NoyZ (DayZ) 66 Posted January 20, 2013 (edited) Ive read all your posts, and you will never be convinced to be friendlyBut you never were friendly,Being friendly doesnt mean screaming friendly everytime you see someone, its creep up behind them, tell them to drop their gun or they die.If they turn or argue then kill them, they are just taking a chance to kill youIf they need help, give them a transfusion or food and be on your way.The plan cant fail unless there is a group of them, no one can turn around before you can shoot them.Calling friendly isnt being friendly, its being stupidYou will be surprised at how many people react more friendly to "Drop your gun or im going to light you up"That is not true. When I first started I would try to run from fights and almost always got killed. I got tired of it and instead of lying down (it is against my nature) I decided to fight back.I've been waiting for that one. Excellent point. I see videos of that working fairly well but I choose to be the one that makes mistakes made by others a more painful moment. They will learn more from me in the long run.My main issue is the trying to tell others how to play. The 'tone' should have been like . . . "Would this not be a better way to do it?" rather than . . ."You are stoopid for doing it this way".@OP in my experience and mostly others' accounts, trying to talk pay far less dividends than KoS. Edited January 20, 2013 by NoyZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thelonewarrior 886 Posted January 20, 2013 (edited) Those are fair points, I was stupid in the beginning when I first started DayZ, now they eiether drop their weapon or die, although these encounters are usually because someone has logged in while in the same city as me as I dont really go into them unless I see no one is aroundOr unless im on a very specific mission to help people Edited January 20, 2013 by Regulator Lone Warrior 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bfisher 561 Posted January 20, 2013 this is not an anti all bandit/sniper thread - i am a bandit, my clan are bandits and some of us love to snipe but we never shoot on sight, we never kill fresh spawns/unarmed players, we always look for new ways to take what we want. This thread is aimed at the idiot minority we all know exists.The problem is some people are just jerks. They will go out of their way to kill other players for absolutly no reason. Which means even if you aren't a PvP KOS douche, you have to assume the other guy is. Why take the chance of you killing me and taking my awesome rifle and GPS when I can just kill you? That's why I like the bandit/hero skins, ghillie suits and other visual cues showing how the other guy has been playing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thelonewarrior 886 Posted January 20, 2013 (edited) Yeah the visual clues were fine until I discovered a little neat trick on private hives when I accidently got a bandit skin once for killing two guys that came at me with axesYou see ive met a few bandits calling friendly and not shooting at me, but survivor skins almost always open fire.Im not revealing it on here, but there is a way to glitch the bandit skin back to survivor skin without the bloodbag glitch, but i suspect many bandits use it to get back to survivor skin (it doesnt go as far as hero skin) to fool people as I see all the time on private hives one guy killing 6-7 people and still no bandit skin, so i know he knows the trick I know.But not being a bandit, it has no use to me Edited January 20, 2013 by Regulator Lone Warrior Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Guardian- 206 Posted January 20, 2013 Perfect example of it paying off in the end for not killing on sight happened for me a couple months ago. I was getting geared up in Berezinho when a Bambi runs up and starts chatting with me (annoying little fella i might add).I was pretty set with stuff and he was of no use to me. I wont lie, i did contemplate just killing him and going my own way, but instead I let it play out and had him run with me all the while helping him get geared. About 30 minutes into us running together outside of Staroye, he makes a mention about how he is in a Skype call with 3 other players who are currently at the NWAF. With this in mind I suggest we meet in Stary and run together from there. Little did they know that I too was in a Skype call with a couple friends who were on the server. After we all met up and started to run together i waited until we all were hitting a supermarket to take the chance. while they were checking loot all in the same area (stupid move on their part) i took my headshots. All four dead before they could even react, and these guys were geared to the max. about 15 minutes later my buds met with me at the same grocery store and we all left geared and happy.I could have easily killed this guy in the very beginning, but like they say. Sometimes you gotta let the little fish live to find the big fish. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dankine 377 Posted January 20, 2013 these crying/attempting to insult threads are becoming exceptionally boring. