rassad 111 Posted January 21, 2013 So, I have been playing on "DayZ - AU #500 DayZbonfire " Tavaina Server,I was flying my Huey, and I had a Littlebird on an island.The Owner of the server "Dami" and the other admin "monkey 9000" joined, and I see a Flying Black SUV fly past my Huey.Dami brags in Side channel about his flying SUV.Later I see it ramming vehicles on the ground.30min Later, I hear that a Littlebird rams into another Huey on the map.I go check where I left my Littlebird, and there is a Black SUV on the ISLAND, which is impossible for a car to get there.After arguing in Chat with Dami the admin, he admits to be able to see Everything on the map (ESP), and that he teleported the car to the island to take the littlebird, and again used "see all map" to find the huey to ram it.He gets angry with me for arguing with him, saying they are NOT HAX, but scripts, becuase he personlly wrote them for many server admins. He then teleports my Huey into the ground, and then bans me, for no reason other then me calling him Hax.Dont play there. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rassad 111 Posted January 21, 2013 Just googled, and It seems there are posts all over the interswebs about this Server owner, here is one: Dont play there Aussie's! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
damiclipse 1 Posted January 23, 2013 Hi, I'm the owner of DayZbonfire and I would first like to point out that Rassad was insulting me because of my own accident.He is also lying about his entire post, and in game he was being very foul and abrasive. I don't know why he is making these lies.You must be really childish, I mean you did argue with me over the chat for a while because I "stole" your littlebird.(kind of weird, considering I was already stating that I am wiping the server.Then again, you are not an active member. This was your first time on our server.I did apologize to you, and you continued to fight)I was in a call with Monkey, and it had been the first time playing on Taviana.I was messing around, I do admit.I don't do this on a "regular basis" as I pointed out, but even then he was calling me names and insulting me and the server.As well as leaving immature comments like "i was going to donate", etc.But I did not "steal" any of his vehicles. I'm the only one on any of my servers that can do this kind of stuff, and the reason I even did this was because:1. I was just about to restart and wipe all vehicles, because there are barely any vehicles.I was also about to add new buildings and wipe all players.2. The people in the huey were suspected of hacking, because two people reported them (they were being shot at by as50s/m4s from 50m~), and they did not die.I later figured it was just desync, and I was only have a little of fun. I don't play on my servers often, I'm a busy person.After I "rammed" their heuy (accidental), I gave them back their dead bodies, restarted the server, and 5 minutes later they found a chopper. (because I added 10).If this turns you off of ours servers, please do not let it.Refer to this post:http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/117286-bonfire-buying-bases-and-rules/page__st__20__gopid__1136950#entry1136950I'm sorry that Rassad had to post here with these lies.Thanks,Dami. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rassad 111 Posted January 24, 2013 (edited) He is also lying about his entire post, and in game he was being very foul and abrasive.He calls me a Lier, yet in the same post admits FOUR TIMES, to doing wrong:I was messing around, I do admit.I don't do this on a "regular basis" as I pointed outI'm the only one on any of my servers that can do this kind of stuffand the reason I even did this was because:1. I was just about to restart and wipe all vehiclesOther Evidence of this Hacking Admin:He is GLOBAL BANNED on public servers for hacking, Linkhttp://dayzmod.com/f...-1/#entry526293His youtube account, has posts on hacking Video's, and he seems to have a great deal of knowledge about hacking:http://www.youtube.c...ser/DayzbonfireOther people complain about him using GODMODE, and saying " its my server I do what I want"http://www.ausarma.o...00-dayzbonfire/On the same topic Dami linked, AussieStig later in the thread talks about the same Black SUV:AU #500 is one of the most hacked Australian servers out there, I wouldn't recommend playing on it at all.I visited the Other Dayzbonfire servers, and Talked to the people there, they Also had complants about Dani using Hacks, but everyone Is too afraid to speak up about it, becuase if you do, you get BANNED, Like this guy on Dayzbonfire forums!http://dayzbonfire.n...or-nothing.104/Dani has an account on the *** Website, under the name "L0LKenuz", with 60+ Posts.Reading his post history reveals:1. that he has bought 7+ Keys for Dayz [Link Removed]3. banned in Tribes Ascend for hacking, [Link Removed]4. Uses many hacks, and even develops his own [Link Removed]5. Spawns hacked items for other dayz players [Link Removed]6. Uses hacks in Combat Arms [Link Removed]Dami is VAC banned on steam http://vacbanned.com...561198007875896Dami has an account on the aimjunkies website under the name of Dumeken,Here is a post saying he is from DayZ and is helping others get hacks [Link Removed]Dami has an account on unkowncheats website, under the name of Dumeken.Here he states he has had another DayZ accout banned for hacking [Link Removed]admits to using hacks here [Link Removed]Dami also has an accout on Thisgamesux website under the name Dumeken[Link Removed]Dumeken is listed here on the Dayz forum as a Hacker http://dayzmod.com/f...s-hackers-list/Google is your friend. Edited January 24, 2013 by smasht_AU Do not link to cheat websites 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rassad 111 Posted January 24, 2013 NEED I GO ON DAMI??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
