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todo (DayZ)

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About todo (DayZ)

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  1. todo (DayZ)

    SA: server hopping

    Another idea could be to relocate people to one of the normal respawn points (maybe add more spawning points in land or so), whenever they join a new server, but remembering the last visited server and its location to prevent people who just crash or loses connection from having to start by the coast/random spot. This would make people want to stay on their 'main server', but still have the possibility to change server to play with friends or whatever. I mean, what reasons is people having to stay on the same place whenever they change server unless it's for some kind of looting in mind? I do realize that this might make some people wait for fully geared players at some of the coast spawning spots, but more spawning points might solve this.
  2. If you die you die, that is how it is, and how it should be! It's like Diablo 2 hc, its supposed to be tough on you whenever you die. It makes every time you DO get in a fight, being it with a player or just a zombie, and you actually DO survive so much more worth it, because you know what you would have lost. But if you do happen to die, you just have to pull yourself up and start over again, that's how the gameplay is. I mean, if you die it's gameover! You're not connected to you old character in anyway anymore, so why should you spawn nearby? That would also create alot of bad situations. Lets say you die by a player, you would just be able to spawn in nearby, get a quick weapon, like a hatchet which is pretty common in any industrial buildings, run behind him and kill him. That wouldn't be fair would it? Why should it be a bad thing to have buddies to help you out when needed? If a zombie apocalypse were to happen, I would diffidently stick with some people for better survival! Didn't you see the latest The Walking Dead episode? Everyone alone is as good as dead! ;)
  3. todo (DayZ)


    "Don't talk to me criminal!"
  4. Does that mean you have to sit for 5 minutes and refill your blood or do you get a "buff" refilling your blood over time? Other than that I actually like the ideas, especially that you aren't able to get to full blood instantly by spamming food, but instead needs to be even more careful around some places while replenishing your health. Would be nice with some rare medical items (Rare items, and should take ~5-10 seconds to use) which would restore a decent amount of health (like around 4-6000) for use in certain situations. If too over-powered, you could add a "debuff", which would make you loose that blood again over time (but not below lets say 1000 health). Keep up the good work.
  5. Seriously? But yes, I do have 80+ fps pretty much all the time, unless I have something big running in the background, but I am only playing on private hives restarting every 3 hours though, I don't know if that makes any difference but probably do?!
  6. I totally agree with this, the best solution for this IMO is to have it like whenever you leave the game in any other way beside the normal Abort button (where you have to be out of combat, no zombies around and so on) is to have a feature like WoW for example, where you are still in-game for ~20 seconds after ALT-F4ing, that would make people not want to ALT-F4 while in a shoot-out, because they know the other player is just gonna run up to him and shoot him.
  7. I don't know very much about it, but I do have a decent pc, with i7 870 and a GTX 560 Ti. The problem for me when playing dayZ was the ram aswell, only had 4GB DDR3 with Win 7 64-bit and had ~15 fps in towns and maybe ~20 outside... Then I bought 8GB of ram and I now have NO PROBLEM whats so ever, I'm running around with 80+ fps both in and out of towns. Hope this helped a bit. -todo
  8. todo (DayZ)

    Played my first session of DayZ ever last night. ..

    Nice story! :D Remember you got a flashlight you can use at night. Remove it from your toolbelt, and press L to turn on/off.
  9. todo (DayZ)

    New Endgame Content

    I really love this idea. To be able to protect your vehicles from snipers and collisions ect. Maybe make trucks like the Ural drive a tad slower the more metal protection it have, to make it more balanced. That makes you have a choice for what kind of car you want, the more tanky one or the faster one for picking up friends and stuff. Maybe be able to find some kind of camouflage kit for the cars, to make them more invisible in the forests. I would basically just love alot more possibilities with the vehicles (chopper aswell maybe), since they are some of the only things I go out and look for when maxed out in gear (gps, rangefinder, weapons and so on) So you sir, can definitely have my beans! (Does that sound wierd? :D) P.S. Sorry for any bad grammar, english isn't my native language :-)