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Winning fights where you have big disadvantages.

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Tell your stories about how you have won a firefight where you have big disadvantages such as, for example, not knowing the enemy location, being outnumbered or simply having a bad weapon.

I'll start with mine.

Me and my friend were driving down near Polana, when our car broke down. We were near an industrial area, so we decided to loot it and hope there was a wheel. My friend saw a fuel tank or whatever it is called, and decided to refuel while we are at it. After refueling 1 time though, I heard some small gunshots, sounded like a makarov or M1911. I knew we were both heroes, so if they were bandits that tried to kill us, pistols wouldn't do much. My friend went and tried to talk to them, when POW, comes a Lee Enfield shot. I ask him if he is OK, and he says one of the bastards killed him.

The admin of the server decided to help us in combat by taking his chopper and giving me recon by simply flying around and trying to spot them. He couldn't find them, and decided to go help some bambis instead.

Later I hear bullets flying by from a silenced weapon, they looted my friend. I ran into a pine, and they stopped firing. I started moving near to where he died, near our car, when I see some guy with a makarov checking out our car. Of course, I headshot him with my G17 (I didn't have a primary, stored most things in the car). and look if it is safe, and move forward. I started moving to my friends body, which was behind a wall. Im just at the end of the wall, where I can go to the otherside, when I see a lee enfield pointing from the other side. Seeing this as a perfect moment to damage him, I shot his visible hand, and he ran away. I pursued him, and found him trying to bandage himself behind the wall. He probably thought it was a long range shot. I finished him off with 3 shots to the chest, and looted their bodies. I later re-united with my friend at the factory, and then we notice the 2 guys I killed say in side chat "f*k u dollon".

So yeah, that's my story. I had only a pistol, against their rifles (The guy with a makarov took my friends PP-19, he didnt use it though for some reason) and they outnumbered me, and even got the first shots.

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Usually when you don't know where the enemies are either prone or run as fast as you can depending on the location/position!

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I don't get why people will try to kill you and then complain about it when you show them up. It just annoys me so much, because it's like, "Okay, so what part of this logic makes sense and why should a person like you exist who thinks it does? Don't bite off more than you can chew, and when you do, be happy if you get away with less than a broken jaw." As in, atleast you did not vow to hunt them forever on end and scriptkill them foreverandever.

Also, a reason not to use the PP-19 is just because (for me) the sights aren't too good and it's an SMG weapon. You ARE talking about the Bizon, correct? I found 3 mags for it once with the gun, but took an M14 instead just because it suits me more and is way more situational.

Pretty much, any time I've won a firefight was when I was SMARTER than them BEFORE the fight happened and killing them, or matching their weapons and just being better at fighting.

No underdog stories yet, otherwise I killed 1 bandit hunter that was shooting at me (spawn with a bandit skin after playing Taviana first time, first life) but his friend got me a bit later so didn't really "win" that one, but damaged his pride.

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Yeah love it when people, who initially tried to kill you, end up abusing you in side chat for defending yourself well.

I was once stuck in the supermarket for 10 minutes. Two Cz550 shots missed me, just as I entered the supermarket. So I just sat there in a corner, wanting really badly to log off. The minutes kept ticking and I wondered, why no one was closing in on the supermarket, so I decided to run out the front door and head around the back side. I rounded the corner and say a survivor with a M4 quickly taking cover behind the far corner, so I forced myself back into the market. I figured they were at least two people, one with a Cc550 and this guys with a M4, I only had an AK-74 I think. For a minute or two, we would walk back and forth, listening to each other's footsteps. I then decided to open the back door and throw a smoke in this room. While the coming zombies covered my footsteps, I changed position to the opposite backroom and few seconds later, I heard his footsteps on the other side of the wall. After a few long seconds, I peaked out and saw him approaching the smoke filled room, between the shelves, with his back against me.

