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Hey I saw the posting about getting together to play DayZ in a group. I've been wanting to find someone to play the game with for a few days. Every time I encounter someone in-game it ends up in either a firefight or us parting ways due to mistrust. Nobody wants to go co-op with a stranger holding a shotgun :(

* I sent this message to zolfo first but I think his PM inbox is full! lol *

** I sent this message to Fishmitts second but it says he can't use the messaging system! wow! **

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I purchased Arma CO today and I will most likely start DayZ either EARLY in the morning 2-5AM PST or later on tomorrow and I really think I will need your assistance so I'm glad I came across this thread! After reading http://dayzmod.com/f...story-to-start/, I've started to wonder if I joined at a bad time. :/ I intend to play this game fairly just like I do with every other game, and a helping hand wouldn't hurt. xD

I will hop on the TS tomorrow and I will PM you for the info right now. [: Btw, I'm 15 so I'm probably younger than most of you. I hope you guys don't mind that. :x

EDIT: I also was unable to send my PM.

Edited by Lethal

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I tried sending you guys a message (Fishmitts and Zolfo) but said they couldn't take any messages =\

*Side note*

I'm 18 and love being involved with grouping up rather then running around shooting zed's or being shot by bandits

Edited by MrRoflcakes

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Hi thar :P

I tried sending a message to Zolfos but it wouldn't work, so decided to post here instead ;) I would love to join up with you guys, as im having a nasty time getting used to the controls, and if someone could help me find my way around, i'd be most appreciative :D

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Hey there. Yeah, Zolfos can't receive anymore messages now! But, I'd love the teamspeak info. I'm not really a group person - much more of a lone wolf than anything. But, I would love the chance to ask you guys a few questions. I started about a week ago and I have a good idea of the game, but I do have some questions I'd love answered. Thanks!

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Pm sent. Tried last night to go at it alone, no dice. The fact that i'm new to Arma as well didn't help, now I know a few things, but last night i promptly threw a smoke grenade right at my feet after i found it (accidently) and then started running as hell out of there. Got killed in an instant. xD

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i Would Like to Join this Team Speak server, If there is Anything you need to know such as: Age or anything, Dont Hesitate to ask!

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I am also part of the SiCo guild. I will be also be able to help with any questions you guys might have.

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I am also part of the SiCo guild. I will be also be able to help with any questions you guys might have.

I would like to get the TS info, cause I've been playing today being the biggest noob. I'm by a small town right now west of the quarry on the east coast and I have a double-barrel shotgun with no ammo and since the zeds aggro so easily, I can't get even the slightest bit close to the town without having to go back and run another mile up a hill to lose these zeds. D: I was hoping someone could come tag along with me and help me get in the supermarket and then we could just go around and about scavenging. x]

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I would love to join this group. I have the Day Z servers all up but when I try to join one it just does a black screen and goes back to my desktop..Would be awesome if you guys could help me.

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Just picked up Day Z Yesterday and I have been watching tons of YouTube videos! Super Excited about getting into the game with a helpful group. Like everyone else said your message inbox must be full as I cannot send you guys messages. Please send me that TS info! Thanks!


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I've replied to any PMs that have been sent to me.

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Bump - We are still offering help to anyone who needs it.

Look at first post for details.

You can also PM me.

Edited by Dez.

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We are still offering help, whether that be for brand new players that have no idea what they are doing or players that know what they are doing but are looking for an active community to play with.

Replying to all PMs I get!

Edited by Dez.

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Also PM'd, looking forward to joining. Group seems great!

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man i wud love to play with you guys my first experience in this game was cool i found a ak of a dead body in the first 5 mins then 5 mins later im dead and respwaning twice over sigh i just want to have fun lol ;D i dont got a mic though so that sucks for me but im getting a new one on the 18th :D

Edited by simplyepiccgaming

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Yet again. Replied to a whole bunch of PMs!

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I would be happy with help from anyone lol... I've only managed to actually get into a game once, and that lasted like ten mins. And it'd be cool to have a squad to roll with.

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I would be happy with help from anyone lol... I've only managed to actually get into a game once, and that lasted like ten mins. And it'd be cool to have a squad to roll with.

Replied to your PM :)

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