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Please ask here if you have further questions on Computer specs for running DayZ.


A word of warning,,do not download anything to increase fps or general performance (ask here beforehand if you wish).


To evaluate your fps, deactivate DayZ Mod and run the Stress Tests that can be found in SP missions.

Adjust the in-game Graphic options until you find the best results, it is recommended to run each test at least twice.

Edited by Boneboys

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Please don't hesitate to leave a relply or een better a youtube like and comment on what you thought and what you would like the see next?

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One thread isn't enough? (Edit: threads have been merged)

And :emptycan: for using a WarZ thumbnail for the video. Sheesh.

Edited by klesh

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Sorry Guys I had this on my drive and I thought this was an enhanced DayZ shot but does warz look like that or is that a best case scenario cinematic?


Thanks guys

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Protip: Don't use a WarZ "screenshot" for a DayZ vid.

No offence but if you can't tell the difference between War Z concept art and a DayZ screenshot are you sure your the right person to be advising people on how to play DayZ?

Edited by Fraggle
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you dont need a video you just need a modern pc with a decent quadcore and a decent graphics card all rest is just bs and waste of time.

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Protip: Don't use a WarZ "screenshot" for a DayZ vid.

No offence but if you can't tell the difference between War Z concept art and a DayZ screenshot are you sure your the right person to be advising people on how to play DayZ?

This. A basic bit of research should have shown you that the pic you chose is nothing like dayz. minus beanz :emptycan: If it was me i would have redone the whole vid just to get it right once i found out i had made such an error.

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Yeah, as a youtube uploader myself, you don't get monetized views from embedded videos, however you do get the ad revenue if someone clicks the "watch on youtube" link because it plays an ad before the video.

You don't get any money if people are using ad blocker plus

Edited by Papa Duck
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Protip: Don't use a WarZ "screenshot" for a DayZ vid.

No offence but if you can't tell the difference between War Z concept art and a DayZ screenshot are you sure your the right person to be advising people on how to play DayZ?

DayZ has no good looking stills apart from some other things this is a cinematic pic that looks faily okay.

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Confused as to how this forum works I know i may have gotten off on the bad foot with this guy thinking he knows how youtube partnerships work and shit but anywho can an ADMIN or MOD please explain why my topics or threads keep moving like this was in the New Player Disscussion for a reaso now it's in the gallary?

Can An Admin Please mve it back to its former location and If not delete it and notify me So I can make a new one with out people thundercunting me

Thanks :)

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The Gallery is for DayZ videos. You keep posting videos in the New Player Discussion forum so moderators are (rightly) moving them.

Please try to use the correct sub-forums in future.

Edited by mZLY

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Am I wrong or is that a WarZ pic there? Not a biggie I guess but find it odd. Forgive me if Im wrong.

Fixed it and thanks for not being malicious about it :D

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The Gallery is for DayZ videos. You keep posting videos in the New Player Discussion forum so moderators are (rightly) moving them.

Please try to use the correct sub-forums in future.

Okay but I'm posting guides and instead of typing out a massive guide

I show more and do more in a video can I make a written guide and add a video

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If the thread includes a DayZ related video then use the gallery please. Thanks! :)

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No offence but I did not find you tutorial remotely useful. It was either common sense, or you gave wrong advice. Wrong advice as in setting video memory to very high when one with a GFX card with more than 1 gb should set it to default. Plus the resolution you play is not for me. Your view distance set to max is pointless because the server you play on, dictates your view distance, setting it to 10000 would kill your FPS if the server allowed it.

There is nothing really that i can suggest to improve this because there are many other videos that go deeper with config editing that help more. So sorry if I sound rude.

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