I started shooting and watched him panic, when he got stuck between the shelves and couldn't turn or move to cover and then he just died. I killed the zombies with my last ammo, picked up his M4 and buried him. Then I can out the supermarket towards the west kill and instantly came under fire from two other weapons. A Cz550 and something else, as I reach the treeline, I was bleeding hard and my vision was blurry. I ran for one and a half minute more, constantly looking at my decreasing blood. At this point the shooting appeared to be far behind me, focused on the zombies they alarmed and I found a pine tree and bandaged with a little more than 2000 blood left. Then heading north, looking for a friend with a blood bag.

Edited by Dallas
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I don't have any of those stories.

What about losing fights when you have a huge advantage? I got a shed-load of those.

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I don't know if this counts as a big disadvantage, but I think it's worth mentioning:

I was in cherno, on a server with surprisingly little loot as newspawn. IRL it was late in the evening but in the game it was a cloudy day. I ran through almost every house, exchanging hits with zeds along the way, but as my food was running low and my character was getting increasingly thirsty I decided it was time to take the big risk-

The... Supermarket

That damned graphic glitch was having its primetime. The zombies were scarce. And even though there wasn't any food anywhere else, the supermarket was filled to the brim. I went and started filling my backpack, checking the back first and saving the deathtrap of the storefront for the end of my looting. And very well, as I was grabbing the last supplies, someone entered through the main enterance, carrying a handgun. I looked at him, slowly walking backwards towards the back door with my axe in my hands, repeating "Friendly, don't shoot". The man was silent, but before I could exit, a shot hit the wall behind me. I turned around, sprinting out the exit with the man coming after me.

Which were my options? Attacking him with my axe? Run around the exterior of the building, hoping he would take the wrong turn? Run straight for the buildings around the supermarket, and hide? The storefront faced the big, open road leading away from the city, and the back of the store faced a big wall with an opening right at the back door of the supermarket. However, between the supermarket and church was also a big, open street. He would have a clear shot at me.

Went out the exit, through the wall, and turned around to hug it. The wall was high and impossible to see through, but thanks to third person I could see the supermarket. I didn't have to wait long for the man to come after me. As he walked through the opening in the wall, he checked both sides. Sadly, he checked the wrong side first.

My first blow landed on his back, breaking his legs. I had quite a bad aim in third person, so of my subsequent blows only one or two landed. He tried to get up but couldn't, and instead tried to shoot me but turning around. However, since the turn speed while prone is much slower than while standing, I was able to circle him without him being able to hit me. At last, he just gave up. As he was about to die, he used his mic for the last time. Cursing, he told me he would come after me again when he respawned. I remained quiet, as his final insults stopped and the server anounced him dead.

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I met up with my friend who was talking to a friendly guy at the cherno fire station and when i got there we decided we were gonna head out. But the guy wanted to stay at the fire station and wait for his friend. (BTW he was just sitting on top of the fire station not inside) And as we were leaving i get hit in the back by his m14. I immideatley started zig zagging and got behind a wall. Bandaged and ate 2 steaks becuase i was extremeley low on blood. it was semi dark so i put on my night vision and looked on the roof and the guy was gone. Also my friend had an lmg as was being a baby hiding in a building. So i decide to flank around the fire station because the guy was no longer on the roof and he said we was waiting for his friend so i assumed he would still be there. So when i got around near the fire house about to enter through the back ( i was still a bit away in the grass behind it). I see the two of them coming out of the fire station and just unload almost a full clip onto the guy who shot me and then i used my last 2 bullets to shoot the other guy in the leg. And since i was using an ak which is pretty loud zombies started swarming and i just watched as they beat up knocked out and ate his friend. Then over side chat he was like OMG im so sorry i shot u i love the m14 can i come back and get it the only reason i shot you was because my friend was screaming in my ear telling me to do so. I said sure but inside i was like F*CK you, you shot me in the back so i told him he could come back and get his stuff but i hide both of there bodies.

