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It seems most of you don't understand how to be a bandit correctly. Banditry was not made so you could shoot all the fresh spawns in Cherno/Elektro with your DMR or other military grade gear. It was made so that people could kill others for their gear. Killing someone with not a thing on them is pointless. After 4-5 lives I just ran through, I got shot in either Elektro or Cherno while unarmed. If you kill fresh spawns, please learn that it's not banditry, you're just a douche. Also, I'm not taking a shot at bandits. I used to be one myself, I'm just trying to explain the difference to people that kill unarmed/fresh spawns that you are not a bandit, you are simply a douche.

Edited by morgan5796
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Yeppp... you summed it up. If this was realistic (I know it's not), then people would only be killing for gear and survival means, not for fun. People who kill for fun have mental deficiencies... but I guess this is only a game, not real life.

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You make it sound like all the people on this part of the forum are like the "douches" you are describing. Matter of fact is it's just those "Douches" giving us REAL bandits a bad reputation, but there's always black sheep in a herd. I for myself only kill if i see gear that i want or if i feel like the Survivor i spotted could be a threat to me. I do admitt that i used to drop bambis when i didn't know better, but those days are in the past.

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i kill for fun and sport its like hunting but with more deadly targets and who doesnt need an extra bandage i sure could use them. being a bandit in my own private group with 3 other friends of mine is a life style of DayZ for me i love the game and have fun. right now i have a ghillie suit, DMR, M9 SD, NV goggles, and a working Heli (ok conditioned) which i hope is still where i left it.

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"Douche"? if being a KOS bandit that fights and kills everything in his path for his own survival is being a douche than ok im a douche im sure hundreds of others would say the same.

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I don't have any problem with bandrity, it keeps the game interesting.

But killing someone who isn't armed? Thats not okay.

Being a bandit should be about either getting better gear, or

getting into some good old fashioned shootouts.

If you like killing new spawns for the thrill of it, you need to start

going head to head with actual geared up players, so head North.

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These guys aren't bandits they're just murderers.

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i kill for fun and sport its like hunting but with more deadly targets and who doesnt need an extra bandage i sure could use them. being a bandit in my own private group with 3 other friends of mine is a life style of DayZ for me i love the game and have fun. right now i have a ghillie suit, DMR, M9 SD, NV goggles, and a working Heli (ok conditioned) which i hope is still where i left it.

THe funny part is you're probably a horrible shot, hence the reason you sit around shooting fresh spawns for bandages. And if you got a heli, congrats anyone who logs onto a 1400+ vehicles server will get one in 5 minutes.
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THe funny part is you're probably a horrible shot, hence the reason you sit around shooting fresh spawns for bandages. And if you got a heli, congrats anyone who logs onto a 1400+ vehicles server will get one in 5 minutes.

Buddy, I know you're angry, but you're not thinking this through. This is a sandbox game. You do what you want. No playstyle is against the rules (except hacking), so there's really no need to insult someone who uses a playstyle that you don't agree with or like. If you think this guy is a coward or a jerk, that's fine, but keep it to yourself. Insulting people is pointless, and it gets a conversation nowhere.

Edited by colekern

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If you want to KoS try a PvP server (If you have the Skill set) i have no problem with it then that is why you are there. Not just running up and down the coast dropping spawnlings and thinking you are the man lol .............. Facepalm

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i kill for fun and sport its like hunting but with more deadly targets and who doesnt need an extra bandage i sure could use them. being a bandit in my own private group with 3 other friends of mine is a life style of DayZ for me i love the game and have fun. right now i have a ghillie suit, DMR, M9 SD, NV goggles, and a working Heli (ok conditioned) which i hope is still where i left it.

Can I get a translator over here to tell me what he's trying to say? I put it into google translate and this thing came out.

"i am alfa mail u faget"

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