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Survivor, stop yelling "Friendly friendly" when im aiming at you!

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For me the true joy would be to try and survive. If i would have died several times a day, i would eventually stop playing cause of the repetitive run into nearest town, try get a gun, better backpack, some food and drinks, then up to stary and the northwest for better gear etc

See thats the difference, i've played so long and had so many choppers and high end gear i dont really care about gear, not as attached as you are :P

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See thats the difference, i've played so long and had so many choppers and high end gear i dont really care about gear, not as attached as you are :P

I still dont like the fact that you say that im attached. I just gave away my AS50 but just got killed by a hacker... see, im a nice guy :)

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For me the true joy would be to try and survive. If i would have died several times a day, i would eventually stop playing cause of the repetitive run into nearest town, try get a gun, better backpack, some food and drinks, then up to stary and the northwest for better gear etc

But see, you're contradicting yourself.

You say the joy is trying to survive. But then you talk about the repetitiveness of going town to town in search of gear. Well, my friend, that's where the "joy of trying to survive" comes in. It's not about the gear you find; it's about your travels in search of that gear. It's never the same scenario. You never who you'll run in to and if they're friendly or not. Or how the battle will play out given the weapons you currently have on hand at that moment.

It's about what happens on the road, not what you have in your backpack.

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Its not allways a mindset problem, its just surivival instincts. If 90% of the players does it, there is a 90% chance that the player you meet is going to shoot you. Its either dead (never KoS) or alive (KoS). Now im between both, and i hope that most people are to.

The problem is, 90% of the player base does not have that mindset, I'm willing to bet money on that, Yes its a large percentage i'd say maybe around 50%. Its a mindset thinking that everybody wants you dead :P

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The problem is, 90% of the player base does not have that mindset, I'm willing to bet money on that, Yes its a large percentage i'd say maybe around 50%. Its a mindset thinking that everybody wants you dead :P

I've come across a lot of people that were genuinely willing not to murder me on sight and give basic assistance, and I usually try to give the benefit of the doubt too. It's burned me a few times (last time what looked like two survivors with military weapons were in trouble via all the zombies in the world outside of Cherno so I went down with my friend to help them and we did and were leaving when the one I didn't get a good look at shot me; turned out it was a chick with a bandit skin, but I killed his buddy before dying and my friend finished the bandit so it all worked out), but all the times it didn't is what makes it worthwhile. Also helps people seem to be willing to trust a hero more than a random survivor ;o

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'Killing on sight because everyone else does it'

Learn to think for yourselves, dont be seen, and if you are then shoot them in the leg if you have to shoot back.

Maybe they will learn not to shoot everything that moves when they have to crawl for 10mins to find morphine.

And some people say you cant tell who is friendly, do what I do, sneak up behind them, press your gun to the back of their head and tell them

"Drop the gun or your dead, Im friendly but I wont hesitate to kill you"

If they turn around or try to argue, then shoot them as they are obviously trying to work out a plan to kill or or if they turn they are definantly going to kill you.

If they comply, chances are they are more friendly than you first thought and you might at least be able to get a transfusion or something, and this works wonders on private hives as they might well remember you and return the favour.

Its simple, but people are just too scared to do anything other than get a quick thrill

Killing on sight will give you a thrill for minutes, maybe hours.....

Finding someone to go on an advanture with will keep you coming back for a lifetime

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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For me the true joy would be to try and survive. If i would have died several times a day, i would eventually stop playing cause of the repetitive run into nearest town, try get a gun, better backpack, some food and drinks, then up to stary and the northwest for better gear etc

You don't need gear to survive. Food, water, sure sometimes. But not a backpack/gun, that stuff just makes survival easier.

To me it's about the journey, not the destination.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you shouldn't be motivated by gear, but you're saying you aren't when your post says you are.

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"Broken mechanics"? Situations like this are what make the game so intense!

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I can not simply KoS i have done so and got no enjoyment what so ever.Mind you i like to play PvP that is where i go if l feel like killing everyone i see

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It may have to due with people thinking the term. "Trust no one" means (oh trust no one so i will just kos on then). No saying trust no one means don't be a idiot and run out in the open towards a player shouting "friendly?" and then going on the forums and whining about it when you die *not this thread but there are plenty like that*

Edited by harley001
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I've come across a lot of people that were genuinely willing not to murder me on sight and give basic assistance, and I usually try to give the benefit of the doubt too. It's burned me a few times (last time what looked like two survivors with military weapons were in trouble via all the zombies in the world outside of Cherno so I went down with my friend to help them and we did and were leaving when the one I didn't get a good look at shot me; turned out it was a chick with a bandit skin, but I killed his buddy before dying and my friend finished the bandit so it all worked out), but all the times it didn't is what makes it worthwhile. Also helps people seem to be willing to trust a hero more than a random survivor ;o

If people are openly reckless in Cherno, they are probably also openly reckless towards strangers.

Also try to recall the conversations you have with your buddies on teamspeak, when you approach other groups of players. Remember you buddy Dan saying: "Maybe we should just shoot them. I mean, we're not bandits, but just to be safe." When you approach a group of people, not only do they fear for their own lives, but they are also very protective of each other. When I meet a stranger, determine he's pretty friendly and he says: "My friend is on the way," I treat this information as a cause for alarm. It doesn't mean I'll blast his brains out or run for the hills, but it means I at least will have to entertain the possibility, that when I stop contributing to the group with advise or jokes, I may end up as the third wheel and the third wheel often ends up face down in a ditch.

