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What Would You Like to Start With?

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Alot of people oppose patch 1.7.1, alot of people like it. If you could choose what you spawn with, what would it be? I found 1.7 too easy, but 1.7.1 to punishing personally. There needs to be a middle ground for the next patch.


1 Magazine

1 Bandage

1 Baked Beans

1 Soda

1 Heatpack

1 Morphine

1 Painkiller

10 Chemlights

Czech Vest Pouch

You only have 8 shots, so shooting other players means having no defense against zeds, and will often not be worth the effort. You are able to defend yourself to a very limited degree if you aggro some zeds. You have 1 of every basic survival item, so you have the option of going North instead of 1 of the coastal towns without starving, but you won't make it to areas like Berez/NWA/NEA without checking towns. Having a 4 slot backpack teaches you to be careful and thoughtful with your inventory.

This spawning system gives players 1 get-out-of-a-fuck-up-free card, but not multiple cards like before. It teaches new players to be cautious and thoughtful, but without beating them to the ground and pissing on their corpses.

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I'd like to spawn with nothing and a bunch of broken bones. I like it hardcore, real hardcore.

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Considering that nightime is absolutely black... you need some sort of light source when you spawn. Otherwise you might as well not even play if you have to re-spawn at night.

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Just flares.

I'd like to spawn with nothing and a bunch of broken bones. I like it hardcore' date=' real hardcore.


I LOL'd hard.

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A makarov with 2 magazines to deal with a zombie or two/a bandit, a bandage, one can of food, and one water bottle. A vest pouch would work for a pack, it's useless as it is since it's even smaller than the starting pack.

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I like to spawn with what we have at the moment. It doesn't screw you over for spawning at night, but means there's no stupid brand-new-spawned-player-PvP on the coast all the time now.

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A sore arse and your pants round your ankles..

Seriously - nothing at all.

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I want to spawn in a hospital with absolutely nothing and my muscles atrophying from the coma i've been in for the past 6 months.

Then I want to go outside and yell "Hello!" at the top of my lungs a dozen times.

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Prereq: Make NVGs and flashlights use batteries like rangefinders, etc do in ACE.

1 flashlight

2 batteries (one inside, one spare)

1 bandage

1 painkiller

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Since there is no melee..a pistol. If melee is developed, fists. Options to loot axes, metal poles, etc for melee but can only kill a zed with head hits. Must take out the brains.

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1x Makarov

1x Makarov's mag (it is just way too cruel to take all weapons away.. 1 mag is already cruel enough...

1x Bandage

1x Water bottle

thats it.. those are everything u need to survive 3 hours or 3 - 6 zombies which in my opinion isn't too easy or too hard... at least not with the current aggro range

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Having one makarov and a mag isnt going to do shit. You kill one zombie and 30 more will defiantly hear the shots. I like it the way it is, harder but still fun.

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I'm fine with not having a weapon to start off with, but I still don't get why we start off with the 8 slot bag when there is a smaller bag we can find. But to stop some of the bitching here I say:

1x Makarov

1x Makarov Mag

1x Bandage

1x Painkiller


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What we're spawning with in 1.7.1 now is perfect. If melee weapons get added to the game, fantastic.. but you shouldn't start with one. People who keep suggesting being able to use your fists? That's ridiculous.. this isn't resident evil movies.. the average person would rarely ever be able to due any sort of CQ fighting or grappling with a zombie that feels no pain and never tires. Melee weapons would be ok though.

Items as is now is fine.. I had no problem gearing up quickly when I started.

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5 Stanag clips


And preferrably a huey spawned nearby.

Will settle for just the NVGs

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A single can of Mountain Dew...

If you get thirsty, do you drink it, or keep it mint?

These are the questions that define us.

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Everything 1.7.1 but the backpack, but give 2 cans of beans and 2 cokes. Who in their right mind would grab a backpack but not have some food and drink? Solution is to give them food and drink but remove the bag.

*edit was to fix typo

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Everything 1.7.1 but the backpack' date=' but give 2 cans of beans and 2 cokes. Who in their right mind would grab a backpack but not have some food and drink? Solution is to give them food and drink but remove the bag.

*edit was to fix typo


a better question would be, who in their right mind would grab 2 cans of beans and 2 cokes and carry them in their pockets

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