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One of the best fights I have won involved stealing a military offroad from a large group with a helicopter who were looting the seraja military base in Namalsk. I had killed one bandit and gravely wounded another at Object A2 before coming up to the base, so I was already hyped up on adrenaline. The heli was hovering about 75 meters above the base as a lookout for the miltiple players looting the base. I decided to cause a distraction so, with my RPK I fired off 30 rounds into the helicopter spooking the driver into making a quick getaway. Foot mobiles approached the sound where I shot from so I looped around the base and hid under the heli pad. When the heli came back, landed and people were loading loot in I pooped a smoke to attract zombies and threw two frags at the group of players. 3 went down, 2 killed. But there were 4 others still alive! I looked around for an escape and saw their sparkling military offroad, jumped into the drivers seat and sped away while their bullets angrilly smacked against the metal frame.

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I was with one friend, we had a pretty big jeep, he had a winchester with 13 shots, and i had no weapons at all. we came up against a gang which had a chopper, 2 cars and about 6 players overall. we had already had some skirmishes in the past, so we knew they weren't gonna let us go without a fight! i told my friend to jump out of the car when we were approaching, and i drove headfirst at them. i smashed the uaz they had, and managed to break some legs in the process. by this point the jeep i was driving had taken heavy damage, but the old girl held up. my friend managed to kill the guys i had knocked down, and then there were only 3 left. once again i drove headfirst at their car and managed to destroy it. all the while my jeep was still holding up! then the chopper (which had been shooting at us the whole fight) flew down really low, and killed my friend. i saw a small ramp in the ground, and knew it was my only chance. i drove the jeep straight up the small ramp, getting me just enough air to smash into the chopper, and blow it into a million pieces. my car had blown up in the explosion, killing me, and the guys in the chopper were out for the count. at the end of the battle, no one was left standing!

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I run into a team of three in the school, one with a crossbow, one with a Lee Enfield, and one with a something else. They shot me and broke my leg, so I'm on the ground crawling around, bleeding out fast. Before I die, I kill the guy with the Lee, break the leg of another and land one shot into Mr Crossbow with my M1911. Mr Crossbow then proceeds to loot me while I'm unconscious, and then I die.

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then the chopper (which had been shooting at us the whole fight) flew down really low, and killed my friend. i saw a small ramp in the ground, and knew it was my only chance. i drove the jeep straight up the small ramp, getting me just enough air to smash into the chopper, and blow it into a million pieces. my car had blown up in the explosion, killing me, and the guys in the chopper were out for the count. at the end of the battle, no one was left standing!


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I love how nobody ever has video documentation of these insane slaughters. I know not everybody uses video capture, but I swear all the supposed "crazy rampages" happen without it. It's not that hard to do, and it is mega-satisfying when you can actually watch your screen after the fact....

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Found, followed and killed a guy on Taviana, he had an AK while I pressed my Makarov to the back of his head. ;)

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Got shot with a Lee Enfield by a "friendly" bandit, so I ran for cover and shot him in the head a couple of times. That's probably the one with the biggest disadvantage. Other ones have been minor (for example, AK-74 vs. AKM, I got shot 2 times with the AK-74 before opening fire. The guy went down much faster than me)

Edited by Sutinen

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I love how nobody ever has video documentation of these insane slaughters. I know not everybody uses video capture, but I swear all the supposed "crazy rampages" happen without it. It's not that hard to do, and it is mega-satisfying when you can actually watch your screen after the fact....

It actually is hard to do, since your two options consist of Fraps (or any video capture) and stream capturing through twitch. At even semi-decent resolutions you're looking at hundreds of gigs of information being stored on a drive just to have a chance of capturing something, OR gigs of bandwidth - which if you're not living in the US N'A is not very viable as most of us have bandwidth caps of some sort or another.

So yea, it's easy to do.. if you've got the resources to do it.

Edited by Cdrive
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My most recent experience with this was on a private hive, I really dont remember which one but it was a chernarus server with some custom buildings and vehicles. So a friend of mine and I found a Bi-Plane at the NE airfield and decided to troll cherno with it. So I fly over to cherno and start doing barrel rolls and loops and all the things you shouldn't do at low altitude in an airplane if you have any desire to continue living. Sure enough after our first pass we start taking incoming fire. This had very little effect on us as I crashed while doing a barrel roll over town and managed to kill us both with out any help from the people who had decided to fire at us.