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoyZ (DayZ) 66 Posted January 21, 2013 Perfect example of it paying off in the end for not killing on sight happened for me a couple months ago. I was getting geared up in Berezinho when a Bambi runs up and starts chatting with me (annoying little fella i might add).I was pretty set with stuff and he was of no use to me. I wont lie, i did contemplate just killing him and going my own way, but instead I let it play out and had him run with me all the while helping him get geared. About 30 minutes into us running together outside of Staroye, he makes a mention about how he is in a Skype call with 3 other players who are currently at the NWAF. With this in mind I suggest we meet in Stary and run together from there. Little did they know that I too was in a Skype call with a couple friends who were on the server. After we all met up and started to run together i waited until we all were hitting a supermarket to take the chance. while they were checking loot all in the same area (stupid move on their part) i took my headshots. All four dead before they could even react, and these guys were geared to the max. about 15 minutes later my buds met with me at the same grocery store and we all left geared and happy.I could have easily killed this guy in the very beginning, but like they say. Sometimes you gotta let the little fish live to find the big fish. Personally I could never try to be nice to someone to their face then kill them with their back turned/unsuspecting. I would feel dirty just like the one and only time I ever killed an unarmed. I find that 'friendly then kill' far more cowardly than KoS.BUT I will defend your right to do that. Trust is a double edged sword and those that choose to trust accept the possible consequences. Next time may be different. They might catch you looking the other way and BAM .. . back to the coast for you. :murder:The problem is some people are just jerks. They will go out of their way to kill other players for absolutly no reason. Which means even if you aren't a PvP KOS douche, you have to assume the other guy is. Why take the chance of you killing me and taking my awesome rifle and GPS when I can just kill you?That's why I like the bandit/hero skins, ghillie suits and other visual cues showing how the other guy has been playing.Nope. Not for no reason. If they are geared up and have nothing left to loot they are adding to an aspect of the game that keeps it from dying. DayZ without PvP would have died a quick death a long time ago.these crying/attempting to insult threads are becoming exceptionally boring.Thank you for that exceptionally boring post. :wacko: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dankine 377 Posted January 21, 2013 Thank you for that exceptionally boring post. :wacko:Fitting for the thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RJTurneR 112 Posted January 21, 2013 Me and my buddies are more the neutral type. Really the only times we KOS is when:A) A player is headed towards our general direction, or towards where we are going too.B) A player is in the area of something worth looting, e.g. Crash site, dead players, that kind of thing.C) They are in an area that is usually hostile e.g. NWAF, Cherno, Electro, Stary.Any other time, we let players move along if they have seen us but have not shown any intention of firing, or are just running towards wherever they are going (With the exception of running we we are going). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terminal_boy 860 Posted January 21, 2013 The great thing about DayZ is that everyone can play it how they want to play it.This includes being a dick who kills non-threatening players on sight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RJTurneR 112 Posted January 21, 2013 Most of time, on my own, I'll help players out if they don't turn on me. A couple of times I've handed my pistol, and some other bits and bobs to help guys get on their way, this is when they have just spawed, or recently spawned. In a squad, it is difficult to help players or come across friendly at times because when people see multiple players, their first reaction is run/hide/shoot. We have handed other spare vehicles at times, as well as a helicopter too just to be nice. :)Our general rule is.. Judge from a distance, decide on what needs to be done. Sometimes if they pop round the corner at almost point blank range, you either spam direct chat, or you just have to shoot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drillakilla80 13 Posted January 21, 2013 (edited) Encountering another player, if I have the upper hand and have plenty of supplies I will let the player jog on or talk to them and maybe team up.If on the other hand I have no food, need medicines and dying of thirst, armed with a gun (like last night).... I will shoot on site and loot the other player. It's survival after all.I used to chance it before but I have been killed too many times, now if it's a toss up between me or the other player, I will kill them no questions. Edited January 21, 2013 by Drillakilla Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoyZ (DayZ) 66 Posted January 22, 2013 Fitting for the thread.Why are you here? :facepalm: GTFO if you have nothing to add.The great thing about DayZ is that everyone can play it how they want to play it.This includes being a dick who kills non-threatening players on sight.Exactly my point and I will fight for everyone's right to do so.Once again if you give someone a shot at you, you've made a tactical error. You need to examine what you did wrong and try not to do it again. It's the only way I ever get better at anything. ;) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Feral (DayZ) 622 Posted January 22, 2013 Exactly my point and I will fight for everyone's right to do so.agreed, even the right to be cowardly and stupid is sacred 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Col. Kurtz (DayZ) 91 Posted January 22, 2013 In summary KOS Bandits must be both Cowardly and Stoopid.The British said the same thing during the revolution. It's simple, play to win (in combat). Honor has no place on the battlefield (or in combat) Not to mention you're making a generalization without knowing why people do KOS. This is a very ignorant post. