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When was the first time YOU killed someone in DayZ?

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Literally the very first time I played.

I loaded the game up, joined a random server with a lot of players and spawned in in complete darkness right next to a guy standing in a boat holding a flare. I figured he was friendly or he wouldn't just be standing out in the open with a flare like that. (This was early days for the mod, there were A LOT more friendlies around...) He didn't have a mic but saluted and began to follow me as I made my way off in to the darkness to explore... We came to a small town on the coast and I went prone to try and sneak past the zombies, I turned around to see where he'd got to and he started shooting at me. I unloaded my revolver into his face and he dropped to the floor. I ran away, bandaged, left the game and then hid in a cupboard for several hours.

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Those fucking adrenaline rushes when you're in an intense firefight, they're awesome aren't they xD

Dude, they so are. I just got done with a triple homicide.

Heard a car drive up to the NE airfield and shortly thereafter, some gunfire. I didn't see any death messages, and then the two players started typing to each other in side chat and I realized they were in a standoff. One had the car and the other claimed he had a friend in the ATC. The driver of the car decided that he'd rather die destroying his gear than let anyone else get it, and started emptying his M107 into the truck. I was able to figure out where he was from the sound, and killed him with my CZ while he was dealing with all the aggro that his M107 attracted.

The other player thought he had been killed by zeds (even though I clearly shot 2-3 times with a gun that was definitely not an M107), so he comes over to loot the body. My zeroing was off so my first shot landed high. The noob gave in to his knee-jerk reaction and dropped to the ground. My second shot was dead on. I wondered if the third player was a bluff or not, but just to be safe I moved up closer to the truck and waited.

Sure enough, Bambi #3 came down from the ATC and went straight for the truck. I switched to my M16 and lit him up. When all was said and done, I had an M14, an M107, three Coyote Backpacks, 2 sets of NVGs, and enough ammo to clear out the whole server. Best of all, I found out afterward that the truck was the same Hilux that had been stolen from me earlier that day.

My hands shook the whole time and I couldn't calm down for about 10-15 minutes after it was all over. I thanked the other players for such an exciting firefight, and they were all really cool about it and congratulated me on being so ninja. None of them saw me throughout the ordeal until they were either hit or dead, and not a single shot was even fired at me.

This was not my first murder, but all the previous times were basically Bambi vs. Bambi. For example, the actual first time I ever killed another player was with a Winchester, but the other player had a double barrel and didn't even point it at me, so he probably would have been friendly if I hadn't shot at him. This was the first legitimate firefight I was ever part of, and I was the lone wolf victor with my choice of the spoils.


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While I am not a bandit, I still found this and couldn't resist posting.

So I was walking around Cherno, fresh spawn with a double barrel looking for ammo, food, drink, etc. when a guy with a ghillie suit is running a couple blocks down. He notices me and says with the most Jersey-sounding douche voice in his mic "yo brah, i'm gunna kill ya if ya don't leave now brah." I weigh my options, either run away, lose any chance of supplies, and let that douchebag live, or go after him with my double barrel while he has a pistol of some sort and what looks like an AS50 on his back(giant barrel sticking out his back against a blue sky). I decided I have nothing to lose, the guy sounds like a douchebag, and probably murders anyone he doesn't know personally. So I run into a grassy area near him, he flips out and says "Aight, you asked for it retard" and unloads a clip of 1911 in my general direction. this attracts a few zombies as you might imagine, but he comes after me, as I hoped he would. he comes around the corner, not knowing where I went, and I see him and unload 2 round into him, he fires at me again and hits once, but no broken bones luckily. I reload, fire 2 more shells, hit him and break his legs because he never stood back up. I ran behind a fence, reloaded, came back out and finished the job. He had a compass, map, GPS, entrenching tool, Military flashlight, toolbox, watch, matches, NV goggles, 2 cans of beans, 1 can of coke, a 1911 with 2 mags left, the AS50 with 6 full mags, 3 bandages, a rangefinder, and a few other things. I was utterly suprised. I quickly took everything and ran after I killed the couple zombies that followed us. He started cursing me out in the side chat right about now, sweared his revenge, and left.

TL;DR killed a Jersey-asshole that had a bunch of valuable stuff including AS50 w/ 6 mags and almost every tool only using a double barrel. Later ran away with all his supplies.

Had to have been a cheater. The AS50 usually spawns with only a couple mags, plus no one with gear like that hangs around Cherno. Nice going taking down a fully-equipped player with a double barrel though. That is quite impressive.