So we both re-spawn miraculously we both get a cherno spawn, run over to the crash and grab our gear whilst under heavy sniper fire. This is when I realized that these snipers must be working in some sort of weird click or at least with an agreement not to shoot each other. I know this because while cowering behind the plane wreck I was able to spot two of them and could clearly see that they had line of sight on each other. any way. We run from our wrecked plane to the hill that runs along side the road that leads into cherno from the west. Almost immediately the third sniper begins to shoot at me from what I reckoned at the time was fairly close range. I dive for cover behind a near by tree. My mate is east of me and hasn't been fired on yet.

As I peak around the tree I spot the wookie just up the hill from me. I guide my mate in to flank him as the wookie has me rather pinned down at this point. As my buddy approaches him the wookie turns and begins to fire at him. I leap out from behind the tree and send a healthy burst from my ak at him. This kills the poor wookie but apparently enrages a near by friend of his. A second wookie blows my buddy's head off with a dmr from the road at the top of the hill. I creep up the hill moving from tree to tree until I see his head peaking out from some cover at the top of the hill. We both lean over, staring at each other in abject horror for a split second. Knowing that what comes next will not be a pleasant experience for one of us. I fire first, a clean sequence of shots hits him before his poor wookie mind can process what needs to be done. He is dead now and it doesn't mater anyway.

So at this point I am sighing with relief as I have just survived two very close calls. I creep up the rest of the hill to check their bodies and, yes you guessed it a third person begins to fire at me with an m4. He hits me twice and i run for the trees north of the road. I bandage and begin looking for him through the trees and brush in front of me. Low and behold this guy is marching across the same field I ran through and is almost straight lining my position. at this point I'm saying to my self "Ok these guys are just stupid." I wait until he lines up with me and I fire. He must have been on some low blood because it only took two shots to put him down.

This set of events also gave me a new and healthy respect for the cobra as a close to medium range weapon. It did everything I wanted it to and I'm sure with almost any other gun I would have had a harder time.

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It actually is hard to do, since your two options consist of Fraps (or any video capture) and stream capturing through twitch. At even semi-decent resolutions you're looking at hundreds of gigs of information being stored on a drive just to have a chance of capturing something, OR gigs of bandwidth - which if you're not living in the US N'A is not very viable as most of us have bandwidth caps of some sort or another.

So yea, it's easy to do.. if you've got the resources to do it.

That's not true, I live in China and we have access to internet much faster than what is offered in the United States. Please don't just assume you Americans have the best of everything.

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I believe the average download spead in Japan and Korea is about 60+mbps.

The US actually have very poor internet in comparison to the rest of the world.

Now... Back on topic, please! ;D

Edited by mZLY

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I believe the average download spead in Japan and Korea is about 60+mbps.

The US actually have very poor internet in comparison to the rest of the world.

Now... Back on topic, please! ;D

It's actually very cheap to provide fast internet, the technology has been in place for years, it's just that in highly democratic countries like the US you have to step on alot of toes to get new cables installed.

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I believe the average download spead in Japan and Korea is about 60+mbps.

The US actually have very poor internet in comparison to the rest of the world.

Now... Back on topic, please! ;D

I was talking about bandwidth usage caps, not speeds. Speeds are a non-issue for most. Sorry for the confusion.

And yes, sorry for the off-topic.. again.

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the best of "many"

Me and 2 other friends trying to meet up. We are coming from our camp the other guy is at the NE-AF looking for loot (just started on that server)

We see a chopper go his direction we tell him to watch out and get out of there, he gets on his atv wants to drive away ... AS50 shoots at him, he drives back into the hangar

just waiting then he says he can hear the chopper, after they came close they opening fire on the hangar but dont hit him, he 3rd Persons out of the hanger and sees them coming lower and lower

he decides to jump on his atv and try to get away but gets shot by the as50

when he got hit we (me and the other guy) where on the east of kabaninio already, we look out for the chopper if it lands or not a secound later we hear it coming our way, we hide the car and get out.

