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Best places to pitch a tent/make a base?

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I want to make a base with my buddys, but we don't quite now where exactly to put the tents.

Our old camp was *somewhere* around Stary Sobor, and it was there for days with no one finding it.

Another camp we had was located by following the coastline road, until you go offroad into the debug area.

Any more idea about good camp locations?


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Right in the center of towns that nobody goes to. Nobody ever thinks to look there.

Like which ones?

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Like which ones?

Which town have you never decided to loot because it only has a couple enter-able buildings? Just think a tiny bit.

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Which town have you never decided to loot because it only has a couple enter-able buildings? Just think a tiny bit.

Sorry, what do you mean by "think"?

I cant understand... What you mean.. Like.. I dont know. Anyway..

Thanks :|

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Sorry, what do you mean by "think"?

I cant understand... What you mean.. Like.. I dont know. Anyway..

Thanks :|

I think he means towns like Guglovo....places where there is very little, to no loot and hence players tend to just run past without entering. Pitching a tent there, away from plain sight is probably safer than in the woods right up north or to the west, where everyone hides their stuff.

Edited by DemonGroover

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The forest placed at west of the NWAF, it's pretty thick and most of the people that go that way dies.

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Has anyone said "in your pants" yet? If not I'll say it.

But just try find a forest somehwere thats out of the way but not too obvious.Trial and error really!

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Right in the center of towns that nobody goes to. Nobody ever thinks to look there.

Shhhhh. I've had my stash hidden up for weeks :(

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Sorry, what do you mean by "think"?

I cant understand... What you mean.. Like.. I dont know. Anyway..

Thanks :|

I just wanted you to take out a map, and think for yourself without just giving you the answer. But yeah, DemonGroover hit the nail on the head.

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I just wanted you to take out a map, and think for yourself without just giving you the answer. But yeah, DemonGroover hit the nail on the head.

God, people really don't get sarcasm around here.

But thanks anyway :)

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I maintained a camp for a long time at Old Fields just a bit NE or Starry. I don't have it any longer due to the trees eating the tents, but I just love how I was a stones throw away from Starry without any issues.

But yes, small towns can be surprisingly effective. And bridges, no one looks under bridges.

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Find a spot with dense spruce trees and place your tent between two. Make sure it's not in the edges of the map, because that's where everyone looks for tents.

Then, you just have to remember or take a picture of the location on the map, so you know where it is. I have had problems finding my own tents before, because I'm good at hiding them.

It's also good to make a "dummy tent" if you get one extra. Place that tent 50+ meters away from your tent and so other people can see it clearly. They wont even look around for other tents, they will just run for it and find out it's empty. That saves you from potential looters.

Edited by Sutinen
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Find a spot with dense spruce trees and place your tent between two. Make sure it's not in the edges of the map, because that's where everyone looks for tents.

Then, you just have to remember or take a picture of the location on the map, so you know where it is. I have had problems finding my own tents before, because I'm good at hiding them.

It's also good to make a "dummy tent" if you get one extra. Place that tent 50+ meters away from your tent and so other people can see it clearly. They wont even look around for other tents, they will just run for it and find out it's empty. That saves you from potential looters.

LOL that's exactly what I did. I have a camp on US46 for a month now and it has not been found yet. (knock on wood)


Edited by llluminati

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sosnova, petrovka, shakovka..those little towns you can see on dayzdb map that have no good loot.

you may not like there, because a bit of zombies are spawned, and you could be spotted,or someone could go for investigations seeing the infected.

i like the fields with trees near berezino..there are 3 or more of them and you cannot see a shit if you don't crouch walk or crawl. remember that on a server with big population, someone could hit your tent anytime.

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I'm also wondering how a Kamenka camp would work out. That and a bicycle and you're all set.

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happened to me to place one near a barrack on a server and it's still there..it seems a lot of players use it to farm the building..

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I got some tents that never were detected (as far as I can say from the stuff inside). Thought the spot was pretty obvious but it seems like nobody looks there. Pretty nice spot and enough room for at least 3 tents.

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I camp inside wooded areas which have a nice situation between areas to collect supplies.

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Nowhere is safe. Yeah stick it away from the most travelled routes in a bit of cover to prevent it being accidentally discovered too easily but your tent WILL get raided.

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as people have been saying try to find a town that has hardly any loot and hide it in there. any small town with no enterable buildings should do the trick. otherwise if it does have such buildings dont hide it inside because if anyone bothers to loot the town they will go straight to the enterable house.

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