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Downhill Development in DayZ

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You had no problem giving people a tutorial on how to use ladders through walls, hide in bushes to get away from zombies, and any of that other crap - not to mention being able to avoid zombies rather easy from your video - guess it just ain't easy enough. I don't even know why I came into this. :X ...

So I give a tutorial...and your point is...? I've tried many variations on a theme. Tried different ways to lose them, yet get to loot spawns. I know how to ditch them. Its just taking longer and longer to do so due to sheer numbers & speed. I know how to hide in bushed, etc. But after doing that for an hour just trying to get one item... it gets really tedious and boring. But if you want to grind zombies... have fun I guess.

Edited by Seddrik Frost

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The reason the zombies appear to be so fast is because it's a bug. In a recent interview with Matt Lightfoot, a developer of DayZ, he said that it was planned to increase zombie speed.

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Currently there are way too many zombies. I was with one guy on a low pop server, and there were 30 zombies immediately around us (yes I counted)... not counting others beyond that. Was the zombie count upped?

Zombie run speed is absurd still. Watch them run 3 to 4 times faster than a person can. They are decaying, rotting bodies... yet they run as fast as the bionic man. Used to be intense having the option to run into a building, have maybe 15-20 seconds to loot and then need to run out fast or be blocked in. Now... theres no chance. Its guaranteed. And not just one or two... but 5 or 10 blocking the door. Its stupid. Theres just a glut of aburdity that takes away from the immersion of the game.

This doesnt even count the instant hit (usually 2 or 3 hits tbh) no animation of zombies also...

Has the quality of loot in the barracks been reduced? Seems like it.

Vehicles are freakishly fragile. I mwan... you cant drive anywhere with out going from green to red over rediculous things. I've been in real car wrecks, even ones where cars we over 30mph, spun round, etc. And could still drive away. Not so in dayz...

Dunno, just seems more and more tedious, and less fun. I hope SA is better than this current development dirction.

lol, what a load of butthurt

shit just got real, if you find it too hard now then you must really suck cos me and the guys i play with have been loving it since the patch.

Try warz, reckon you'll like that

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Me and a buddy can split up, make it in and outta cherno with whatever parts we need in less then 15/20 minutes. I don't understand what you are doing wrong.

he's running in thinking he's god makigna sh*t tonne of noise then complaining that the zombies can hear him

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yeah, eagle eye zombies that spot you from 200m away and knock you out in 2 hits, and if you try to run they'll run faster than you and break your legs on 2 hits.

These people bragging that they arent much of a problem probably were full geared up before the patch, with shittons of ammunition and use all the 'cheats' to avoid zombies, like hiding in trees or combat logging.

But try to play solo fresh spawn and you'll see our point.

Now we cant run from them, we cant kill them without being swarmed, and we cant hide from them (without using glitches), there's no point playing this thing.

If the game will keep going this way, soon it will become unplayable and the only servers that people will play in are that [9000 vehicles, start with mk48, NVG and RF, less zombies, always day, more buildings and herp derp]

OH WAIT, that sounds familliar? yeaah, that's already happening.

Edited by lipemr

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These people bragging that they arent much of a problem probably were full geared up before the patch, with shittons of ammunition and use all the 'cheats' to avoid zombies, like hiding in trees or combat logging.


It took me a few attempts to 'work out' how best to deal with zeds, i died several times as i 'learned' how to deal with them.

If you are slow and patient it is possible to loot the NWAF, cherno, elektro, anywhere in fact either solo or as a group, as long as you take it slow and don't get impatient trying to run about to speed things up. The trick is don't shoot, if you get Aggro by multiple zeds then drag them out of the area into the trees and stealth back in.

I spent 2 - 3 hours looting the NWAF and a couple of crash sites solo the other night, armed with only a hatchet i got myself a decent primary, nvg's and a coyote pack among other things and i didn't die.

Edited by wabbit

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I didnt read every line of every post so sorry if its been said but OP is gonna be maaaaad when zombies can run indoors in SA.

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Tried different ways to lose them, yet get to loot spawns. I know how to ditch them. Its just taking longer and longer to do so due to sheer numbers & speed. I know how to hide in bushed, etc. But after doing that for an hour just trying to get one item...

man, you have such a defeatist attitude, you hide in bushes for an hour? i guess some folks just aren't cut out for the new challenges the patch delivered.

You need to either quit the game like all the other fucktards or buck up and try adapting to the changes, like all good gamers.

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I really want to see some organic zombie progression; as oppose to having different zombie types. To give an idea of what to expect; the slower the zombies are, the older they are an more decomposed they are.

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Indeed, its supposed to be some kind o disease (mutated rabies?)

I think the Z's are fine, i like fast Z's...the Z's from world war Z look awesome from the trailer, they should make em like that... super hive mind Z's :thumbsup:

Hahahaha, I just looked up the trailer for World War Z... please tell me that was a joke.... while I agree they are cool, those zeds are like flesh-eating ants! They can form human towers and topple buses while coming in waves of thousands!

Every player on a server would be dead at first contact! :0

But try to play solo fresh spawn and you'll see our point.

Now we cant run from them, we cant kill them without being swarmed, and we cant hide from them (without using glitches), there's no point playing this thing.

I played solo today, fresh spawn, got an AK-74 within 15 minutes, ran to Zelenogorsk, crawled to the general store, killed a bandit who had aggro'd many zeds with his partner, got shot and went unconscious, woke up and bandaged myself, crawled to the guy's corpse (with a zombie standing on it) and took his ALICE pack and M16 without the zombie noticing, then found food and a revolver in the general store, then lost several of these "un-losable" zombies again before logging.

Zombies aren't the challenge with, the challenge is I can't eat cooked meat and instantly regain full health. :P

Edited by Gews

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The amount of zombies isn't a problem really, it's the way they're spread so evenly throughout towns. Give them horde behaviour or something

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I think you'll find that the axe is your friend , even more so now than in previous mod versions , as shooting your gun in areas you want to loot , will make it impossible .

Although now you can more easily drag a larger percentage of the zeds to another area , then lose them and go back and loot the areas you want .

It's not that much harder to loot , just different .

On the other hand , it's much more interesting trying to get those three tires on the sedan you just found sitting in the main street of Vybor .

I have to admit , at times , I have seen an alarmingly large number of zeds , but it's nothing that can't be dealt with one way or another .

I think people will just have to accept that the most useful weapon for looting and scavenging , will be the melee weapons .

Edited by Jars

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psst......CRAWL and dont be within 50ft of a zombie while your crawling.....quite easy

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