No shame in safely approaching people from a covered position. This dropping your weapon, baring your cheat, will just get you shot fast.

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That is real life, this is a game. In a real life war situation you will have buddys to cover your back. And because this is a game there are several factors that makes it alot harder to locate an enemy, feks footsteps,

awareness and different sounds

Well if you have a buddy to cover you the situation is different from what I whrite there, When me and my mate play I usually am the overwatch from point where I can confirm a clear route from cover to cover etc.

And about the awereness of your surrounding area, you prettymuch can hear when somebody is getting close in DayZ/Arma and you can even locate the direction where its coming from, if you can not do that buy better speakers/headset :)

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There is no way to prevent KoS. If everyone had godmode then yeaaah but still :P

Well correct me if Im wrong but the fact that if you move in cover and stay out of SIGHT that pretty much prevents to get killed on SIGHT?

Edited by Apina

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Why are people still doing this? I mean, it does not help. If i want to kill you, i will. If i ask you to drop your gun, it means that i will let you live, but only on the premis that you do what i say, and try to pull out your secondary is not one of those things

There is a reason alot of us shoots on sight, people cant be trusted. How manny times havent you been screwed over by someone who "said" they where friendly, and the next second you are eating dirt. You complain about ME shooting on sight, but the truth is its not my fault people cant be trusted. Lets hope that the standalone fixes some of these broken mechanics.

Keep surviving mates, avoid me and eat beans

If I got you in my scope - you will realize that I am pointing at you when my bullet hits you. You even have not a single chance to yell "friendly" or something like that. It just hits you and you are dead. But do not blame it on us snipers. It is the fault of the community. You ran into my scope - so do not cry about snipers. It is just your fault :P

Keep surviving mates, avoid me and eat beans ... or you eat my .50cal bullets

Edited by Draxx

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You don't need gear to survive. Food, water, sure sometimes. But not a backpack/gun, that stuff just makes survival easier.

To me it's about the journey, not the destination.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you shouldn't be motivated by gear, but you're saying you aren't when your post says you are.

Then DayZ needs to get bigger. As it is right now, it gets booring quickly!

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'Killing on sight because everyone else does it'

Learn to think for yourselves, dont be seen, and if you are then shoot them in the leg if you have to shoot back.

Maybe they will learn not to shoot everything that moves when they have to crawl for 10mins to find morphine.

And some people say you cant tell who is friendly, do what I do, sneak up behind them, press your gun to the back of their head and tell them

"Drop the gun or your dead, Im friendly but I wont hesitate to kill you"

If they turn around or try to argue, then shoot them as they are obviously trying to work out a plan to kill or or if they turn they are definantly going to kill you.

If they comply, chances are they are more friendly than you first thought and you might at least be able to get a transfusion or something, and this works wonders on private hives as they might well remember you and return the favour.

Its simple, but people are just too scared to do anything other than get a quick thrill

Killing on sight will give you a thrill for minutes, maybe hours.....

Finding someone to go on an advanture with will keep you coming back for a lifetime

Thats not what im saying. Its my playstyle, im not killing everyone i see, but KoS happens. Im a lonewolf, therefor i dont want a buddy. Also, if you would have red my thread correctly you would realize that i do the same thing you do.

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Well correct me if Im wrong but the fact that if you move in cover and stay out of SIGHT that pretty much prevents to get killed on SIGHT?

why not just play a single player game then..

its hilarous hhow bandits/KoSers all say, be careful dont get seen.

if thats the idea of DayZ is to never encounter players in order to expect to stay alive, then why not just change DayZ into a singleplayer expereince.. its the same bloody thing..

i play DayZ expecting to run into players, but it would be nice if every fukn encounter wasnt just bullets flying my direction right away...

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People, please read my other posts so i dont have to repeat my self again and again.

I read your original post and never once did you state you were a loner player.

Now to the bigger picture discussion, I do think killing other players on sight or for not dropping their gear is just causing more problems as it spreads the mindset. But there is very little that can be done without damaging the thrill of pvp.

Now clans/groups could help curve this if it wasn't so easy to lie about being in a known/popular friendly group. But really the only long term solution is make killing players just as rewarding as letting people live.

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I read your original post and never once did you state you were a loner player.

Now to the bigger picture discussion, I do think killing other players on sight or for not dropping their gear is just causing more problems as it spreads the mindset. But there is very little that can be done without damaging the thrill of pvp.

Now clans/groups could help curve this if it wasn't so easy to lie about being in a known/popular friendly group. But really the only long term solution is make killing players just as rewarding as letting people live.

Please read my OTHER posts. Edited by grimsonfart

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why not just play a single player game then..

its hilarous hhow bandits/KoSers all say, be careful dont get seen.

if thats the idea of DayZ is to never encounter players in order to expect to stay alive, then why not just change DayZ into a singleplayer expereince.. its the same bloody thing..

i play DayZ expecting to run into players, but it would be nice if every fukn encounter wasnt just bullets flying my direction right away...

Well Im not telling that you should not contact people anywhere quote me me if Im wrong. Moving out of sight do not prevent you from talking to people in directchat in any way.

Oh and about bandit thing, Im not one at all, rolling with a hero skin never killing survivors and even giving newspawn bandit a opportunity to run if they dont act like a douche. :)

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