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How to get better at gun fights.

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Play Arma 2 more. I also recomend playing in first person as you can use the sights of your gun better. And use those Q and E keys often.

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Practise helps, but i find the most useful (and hardest) thing to do is stay calm. The number of times i have been shot at after disturbing someone, but almost none of those shots actual hit me, is unreal. It gets to the point that with some players you can almost walk straight up to them and axe them to death.

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I call it the "5 Cs" of gunfighting. When you start taking incomming:





Collect loot!

Be mindful of your movement as well:

Try to have a safe or cleared area to your back. For example, no one is going to shoot you from the sea. Or from that wall of buildings with no openings.

Keep objects between you and possible sniper positions. Like if you're running through Cherno or Electro, you want to have a wall between you and sniper hill, firehouse towers or any other hot spots.

Check those corners!

If you can't do stealth, go for speed. Everyone can see you crawling through that field! You are better off just running through quickly. You'l be harder to hit and anyone chasing you can't fire their weapon on a full run.

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First off: ArmA2 is completely different regarding the playstyle compared to other common shooters (like BF, CoD etc...)

Here you have TIME! No need to shoot instantly if you see an enemy in 300m distance. Take your time to check if the opponent has noticed you. Where is he heading? Is there a possibility of ambushing him on his way? What kind of weapon (and scope) do you use at that moment?

If you encounter an enemy with a sniper rifle for example: Most snipers are lying in their cover for quiet a long time. So sneak upon them - they are shooting regularly so you can estimate his position. Come from the back and if you get nearer move only by rolling on the floor or softly tipping your forward key. With this technique you can't be heared by your footsteps. Then you can get him with his pants down.

If someone is running around, try to get a sure shot on him. I only shoot if I am 100% certain that my enemy does not get away! Either you ambush him in CQC or you see him on a open field where he cannot flee fast.

For training - play Wasteland. You do not need to download it. Just search in the inGame browser for "wasteland". There you have the same feeling as in DayZ, but you can equip yourself pretty fast in case of death. It is pure pvp and great for combat training in this environment.

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Play the Wasteland mod. Join the independent side if you have friends, if not, join OpFor/BluFor. Find yourself a gun out of a vehicle or buy an M14 or M4A1 CCO from the gun store (Can get either with starting money). Go and look for trouble.

Wasteland is a brilliant mod to get better. Always getting into large firefights, me and my buddies play on Independent and we got ourselves involved in a firefight between Opfor and Blufor, must of been 20+ players excluding ourselves, lasted for about an hour. Find yourself a weapon, and a vehicle, start driving round, look for trouble, get stuck in.

ARMA 2 is alright.. But against AI it really doesn't compare. The AI rarely miss but they also do not move in the same way a real player does, it's actually pretty dumb the way they move about sometimes. Another good way though is using the Armex map (Known as the armoury). Will allow you to use any gun of your choice, maybe use the firing range or mark yourself targets and just pratice. You can also refine your heli skills too!

Since playing Wasteland my squad has gone from average, to pretty dam good if I say so myself. Our communication is much better (Now using compass/map/reference points to spot targets), as well as being much better taking down pesky bandits or otherwise annoying players.

In terms of actually being in a fight in DayZ, if they spot and fire at you first, move the hell out of there. Try and move back, flank back round, remain in cover. Never return fire if your being shot at first because your already on the back foot. If you spot them however, do not just start firing. Make sure you can take down the guy in a few shots, make you have a clear shot. No point in making yourself known if you dont have a good chance of killing him. Maybe wait until he starts moving again.

And most of all.. Don't panic, keep calm, and don't get annoyed when you die. It's all part of the game!

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Rule number 1 - Use the sights as the crosshairs aren't always on the money. This goes double if you've edited your config file to change your FOV.

Rule number 2 - If you're in town and likely to make sudden contact, set fire mode to full auto if possible and aim at the enemy's belt buckle. This way, the 2nd and 3rd shots will hit the torso as the muzzle rises up and to the right.

Rule number 3 - In the woods, find hard cover and pick the spot where you have the best chance to hit your enemy before firing. Making this a spot where he doesn't have a good chance to return fire is even better.

Rule number 4 - On semi auto, wait for the sights to drop back onto the enemy before firing again.

Rule number 5 - You never shoot at a moving target. Lead them slightly in front depending on range. Shooting a moving target at distance requires practice and is best avoided unless you have good cover and total surprise.

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Play on Utes - tiny island and lots of PVP. Or try Namalsk - always hardcore pvp players here. You've little to lose on these maps - you won't be setting up a camp, just wandering around shooting eachother. IMO the more fights you get into the better you'll get. On Cherno, even on a busy server days can potentially pass before seeing other players up close. Come standalone you'll be much more confident.

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Edited by Ansssi

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