chopper opens fire at the car coming closer every secound, i get my m107 out and just keep running away waiting for the perfect shot

the chopper is now over us spraying at the trees we are hidding at, we run into the town hoping to find some good cover

as we continue to run through the forest evading his bullets we notice that the chopper is getting slower and slower nearly hovering

i tell my friend to get theyr attention while i hide in a bush, he runs out the see him and open fire at him he gets a bit away from me

i start to move out into a more open place and hide under a bush

my friend gets hit once but he manages to bandage

im still just waiting

then my friend gets hit by a zombie and breaks his legs, he takes out the zombie and the chopper is coming back as he is using morphine

the chopper gets slower and slower

i start to open fire 1 hit on the bottom, they are getting faster again as they now know we got the right equipment to take them out

another shot this time i hit the door gunner, he falls out of the chopper and hits the ground

and 3 more shots to the rotor area, they are going down all of them start to parachute out, i use that moment to run up to my friend and bloodbag him

we counted atleast 4 guys parachuting out of the chopper maybe more.

now we are moving up to the crash ( in the middle of the city)

while getting closer we manage to take out 1 ghillie with what looked like a sniper running over to the forest

they now know our location we try to get to the next tree line but somebody opens fire before we get there, we get cover and look

my friend spots him and takes him out

we both split up,

im trying to get on a little elevation to scout over the city

my friend stays close to the crash in some trees

i see a guy not sure if its him or not at pretty mutch his location

he cant confirm if its him or not before i hear shots and him saying oh fuck

then the guy falls, i look at the left bottom of the screen......... not his name showing up

he says he got hit and saw somebody moving his directiion

he is running for other cover to bandage

i hear some shots coming my way while im trying to go down to assist him

after i get behind cover i hear another gun shooting not at me this time

i try to get eyes on but i notice a motor bike on the street wich wasnt there before

i warn my friend that 1 or 2 people more are here

my friend is still getting shot at but manages to take the guy out without getting hit

i am still slowly moveing up to him for another bloodbag as he lost most of his health

im not sure if the guy that shot at me earlier is still around looking for me or if he already died

now there only is 1 street between is i decide to run over it, get shot and hit

i run over to my friend and bloodbag him while he is bandaging me

i then just try to get away from him so they cant take us both out at once

while im running my friend notices a guy aiming the direction im going he shoots him and we notice

its one of the guys that died already

we both think that the motor bike has to be his then

we decide to head into the east part of the city because we didnt check there before

as i am going around a corner my friend tells me to be carefull...

but too late im falling to the ground already

still not dead i hear him shooting, he says he got him and that hes running for me

half the way i die and he turns around to get cover again and then just waits...

but nothing happens

me and the other friend that got shot on the airfield are driving up to the city to get some gear of those guys

but we dont think we will make it because the server announced restart already

my friend manages to grab a m14 and a backpack while im still searching for another body the server restarts

that was it

little back story:

the guys we where fighting where the admins of the server wich are pretty big assholes just flying around in theyr chopper shooting everything up

just like the suv we found on the first day on that server

we took 3 more of theyr choppers out that week and only lost 1 fight

we then quit playing on that server because we thought that they are abusing admin rights

why did we think this?

found our big camp (nothing special)

find another car wich has tons of loot in it and was in the most awesome hidding spot i ever saw

they also keep running into us when we are playing and alot of them are on

always have choppers

and the day we quit they found 3 more vehicles full of gear very well hidden at locations FAR from each other in just a few hours

server is called something with dead horse with party hat

also fun fact: they always had the better gear then us and always showed up with WAY more people

we 4 at max them between 5-7 most of the time and once even 9 of them

edit: fuck me i just noticed how long this is

Edited by slightlyadvanced

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In elektro when i only had a crowbar I met up with a guy with a macarov and we decided to team up so we were walking up to the fire station when we were told to get on the floor by a guy with a assault rifle (not sure which) he asked us if we needed anything and we said not really he then shot me at what he thought was my head and killed my friend with some chest shots. But what he thought had killed me had only knocked me out and given me bleeding so after my short knock out I got up and started screaming a warcry whilst staying behind him smashing him again and again with my crowbar. After him taking heavy damage he finally got a shot on me which killed me but as i died i saw him pass out and a few minutes later saw his death message.

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