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Mother F@cking Hackers,

I'm so sick of them too the point that i have stopped playing the mod as of now.

I worked hard on stealth tactics, i also worked hard on melee technique, then i got myself a gullie suit for the first time from the motel in cherno next to the church. I sat in the bush in the back yard waiting for the loot to spawn. I sat there for a F@cking long time whilst i could hear all hell braking loose close by. I sat in the bush in the corner of the garden, in the dark whilst wearing a gullie suit only to have some hacker talking to me from behind the wall. He couldn't have know where i was because there was no line of sight to where i was. He tried to lure me out but i didnt move, then he walked in to the garden up to the bush i was in and started poking around. At this point i really didn't know if he was friendly so i didn't axe him. then he starts to shoot, but i manage to dodge him by moving erratically ( something i actually practice on purpose). I ducked and weaved my way through Cherno whilst he took a few shots at me and missed, there was no way he could have been close to me, then bam i was killed. It didn't say by who or what like it normally say's. This guy was a hacker no doubt.

I hope Standalone stamps out these cowards because on an even playing field i would have killed him with my hatchet without him even knowing what hit him.

so frustrated right now =(

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Fraggle preps for graveyard...


Keep posting LOTR references hahahah

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Keep posting LOTR references hahahah

Frags got swag believe that. Only gandalf could cover the amount

Edited by Inception.
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never tried a private server before, will give it a go =)

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Cool. Honestly it's the way forward, I haven't seen a hacker for months.

Can we hijack your thread with memes now please?


Edited by Fraggle

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Can we hijack your thread with memes now please?

Fraggle+Mod forums=Gandalf @ the shire


Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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Only problem with this is that the person who created the picture obviously doesn't know much about the eagles...they could not carry objects of evil [The Ring] nor could they fly into places of evil [Mordor].

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And with that, I'm off to bed. Much love.

PS _ Steak - There's a typo on your sig, I'd sack whoever made that.

Edited by Fraggle
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PS- Frags next use time use spell check for whitelised Whitelisted*

Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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WAY TO LEAD BY EXAMPLE FORUM TEAM MEMBERS! Take a Guy/Gals concern and turn into a pos slick one-line picture-thread...cause it's not a concern to you and you alone.

Keep all those bean cans so have something to drink-from after the circle-jerk -.-

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