod.com/f...7-mod-released/

Edited by Trout

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But it would be due to the large military presence that got overrun and slaughtered

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Ya ya, same old argument. Just seems to me if you want to build a "survive in this zompocolypse world" type game then you make DayZ 2017.

If you want a run and gun game with all the gear instantly available and high level weapons for every player that even standard soldiers aren't issued then you make DayZ.

Two different games. One is kinda like a COD with zombies and the other is a zombie survival game.

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