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Trading System

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It would be fun to be able to interract with other players by trading our useless (for us) items to others in exchange of useful things. I mean a window wich can pop by pressing a button while you are near or/and aiming at another character. If he accepts your request, you'd be able to see his inventory and so could he. It would help people (maybe new players as i am) to create "non lethal proximity". Knowing that two survivor on a zombie island would probably not try to kill others unless its really necessary

I think it would add some serious rp dimension to the game, we could even start to look for players to meet instead of nubs to kill KiKOOO

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Why can't you just drop it on the ground? That is really unrealistic. The whole point of DayZ is human interaction and this limits it.

I think better roleplaying would actually be walking up to them and trading items like people already do.

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The thing about trading in DayZ is about that factor of trust. There shouldn't be a safe way to trade, It is much more thrilling to have to walk up to someone, trust them, drop your item/s, and be willing to risk losing all your gear to them.

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Manual trading can bring the suspense, so you think they'll shoot you in the head once you pick up the stuff and so forth.

This is a Survival Horror game, suspense contributes to horror.

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