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I would like to join up with you guys if that's cool. Been playing this by myself for so long, it would be nice to join up with some survivors

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Can I join?

Ive been almost bored to death from waking. Everything exciting and fun happens in groups

I dont need help I just need a team

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id also like to join the teamspeak, it seems great to know people actually reply to other people when you talk to them and in english too.

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Hello, i would like to submit an application for joining you guys. I am currently dead but can very reliable get weapons each life. My best life yet was a trip into cherno on a mostly dead server where i found a crossbow and had tons of tools, unfortunately the ONE other guy on the server had the exact same idea and despite the fact that i said friendly he wasnt interested. So i lost my best loadout yet. I'm not bad at the game, I'm patient and spend an hour sneaking around zombies instead of shooting everything, i think thats why i pretty much always at least have a decent weapon when someone snipes me. All my deaths are to players lately. It seems every time i finally get something i get sniped or someone walks right up on me the second my back is turned.

So, anyway, yes i need advice and a friend or two.

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would love to join first time playing arma and dayz need serious help. dont know what im suppose to do and what im doing most of the time

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did they happen to get rid of guns when you first spawn? i saw that when the game first came out you got a revolver, then they changed it to an M9 sort of gun. I keep on dieing from zombies because i never spawn with a gun. is there any way to get a gun when you first spawn?

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did they happen to get rid of guns when you first spawn? i saw that when the game first came out you got a revolver' date=' then they changed it to an M9 sort of gun. I keep on dieing from zombies because i never spawn with a gun. is there any way to get a gun when you first spawn?


they changed that now you start with a flashlight,bandage

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If theres enough room I'd like to join. I've recently picked up this game 3 days ago and am generally running into the same problem others have, which is other players.

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I joined this group a few days ago. 100% recommend it.

they showed us how to survive around zombies to the point that they're no longer really a threat, and avoid getting killed by bandits. There's also always a team willing to help or group with you.

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You gotta pm ZOLFO if you want info to get in, I have my hands full right now, but once yer in the Sgt's or Cpl's will address any questions you might have about the game and how to succeed. It's us against Rocket. We truly belive that. The harder the better, bring it DEV'S..

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Going off OP

I might give you guys a shot I just got further into the game than I ever had so kinda wanna see how far my instincts will take me

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Just got done playing with these guys, and I have to say it was amazing. They are hilarious and I had a great time. I learned so much in such a short time that when I got some time to roam by myself I wasn't having troubles at all, and found a few essential items. I'm looking forward to playing with them again. If you're new these are the guys to go to, and if you're experienced they are someone you should meet.

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I have been playing a few days but haven't had any good luck at staying alive. I am looking to join. Plz help this noob

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Just started playing DayZ last night. Could use some help and advice. Allies are always a plus as well. :)

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Im getting DayZ Tomorrow And i stumbled apon this thread, I would love to join and have no knowlage of how to do anything in DayZ Like even switch guns.

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I'm no newbie but I'm interested in finding a group of players to roll with. I sent a PM.

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I'm going to make something real fucking clear here. If you join us and you use any kind of hacks or exploits you will be banned from our server, kicked from guild, and reported. Period. Were here to help people and play the game as intended. So if you do any of these things, dont bother joining because we WILL find out.

99% of the guys that play with us are awesome, but we just found an asshat. Dont be an asshat.

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sent a PM, really looking for a group to help me figure everything out in the game. Just got the game today.

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I just sent Zolfos a PM. Hopefully I can get with you guys and learn as much as I can!

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