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PracticalTactical 164 Posted January 22, 2013 Highway robbery kicks ass in DayZ. Its just so damn hard to pull it off without some little cockroach disconnecting as soon as you have him subdued. As a somewhat friendly bandit, I do not like to KOS people. Its boring and not very challenging to do. DayZ needs a variety of ways to incapacitate someone without shooting them in the legs, like sneaking up behind them and pinning them to the ground or something. The game also needs to be allot harsher on people who ctrl+shift+escape and close DayZ that way. If these issues are addressed then there will be less KOS people and more creative banditry. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted January 22, 2013 Last chance saloon here, anymore insults and its Hammertime.Rasta - PM coming your way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoyZ (DayZ) 66 Posted January 22, 2013 (edited) agreed, even the right to be cowardly and stupid is sacredI would like to know what is cowardly about it? I've talked to more than a few players who have become KoS players because so many others are. Sometimes they are cool and everything and don't shoot you in the back just like a previous poster described but all it takes is one out of 10 and you've lost your stuff and starting over, unless (like the ones who say it's better to follow you and take ALL your stuff) you have a stash somewhere. At the start I was killed EVERY SINGLE TIME by KoS players. Not once did anyone offer to team up or be nice. There was always talk of it over side channel but I never ran into them. It is a defense mechanism for many. As long as there is a few KoS'ers around there will always be those that learn not to trust and shoot first and live. LOL@ trying to bring honor to a place where it can't be enforced.As far as it being sto^opid, the answer is easy. Only the ones that are honest with themselves will answer this correctly . . .Simple question . . . If it was you getting KoS'd, would you rather lose all your stuff or only what you have on you? I'm not out to take everything someone has because I don't want to lose all my stuff either.I play this game for the trill of the hunt. The racing of the heart and the flow of endorphins. I only KoS if I have the tactical advantage. If someone wants to just start shooting without analyzing the situation, I'll kill them 49 out of 50 times. If I don't have a tac adv, I'll stalk till the first opportunity presents itself with no regard for if you have more stuff somewhere.It's not my fault I mastered looting in like 5 days (and I'm being generous) got tired of getting killed and turned the tables. Like many others have. DEAL WITH IT. :)Last chance saloon here, anymore insults and its Hammertime.Rasta - PM coming your way.Just wondering if that PM contains a warning point like orlok promised. OP's post insulting KoS's intelligence and testicle size was screened if you need me to send it anywhere for confirmation. :) Strange his post is gone now along with mine. . . Edited January 22, 2013 by NoyZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted January 22, 2013 Insulting posts have been handled by DG. No conspiracy.L Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blindingsun 233 Posted January 22, 2013 The Samurai believed in Honour and look where it got them?... no any military force on the planet will do whatever it takes to get the upper I live by the rule, he who dies with the most toys: still dies. and as thus if I can give myself an advantage by leveling the playing field, then I will. even if that means opening fire on unknown target with weapon. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted January 22, 2013 The Samurai believed in Honour and look where it got them?... no where.I take it you know absolutely nothing about Japanese culture then? Lol. xD 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 139 Posted January 22, 2013 This is the best thread and most agreeable opinion I have ever seen on the dayz forum.Drinks on me, OP, I love you. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted January 22, 2013 I'm no Samurai expert, but I thought they had a rather nice empire for a little bit... just a while... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted January 22, 2013 I think they did pretty well, hence we still talk about them today and their culture lives on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgeesio 1034 Posted January 22, 2013 Firstly, I'm in a baaaad mood, so any more personal insults will result in warning points. If you don't like the thread ignore it. If you are insulted report it.You have been warned.Secondly, and back on topic. KOS is simple, has little risk with great reward and requires no imagination IMHO. It's a lazy way to play, but it's the easy way to play.Many of us have KOS'ed at some point of our DAYZ lives, but folk who ONLY KOS are a little dull to me.RgdsLoKsorry but if the reward is higher and quicker then how is it dumb ? it isnt most that cry about people who kill on sight are the ones being shot ;)i basically kill everything that moves . i find that simple easy and not confusing. confusion split descissions is what kills more dayz players. just do it move on . 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites