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What do you feel like when you kill someone?

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There is always a range of emotions flowing depending on the circumstances of the kill. The satisfaction of hunting and killing another player(s) can feel orgasmic(giggity) sometimes.

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I killed a survivor a few days back at balota air strip, I was looting some dead bodies then I spotted this guy poking his head around a corner.

It was a clean kill, at mid range, straight through the head and he didn't suffer.

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I'm relieved if its a bandit, I dont kill survivors :) and I dont kill unarmed people!! :) so how I would feel if I killed them.. I will feel guilty if I would shoot one of them :( but if they shoot me first.. well then its selfdefense and then I think thats your own fault haha

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Depends on the situation, I for one don't get a better feeling in dayz that stumbling across somebody in the process of repairing a vehicle stalking them until it is fixed then pulling the trigger.

Did this to a couple guys last night who were fixing an off roader, nothing better than letting somebody do the hard work for you.

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Depends who it is. If it's someone hostile or who has been killing me or my team mates, im usually quite happy and pleased with myself. When i'ts someone who has ventured a bit too close to something im doing and dont want to be disturbed or compromised, I feel guilty and bad for them.

We killed a guy who had just run the full length of the Taviana bridge (for the second time!) the other day because he was armed and too close to where we were refuelling our vehicles. Felt really sorry for him.

Edited by Box

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It really matters who it is and what the situation is, however usually I feel a touch of guilt which is then taken over by the thought of the goodies on the dead person. :D

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like most people have said, it depends entirely on the circumstances.

i once capped a player in the back of the head while he was looting the corpse of another player he had just killed.

that made me cackle like the cryptkeeper.

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if i'm in the centre of cherno fighting to gear up, i feel the pressure of the gunshots and the haste to go away..and a bit sad for how many mindless player are online..since i try to not kill players i tend to do that only in self defence or for exceptional needs..so happy because i survived or because they had what i wanted, or frustrated if they don't.

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When I kill a bandit, I'm like "Fuck yeah, another one down" and when I kill a survivor in self defense or because It's necessary, I'm like "meh.."

Edited by Sutinen

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I'm a bit desensitized to this matter, the only emotion that has been coaxed out of me by one of my kills was guilt. I was running through the forrest outside Cherno when I see someone proned out and looking into the city. His body possition was suggested that he had a rifle of some sort. I hate Cherno snipers (A lot of my time spent on DayZ is spent on counter-sniping) so I snuck up behind him and threw an m67 at him for shits'n'giggles even though I could have easily popped him in the back of the head with my makky.

The grenade detonates and it sends this guy flying towards me, landing a sparse few meters away from me. He wasn't holding a rifle, he was holding a crossbow. Upon seeing this, I felt like shit. Worse than when I accidentally off unarmed players. I had ended the run of a man so desperate that he chose to pick up a crossbow. He had no food, no water, no medical supplies... But he did have a rangefinder.

So I relieved the corpse of anything good, though there wasn't much besides the RFs. Felt like shit the entire day afterwards because I felt like I had just killed someone completely innocent in a world full of assholes. I feel less like a dick when I kill unarmed players than when I kill someone rocking a crossbow.

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Remorse, no matter the curcumstance. Although they may be a killer or a threat, I always feel remorse. I wonder what kind of stuff they did before the fact. Maybe they were coming to kill me, maybe they had just helped a group of bambis get along.

Lol, still fun to kill banditos in elektro.

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I feel nothing as it's just a game. Gaming is not real life and shouldn't be linked with that certain emotions but still, everybody is different.

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I usually just feel the recoil of my rifle

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Like an unappologetical whore.

Edited by Dallas
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nothing.... its just virtual characters..... lol Okay I'll admit it.......

. vbLgT.jpg?1

Edited by KC Pr3lLoX
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When I spot them: You are a possible threat, wether or not you have a gun right now, you will have one sooner or later. Therefore, I kill you.

After he's dead: Nervous wether anyone noticed the gunshots. Collect their gear (if they have something) and quickly move off towards the location i wanted to go to before.

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This is a feeling, right?


Edited by deejay2900

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Before yesterday i had only killed people who had shot at me 1st.

This time I was looting hangars at the southern airstrip and moving towards the industrial buildings at the far end of the runway when i heard some AK shots. you could tell from the rythm of the shots that it was someone offing Zeds, so i wasn't that worried, but it meant he had the same ammo as me, so i have to admit i was tempted to go after him. A couple of minutes passed and having heared nothing i moved thru the bushes towards where he had been, only to see him running in the open towards me. I took cover and switched to full auto on the AK. I wasn't sure if he had seen me, but he ran right towards where i was hiding. he seemed to pause behind a bush so when he popped out he took a whole clip to the face and chest.

what happened next was poss. the most rewarding thing i have ever had in a game:

he had his mic on voice-activated and was in side chat, and i heard him scream with surprise and then pant and swear for about 30 seconds.

I was pretty shocked tbh, I didnt want to kill him, but he was too close and had stuff i needed. No other game has ever made me grin, feel remorse and make my hands shake with anticipation all at the same time. Day Z is genius.

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Completely depends on the situation. If he shot me or at me first, but I kill them, I'll usually get angry and halftaunt them by yelling "Look what you did, now my blood is low!" or something like that. If I tell them to stay away, and they come close and I'm forced to kill them, feeling is above. If I kill someone who turned out to be friendly, I'll say sorry, and try not to loot the real good stuff on them.

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