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DayZ Maps and Mods

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Okay so i have been so bored lately of Chernarus that i want to try out a different map/mod thats worth my time.

So far i have tried:

Lingor (enjoyed)


DayZ+ (not really for me, not enough loot)

Anyone want to list the other maps/mods and explain each to me? I hear taviana is doing very good and apparently panthera has alot of loot.

What do you think?

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Taviana and panthera are my two favorite maps other then chernarus, I would heavily suggest playing them.

also you should check what the new developer of celle is doing, so many weapons....


Edited by burritoman259
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I haven't played any but Chernarus but I suggest downloading them and trying it! Cause theres nothing better than hands on!

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all the addon maps are worth trying.

namalask has the best atmosphere.

Taviana is massive and feels the most professionaly done. even better then Chernarus if u ask me

Takistan offers a decent size and not much cover.. i really liked this map

panthera has weird sizing issues esp. with roads when driving.

fallujah is huge but if u dont like wandering around a massive urban area u wont like it

zargabad is similar to fallujah cept its all city.

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My favs are definitely Lingor and Taviana.

DayZ 2017 is also worth a look if you want things a little grittier.

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i heard dayz 2017 is just chernarus with way less loot spawns.

takistan i tried and i ended up dying of hunger before i could even find a single thing. I dont even know forsure if i was going the right way but i know i couldnt find a single building or tree or anything at all lol.

I was playing taviana last night and i really enjoyed it. The highways looked soo professionally done it was great (street lights, guard rails, painted lines) I even found a bike and a humvee with a turret on it. Ive only found 1 single vehicle in chernarus and that was a car that we ended up blowing up

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