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to the fine individual who told me to hit shift p

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Shift + P brings up the admin menu so the battleye kicks you for hacking or something like that, but im not sure.

Edited by Konrad IV
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What does shift+P do?

It's a server control hotkey. If the server is running battleye you get kicked.

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Pretty sure it gets you kicked, lol.

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indeed not the first time in a game and my gullible ass will fall for it again in another game

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Thanks for letting me know, didn't know this. Beans for TC.

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A general rule of thumb:

If people tell you to push buttons, don't push buttons.

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I heard if you press f13 you get free beans from Rocket.

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Reminds me of the times on Counter-Strike: Source, when my friends and I would make people think that writing "quti" in the console would sometimes cause a glitch and make you a server admin for as long as you didn't disconnect from the server...

("quti" does the same as "quit," which terminates the game.)

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you are a Dick but I respect your style

well played

Well played indeed. I'd suggest not pressing things for now on.

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Oh In my mind I was screaming to myself dont do it in a "leaping to stop the bullet slowmotion NNoooOOOooooo" but my derpmonster said yes!!!

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