damiclipse 1 Posted January 24, 2013 I was banned from steam because my account was stolen (Damiken090 has been active since 2007, and is not banned), and I don't have an account on ***. Again, there is no picture evidence from the Asmara thread. And if you read the thread about that guy who was "banned for no reason" you'd understand that he was banned for disrespecting my admins. (calling them biased).I don't know where you got the idea that my name is "Dumeken".It's kind of sad how you're looking so hard to find reasons to justify your foul language and attitude towards me and my server.This proves nothing as far as me "being abusive" goes, as well.Anyways, thanks for trying to ruin my server's reputation. Sadly, you've failed.Also, I checked the logs and you weren't on the other bonfire server.Thanks,Dami. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rassad 111 Posted January 24, 2013 (edited) You say you dont have an account on ***.Yet on your own forum you give Kenshin090 as your Skype. http://dayzbonfire.n...n.110/#post-264A user named L0LKenuz on the MPHG forum, gives out THE SAME SKYPE DETAILS.Huge Thankyou to Smasht_AU in his post below, that links Dumeken with the SAME IP ADDRESS, and a list of his Dayz Bans. Edited January 24, 2013 by rassad 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted January 24, 2013 (edited) You've been a busy bee Damiken. I would encourage everyone to avoid your server and yes you do have an account there as the skype details are the same. http://code.google.c.../detail?id=25031056baf4fbeed8e10dafd8baf0b43d4ahttp://code.google.c.../detail?id=17640132a5bf7d023a016ec51f0ac3d87eaehttp://code.google.c.../detail?id=19419f67a46644046f97e63b1ca22ac964bchttp://code.google.c.../detail?id=29493c15d214c0f76d70155e9c3aac0df417http://code.google.c.../detail?id=1187http://code.google.c.../detail?id=1069bf1f930dac6066b8ce68cc1c6c3f6f5bhttp://code.google.c.../detail?id=3184d260347abd1de6c17b0b7ce424b182cdhttp://code.google.c.../detail?id=19419f67a46644046f97e63b1ca22ac964bchttp://code.google.c.../detail?id=1710http://ciagaming.org...ull=1#post434486d1a36c3a36079ce163110a87ed1d0d6 Edited January 24, 2013 by smasht_AU 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted January 24, 2013 Very poor show indeed.Not the type of admin we want or need in this community.L 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 314 Posted January 24, 2013 Another one bites the dust. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daaim0 0 Posted April 7, 2013 becuase he personlly wrote them for many server admins. Lol, he can't even give credit to Monky who made his anti-hack/admin tools - claims it as his own. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CountVonJimmy 8 Posted May 7, 2013 Rassad owned Damiken! It was like watching a weight of evidence pile up against a defendant in court. Wow your legitimacy is in rags Damiken, you're some kind of scum... You're not wanted in a position of power in this community, hypocrite. I'm here to say: Do not play dayzbonfire servers. Loot is poorly managed, admins are so rare when you need them and lazy beyond anything. It's just a shoddily run ship and you can do much better. AVOID BONFIRE SERVERS AT ALL COSTS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RedlineGamers 12 Posted May 16, 2014 Very interesting to read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Frothyboot18 46 Posted May 16, 2014 Lol damn! So thats an internet ass whooping.... Kudos rassad, well played sir, well played indeed... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stixx (DayZ) 48 Posted May 16, 2014 Ooh snap Dami you got 0wned..Great job Rassad and SmashT for your good detective work.I'm glad Rassad didn't keep quiet and posted.Shame on you Dami. Its too bad the ban hammer cant come down on you even harder now that your lies are exposed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RedlineGamers 12 Posted May 17, 2014 Yeah I could not believe the investigation this guy did! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jigsaw12 0 Posted June 25, 2014 I have also had problems with dami and his other admins who think they can do what they want since then have quit their server. Dami has taken cars from the trader citys, broken legs using admin tools, teleported me all over the map for 5mins and raged when i told him he was abusing his powers. By the looks now his servers are all about the $$$$$$$$$ cant fart without paying for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Dayz Dawg 8 Posted February 9, 2015 Couple of things about Dami. He's banned on opendayz for claiming scripts written by others as his own. He has copied infistars antihack for years, claiming to be the original author of said script. A quick look through both tools shows that he is the one copying. He literally sent one of his admins onto another dayz epoch server to hack it, then convince the owner to purchase his :rolleyes: antihack. He then, along with his fellow admin, conspired and succeeded in stealing more than $2000 from the owner of said epoch server, which at the time was tied for the most popular dayz epoch server in Australia. Google crazy dayz epoch for more info on that one. He's also admitted in the past, on the epoch forums, to being one of the infamous hackers back in the day that would infect servers with the GO TO THE TLM SERVER THIS ONE IS SHIRT AND STEALS SCRIPTS!! message before nuking them. This post has since been deleted, as his epoch forum account was deleted, for, yep you guessed it, stealing and leaking the now 'must-have' snap building script from Maca134. I cannot imagine the amount of people he has done this to over the years. Truly a bitter, angry man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pale1776 375 Posted April 4, 2015 Daaaaaamn that rape tho. Nice necro BTW lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luckysix 6 Posted April 5, 2015 Beans just aren't enough in this case...You get a Helicopter! ______.........--=T=--.........______ . |:|:-. // /""""""-.': '-._____..--""(""""""()`---.__ /: _..__ '' ":""""'[] |""`\\ ': :' `-. _:._ '"""" : :: '--=:____:.___....-" O" O" grp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kichilron 8550 Posted April 6, 2015 Don't necro, please. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites