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bad_mojo (DayZ)

Have you ever been held up?

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Disappointingly, I've never had someone tell me to drop my weapon or demand I give them my gear, despite having a ton of player encounters. I do play on the main hive, so that could be a factor.

How about you? Have you ever been held up? Were you armed? Did they catch you unaware? Direct chat? Side chat?

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I've never been held up for gear, it's just snipe or shots without a word. I have held someone up myself, but not for their gear.. it was on Namalsk and my friend was in the same area with a broken leg so we couldn't get out of there fast. He was unarmed though, but with tons of weapon spawns surrounding us we couldn't let the guy stay unattended. Waited for my friend to crawl over and keep him at gunpoint while I searched for morphine. Found it in the end and then we let him go.

Seems like the only ones that will hold you up are the ones that actually don't want to kill you nor wants your gear. You just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. It doesn't really matter if you play on public or private.

Edited by Darkwater
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Yeah, some kid tried to hold me and a mate up. I just kept telling him to give me a minute, and mumbled stuff about figuring it out, until he then offered us medical supplies, presumably to stop us shooting him. Then a guy on an out-of-control bicycle nearly ran me over while we were all talking on the side of a hill.

EDIT: My mate was 50m away moving towards him, he thought it was me....... I had an M16/ACOG and the other guy had an AS50, apparently similar looking weapons to some.

Edited by beno_83au

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Some guy tried once

Him: "Oi drop your gun"

Me: "You drop YOUR gun"

Him: "Drop it, i've got a sniper on the hill"

Me: "I don't give a fuck, eat a dick"


Me - Dead

good lol tho

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Kiddiot -"I'm friendly, drop your gun, do it faggot"

Me - "Friendly?, yeah right, that's why you have a rag around your head eh, how bout nah"

Kiddiot - "Drop it now, if I was gonna shoot you you'd already be dead faggot"

Me - "You kiss you mother with that mouth, Jimmy?"

Kiddiot - "Fuck you asshole, I should shoot you"

I then turn around and shoot him in the knees and hear a crack and it knocks him out, I proceed to tea bag his bandit face, he wakes up and starts going bat shit, so I silence him for good. Short version is, if you want to hold someone up successfully, be smart about it.

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Me and a friend scared someone into a barn where he sat camping the doors for about a minute, I tried to get him to drop his guns and walk outside by bluffing we'd throw a grenade in. He didn't even reply so I just swapped to my M4 and shot him in the face. If they don't comply they die!

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Someone tried to bluff myself and a fellow survivor...we were raiding the medical tent area near balota and some dude was yelling at us to "fuck off" otherwise him and his buddy were going to shoot us. It was dark and I didn't know where he was so we left the area and applied some medical attention to each other. After seeing that he says, "hey you guys seem cool, come over and we'll trade some shit". We go over and see him, by himself, prone in a deer stand, unarmed. Now I'm not one to shoot anyone unarmed, but if you try to bluff, expect to be killed.

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Once I did, but I couldn't understand his words though. He was a hero, they were a group of 5 heroes. I thought I got a ride, so they shot me when they though I was trying to steal their car. I don't know why people just won't get proper mics or learn to speak clearly, no ones gonna understand you that way.

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Sneaking down balota airfield after just spawning on the coast. All i had was a makarof with 1 mag. Shot in the back by a sniper. He tells me to drop my gun and gear and he will come blood bag me and send me on my way. I tell him to fuck off and unload my gun into the ground, he kills me. Fuck him, Rather die than comply.

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I had a guy do it once a few months after release, but I was traveling (fairly sparsely) with 3 other guys, so when I passed by the guy and he told me "stop or I'll shoot" I immediately had 3 other friends shoot him down before he could do much. I'm not sure I would play along anyways, since I'd be pretty convinced he was fucking with me until he killed me. I recently had a guy with an M249 telling to me to stop and trying to break my legs as a bambi. I just ran up to him and stole a nade - didn't kill him but I think I might have knocked him out with it.

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I've never been held up or held anyone else up.

However, there was a time when I was engaged in some tense negotiations with an armed survivor and his friend who were pinned in a supermarket. We were covering the exits while I talked to them and tried having them get down in another part of the store while we gathered the things we needed and left.

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There have only been 2 times that I've ever been told to drop my weapons & both were on Private Hives, anytime I'm on a public server I've been KoS'd (despite being a hero)..

The first time I was told to drop my weapons & show myself was when I was giving away a new spawn UAZ near Blacklake on the "Chosen Guild Dayz Server" the server was being shutdown the very next day & is going to be back up when the Standalone is released.

The second time I was told to drop my weapons was just a few days ago on the Balota Buddies US46 Whitelisted Server while I was raiding the Berezino Hospital for medical supplies with 2 friends & it ended in my entire squads death, let me explain this one because it was my own fault & the guy who told me to drop my weapons had no intention of shooting me but due to my sound setup at the time I couldn't hear him clearly & he was sporting the same skin/weapon as one of my friends was so I approched him casually & when I noticed he wasn't with me I sprinted away & alerted my friends that we weren't alone saying "Player, player, player!"..

During my sprint away from him I heard a very faint "Drop your weapons" his voice was faint because of my sound settings, apparently ARMA II's VOIP was set to come out of my computers speakers & I was wearing my full over-ear headphones. So by the time my brain had calculated what he said in his barely audible muffled voice I was already full sprint away & he opened fire. At which point one of my friends had located another player who was with the guy who had shot me & he killed him.

Anyway after the misunderstood firefight they picked us up & let us get our gear back: at which point the 5 of us went to raid the NE airfield, afterwards both of our squads went seperate ways.

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I think I might try holding someone up just for fun. But, the catch is I'll do it with no ammo for the weapon I'm holding. I'll drop my ammo when I see an armed player and then try to get them to drop their gear. If they comply I'll give them whatever they want from my gear, if they decide to kill me they'll be surprised to see I had no means to actually kill them. Maybe I could go one further and fill my backpack and inventory with tin cans, just so they know I wasn't out of ammo, I really had no intention of even killing them.

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Only once, turned out to be a bad move for the bandit...

Raiding the Starry Store for some lovely beans and a spare water bottle, i keep myself in view of the front door so my overwatch on the north hill can keep an eye on me.

As i go to leave the front of the store direct comms lights up. "Lower your weapon.. im taking you hostage..." I thought fair enough and lowered my weapon as asked, My overwatch clocks this and notices something aint right so he beads in on me, he see's my lips move so he knows im talking in direct to someone.

"right we are going to my car its down on the east of town near the white barn. we are going to walk there, no sudden movements or ill shoot," again i complied with his orders and began walking out of the supermarket, i walked no more than 10 paces out of the door when the air erupted in a deafening roar as the M107 watching me on the hill lit up... bye bye bandit, and thanks for the extra Stanag ammo.

Edited by Derpy_Hooves

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Had someone kidnap my gf once. This was back in may of last year. We were playing on Cherno, some guy drove up

To her after she spAwned and demanded she come with him. She complied. Since she is next to me i was fully aware of where he was going with her. Buddy and I jumped into our v3s and went straight towards them. We smashed into the atv. Blowing it up. Knocked them both out bleeding and broken legs. We epi penned/bandage etc my gf. Bandaged the kidnapper. We put him in the back of our v3s and drove him

To a remote location where we disposed of his living body. Wasn't living after we bled him out.

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