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I am brand new to DayZ and I can't wait to get going. I was just wondering what the forum's thoughts on using controllers instead of the default keyboard/mouse combo are? Are there any merits to it? It does seem on the surface that there probably aren't enough buttons on a normal xbox controller to facilitate everything a keyboard is capable of.


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It's got many more cons than pros.

You can get something like Xpadder to set it up yourself. I've heard some people say they use xbox controllers for it but I'm pretty sure it's impossible to efficiently use any controller for all of the possible actions you can perform.

It was made for mouse and keyboard, which is evident in the amount of keybindings and how the inventory works.

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You can actually use the Arma in-game menu itself to bind keys to a control pad but I wouldn't reccomend it. The game is designed for use with mouse and keyboard, trying to use it with a controller just doesn't work very well.

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Like Fraggle says, ArmA itself has a lot of keys that are quite core to the gameplay, and that it wouldn't be the best of shouts to use it for regular in-game use.

However, you may find it to be an absolute treat when you are flying choppers/planes. Maybe jump into the Editor and give it a little go? See if you find it easier than the keyboard/mouse combo.

In the meantime, have a phat controller.


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I've almost run out of keys using a keyboard, I imagine you will have a hard time.

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With the custom mapping of xpadder, it's possible to make modifier buttons, so you can map every function to your xbox pad.

At the end of the day, it's a matter of personal preference.

Use whichever you feel most comfortable with.

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I use a ps3 controller from time to time. Iuse xpadder the ps3 controller has the same amount of buttons the xbox has. But I would recomend sticking woth the mouse and keyboard u can pick what commands each button does but even if u use the basic controls nothing fancy u will still b short 3-4 buttons lol like now if I play if I find a heli I have to use keyboard and mouse

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What great responses, thanks guys. I'm going to kick off using the keyboard / mouse since that's what it's made for. Then once i've gotten used to how the game works etc i'll give the controller a day in court and see what happens!

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