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Lord Lovecustard

Played my first session of DayZ ever last night. ..

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I spawned somewhere outside of Solnichniy (I think, by a petrol station). I joined a UK server, so it was night time, people aren't kidding when they say you can see nothing at night in this game!

I headed towards the factory, and got inside and had a look around, nothing to take but empty cans. I heard a groan behind me so I turned round to be confronted by my first zombie! Naturally, I panicked and ran as fast as my little virtual legs could take me straight up into the hillside.

I spent the next 2 hours crawling around in the dark and the rain with nothing to show for it but a tin of beans and a can of soda to show for it, but I didn't care because at least I was alive....for now.

Welcome to Chenarus, I can't ****** wait to get back!

Cheers for reading

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Nice story! :D Remember you got a flashlight you can use at night. Remove it from your toolbelt, and press L to turn on/off.

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cheers todo, I was considering using it, but didn't know how much that would aggro the zombies round me! Do they get particularly bothered by it like they do chemlights?

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They don't get agroed at all from your flashlight actually, it's just the players you should be worried about it, try and bring your brightness in the options up, I personally don't like increasing my gamma though.

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Welcome to teh game - I remember that feeling of panic so well from my first game! This is a fantastic game that only gets better as you play! If you ever fancy getting involed with a group of few decent blokes check us out and check out our Taviana server, our guys are noob friendly and will help you. Details in my signature mate.

Good luck with your next scavenge!

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Enjoy DayZ the first few days you play it.

The first week of DayZ will be unlike any other gaming experience you'll find, it's unique.

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It wont be the same feeling, you're kind of used to it by now so you know what you have to do.

The most fun feeling is getting lost 4 minutes after you spawned.

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quick tip, if zombies are chasing you dont run for hours. just crouch(x) in a bush they'll get confused after a second and then leave:)

and i do suggest wathing these videos, they are realy helpfullbut sooooo loong)

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cheers guys, as you've all said it was quite nice to not be taken out by someone watching the spawn within the first few minutes. What I liked most is the fact that you could never quite tell if someone could be watching you or not and how close you could actually be to getting killed.

I think in 2 hours I'd travelled the total distance of about 500 metres, going back and forth from where I felt safe, but hey, it's just the beginning...

Hopefully my best mate in NZ is hooking up for a game this weekend, I'm gonna beg him for any spare weapons he has!

Cheers guys, if you see me about, please don't shoot!

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quick tip, if zombies are chasing you dont run for hours. just crouch(x) in a bush they'll get confused after a second and then leave:)

and i do suggest wathing these videos, they are realy helpfullbut sooooo loong)

Noooo the best part is figuring it all out for yourself. The only tut vid I would say a newbie should watch is how to find your way round the glitchy inventory. Everything else should be learn as you go.

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Actually, there was another thing I wanted to ask, at one point I was crawling towards what I can only describe as a farm, when I heard shuffling, I saw a black figure crawling beside me, but at 90 degrees to me if you see what I mean.

.It came up with the tag "man" but looking at the player list there was no-one by that name on the server.

What would it have been?

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Actually, there was another thing I wanted to ask, at one point I was crawling towards what I can only describe as a farm, when I heard shuffling, I saw a black figure crawling beside me, but at 90 degrees to me if you see what I mean.

.It came up with the tag "man" but looking at the player list there was no-one by that name on the server.

What would it have been?

Your shadow.

Nah, honestly don't know. Happened to me once but long ago and I forgot the reasoning.

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Sounds like a crawler zombie.

They will have name tags due to it being on ARMA engine I guess.

Some servers got em disabled others don't.

If it was a player his name should show if I remember right.

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Actually, there was another thing I wanted to ask, at one point I was crawling towards what I can only describe as a farm, when I heard shuffling, I saw a black figure crawling beside me, but at 90 degrees to me if you see what I mean.

.It came up with the tag "man" but looking at the player list there was no-one by that name on the server.

What would it have been?

it was a zombie. servers with that map thing where you can see where you are and stuff will also show zombies around you as "man"

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