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Is there still a point in buying Arma 2?

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I am thinking of buying Arma 2 to try this mod out but since Arma 3 is coming out I don't see if there is a point in buying Arma 2. Would the mod still even work on Arma 2 because I'm guessing the DayZ developers will use the Arma 3 engine or they will go standalone.

Any suggestions?

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The Standalone is due soon, can you wait?

If so, get the StandAlone version

edited to avoid to hate drivel of people who take every single word literally

Edited by Guyver1

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Alright thanks for clearing that up. Btw do you have any idea on the required specs for the engine it will be running on?

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Its running on Arma ][ 2.5 Take On Helicopters engine

not sure on the 'recommended' specs but a little googling should get you your answers

I would aim slightly higher than the recommended specs if you want fluid framerates during high action periods

Edited by Guyver1

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rocket said if the 2012 release schedule isnt met then it would slip into early 2013

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The Standalone is due out in the next few weeks, can you hold on for a few weeks?

If so, get the StandAlone version

I never saw anyone saying it'll be out in 'a few weeks'. Please restrain from making out false information. For all we know(The community) it could be out next year, in a few months, weeks, days, hours. The only thing that was said it was prefferable to be out by the end of 2012, but since its not, it may go on longer.

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rocket said if the 2012 release schedule isnt met then it would slip into early 2013

Of course it would slip into 2013 because 2012 ended and they didn't meet the schedule. Early 2013 doesn't mean few weeks, it means early 2013. That could be months.

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Arma 2 isnt worth buying anymore, the impending release of arma 3, arma 2 will be invalidated.

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OP asked if its still worth buying arma II, lets not have another release speculation thread eh peeps.

id say its still worth getting mate, especially as its on sale on steam. theres no telling when standalone will drop so there could potentially be months of life (..and death) left in the current build.

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If I buy arma 2, will I have to pay for DayZ when standalone comes out?

I believe thats a yes

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Arma][ OA is currently having a Steam Sale offer

So depends, do you want to play dayZ like NOW!! and you have a spare £15 in your bank acount?

Get Arma][

Can you wait X amount of weeks/months for the standalone release and you are on a VERY tight budget with no spare cash?

Wait for standalone

up to you really

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BIS have already stated that SA will have a low cost associated with it.

I would be very surprised if the SA was priced anything over say £15 <--- THIS IS A GUESS, SUE ME!

So even if you bought Arma][ on steam offer and then standalone, you'd still PROBABLY pay less than a full AAA PC title

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imo its not worth it , SA is just around the corner . well unless you like to play ARMA by itself which is a good military fps

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Buy Arma2, the standalone, and Arma3.

The mod will live on and I doubt it'll ever really die until we can play community maps and use other custom content in the standalone. There are also a few mods of DayZ at the moment that could be pretty epic if they're given enough time to mature. Arma3 looks awesome.

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I am thinking of buying Arma 2 to try this mod out but since Arma 3 is coming out I don't see if there is a point in buying Arma 2. Would the mod still even work on Arma 2 because I'm guessing the DayZ developers will use the Arma 3 engine or they will go standalone.

Any suggestions?

Standalone is more than likely due in the next few weeks because they've finished the huge parts of the initial standalone release (re-doing the way multiplayer works and hackers), so now it's just making sure the engine changes didn't cause any problems and bugfixing. Also, if you can run Arma 2, you can run Arma 3 and DayZ standalone.

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The point is, if I wanted to play arma 2, I could easily download it, but lately, I got really hooked on DayZ, after watching videos. Currently playing it on MTA, can't tell you how I want to play arma 2 Day Z =D I'm not a richass to allow me buying Arma 2 and then the standalone verion of a mod. I'll just wait for the standalone :) Thanks for you opinions.

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Yeah same, might as well just wait for the stand alone but thanks for everyone's advice :)

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