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Is it worth starting now?

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With the standalone coming sometime this year and all the updates they're going to have compared to the mod, is it worth buying Arma 2 and going through the annoying process of installing the mod or should new players just wait out the dayz standalone?

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Standalone could be a while I say buy the mod get used to the mod and when standalone arrives, you should know what your doing and how to get geared up.

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It's your call dude. Just read all of the info about both the game and the mod and then make your choice. If money isn't an issue I'd say grab Arma and play the mod (and Arma, it's great). If money's tight then hold out for the SA.

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Standalone could be a while I say buy the mod get used to the mod and when standalone arrives, you should know what your doing and how to get geared up.

I've heard some people talk about it like it should be out any day and others saying it won't be out until fall. Have they honestly not given any hint at all?

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Buy it and use DayZ Commander. I had a few probs getting it to run my first night but nothing like the horror stories I read about and feared. We dont know exactly when the SA will be out so if 30$ wont put you out too badly, get it. When the SA comes out the mod and SA will start differing more and more with each patch so really youll have 2 games to play,the SA version and the player driven mod. Will be interesting to see how each of them evolve. IMO :D

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Yes, it has it's own community dev team now so expect the mod to be continually changing and improving for a long time yet.

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I'll give it realistically next month before you'll get a chance to play SA, so i would say Arma II is worth the buy in the mean time

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I've heard some people talk about it like it should be out any day and others saying it won't be out until fall. Have they honestly not given any hint at all?

Closed testing is about to begin. It really depends on how that goes. There are no confirmed dates, read this for more info: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/ and keep up to date by reading the announcement section on these forums, it saves us a lot of typing, people keep asking the same questions and the info is already there :)

Edited by Fraggle
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Buy it. Your pretty much getting two games for the price of half a game (compared to the prices on games like Black Ops and Far Cry).

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Closed testing is about to begin. It really depends on how that goes. There are no confirmed dates, read this for more info: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/ and keep up to date by reading the announcement section on these forums, it saves us a lot of typing, people keep asking the same questions and the info is already there :)

Also note this "testing" thats starting is more like a stress test then anything, So don't expect it to last forever

Note: i'm adding onto what fraggle said, not telling him something he already knows :)"

Edited by Ovation

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Honestly, buy it for Arma2 and enjoy all the other kick ass mods that come with it.

I bought it for DayZ but very quickly realized that it was the engine I fell in love with.. the DayZ mod is now nothing but a perk. ;)

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Support Bohemia man, buy Arma!

Most definitely. Without Arma, there'd be nothing to base DayZ from. Just waiting for a hard drive to come from NewEgg so I can finally install PMC, British Military and Army of the Czech Republic ^^ Watch some YT/videos on Arma II gameplay. Some of the firefights are almost too-real for pixels! lol

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Well if you're starting now , atleast go play on whitelist servers cause everything else is hacker infested , I have been to many servers daily and in every server there is hacker , guy with godmode , guy with aimbot , guy with apache or teleport . Avoid russian servers like cancer , they are the most worst . If you can run for 20 min without being teleported to air or getting killed by hacker that just teleported behind you . You were lucky >:(

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I just started playing last week, got the Arma 2/CO package through amazon for $15 (I just missed the sale that steam had going for similar price). It was definitlely worth it. Only played Arma to get oriented, and jumped into Dayz within an hour.

Having lotsa fun, I for one am glad I didn't wait for the SA.

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Well if you're starting now , atleast go play on whitelist servers cause everything else is hacker infested , I have been to many servers daily and in every server there is hacker , guy with godmode , guy with aimbot , guy with apache or teleport . Avoid russian servers like cancer , they are the most worst . If you can run for 20 min without being teleported to air or getting killed by hacker that just teleported behind you . You were lucky >:(

Lol... I think I'll just wait for the stand alone if that's the case... I don't feel like dealing with hackers every time I play a game... unless white listed servers are easier to access than Minecraft ones are...those are annoying.

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Don't be so scared of hackers. You're in the USA so join the server 'US 303' and enjoy a main hive server with an active admin. I play there mostly and haven't been teleported in ages. There's thousands of servers, so find a good one and stick to it. Besides once you learn the ropes being killed by a hacker once in a while isn't such a big deal.

As for your original question, I'd suggest getting it. Not only for DayZ mod but also Arma itself. There are lots of other mods and game modes that are amazing. Not to mention it's been out for years so there are literally thousands of great custom made missions to download from the web. Also, all the custom maps currently in the DayZ mod won't be in the standalone upon release(if ever), so you'll miss out on those if you don't try the mod.

Watch some youtube videos if you're not convinced. Other than DayZ, some terms to seach for are...

-arma2 wasteland

-arma2 ace

-arma2 city life

-arma2 domination




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As the above post states, ARMA 2 has a ton of mods that you can play beyond DayZ.

I wouldnt hesitate to snag ARMA 2, chances are you will still play versions of it long after the Standalone comes out.

Tired of Zombies, want to rob a bank? ARMA 2 mod for that.

Want to test your skills landing on an aircraft carrier at night in the rain? ARMA 2 mod for that.

Want to blow shit up in an AC130 Sectre Gunship? ARMA 2 mod for that.

Want to HALO jump as a Goat into enemy territory? ARMA 2, dont even need a mod.

Edited by Eegore

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If you have money to spend on a game, it's not a bad choice. I personally think you'll have at least six weekends to squeeze enough hours out of DayZ to make it worth it's price.

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Can only say ,Buy it and discover Arma and Dayz.

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