Edited by carpenatedbevrage

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The first time i killed another player was when i left a forrest and walked down a field to meet up with my brother and a friend.

Out in the open i suddenly heard shots coming from the forrest i just left. Back then i just hit the floor and looked back to see 2 survivors coming out of the same forrest. I didn't dare to move at all because they would see me as soon as i would get up.

Lying in the grass i waited what seemed like 45 minutes to me keeping the 2 in my sights. They shoot couple of Zombies near a dear stand that i left unchecked when i left the forrest, since i just wanted to meet up with my group again.

Then one guy made a run away from my position and his friend was still looting the Zombie corpses. That's when i took the chance and put 2 rounds into his head with my DMR. After waiting another felt 20 minutes waiting for his friend to come back.

I then checked the body found some nice stuff, Map, compass, knife, matches, Alice pack, food and water, meds everything i could possibly want.

So it was a good call for my safty and further survival shooting that person.

Edited by NightmareGER

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My first kill turned into an intense firefight. I was in Panthera (yeah, I've never killed anyone in Chernarus, they're really friendly there..), near Smuggler's Den. I befriended a guy by the name of Jimmy, and I asked for a flight to the west airstrip (we had to pass Smuggler's). On the way, we spot a guy standing next to a new Huey, I asked Jimmy if he was friendlies with the guy, he said no, so I just unload on the guy, killing him. A second guy rolls out of cover from a bush, and starts shooting at our heli. I didn't know where he was, so I'm just spraying bullets around. The guy ended up shooting our engine out, and we eject, falling 20 feet to the ground, plummeting to our death.

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I think I had my first legitimate bandit kill a week or two ago. It's been pretty present in my mind whilst playing as a bandit on Taviana since.

There was four of us and we were bombing it from Sabina to Byelov in a Vodnik. I'd been given an FN FAL and was pretty lucky as these guys tooled me up with good gear from a fresh spawn. We got to the end of the motorway and a survivor was standing there. Now, someone said there was a guy in a bush nearby waiting for us to get out, but I didn't really noticed that. I think I had a little bit of a power trip, what with it being my first time in the realms of banditry. Literally just took a few steps and unloaded rounds into him.

In my mind, there was no reason for that dude to die (assuming that wasn't a trap they were trying to pull on us) - but I suppose outright murder is just part of the bandit etiquette these days.

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I sneak up on a guy in the elektro supermarket, tell him to lower his pistol. The douchwad starts shooting me so I hip fire my m1014 into his stomach. He logs out his body...

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Some poor sod in the powerstation, he was on the top floor searching through a loot pile.

I had my brother with me, between us we only had 1 hatchet. i had no choice, we needed that loot or we where done for. He had a makrov too, couldn't take the chance of him killing us if he found us outside. I hatcheted him, he shot me. But Axe > Pistol it seems!

I'm so sorry SomalianPirate...

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Was at the ATC at North-West airfield. It was dark and I luckily had NVG's. 2 guys were searching the hangars, oblivious to me hiding in the ATC. Went downstairs and waited for them to get into the hangar nearest the Fire Station and the ATC. While one of them was searching the loot pile diagonally away from the window I double tapped him with my FN FAL which knocked him out on the first bullet and killed him on the second. The second one went under cover so I went upstairs stupidly, he hit me with his DMR knocking me out for a few seconds. I managed to get up and bandage myself without him seeing, before getting downstairs again. He started to run towards the ATC from one of the hangars, obviously thinking I was dead so I burst fired into him with a M4A1, before escaping to meet my squad.

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my first kill was around 10 minutes after i first logged in, i was walking towards balota (had no clue at the time) and i found an axe which i picked up ??reloaded?? and then starting jogging with, next to my surprise i seen some guy looks out of a house with his back turned from me so i took advantage of this moment and ran up behind him and with a massive swipe he was dead :) then another guy ran towards me shouting friendly and i was shouting friendly back althoguh i didn't realise you had to press a button to talk, so after no reply i had an axe in my face.

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Had to have been a cheater. The AS50 usually spawns with only a couple mags, plus no one with gear like that hangs around Cherno. Nice going taking down a fully-equipped player with a double barrel though. That is quite impressive.

i quite often head fully geared down to cherno so any1 that manages to kill me with the lower end gear has a nice reward for themselves.

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mine was way back in 1.4.4 or something. I had just geared up with an AK @ balota med tents - met two survivors just up the coast from there, near a port building. Both said friendly, chatted for a bit - went into the port shed & got domed by one of the survivors. Both guys think I'm dead and start arguing over which one gets the AK. Came out of shock pulled the AK while prone, domed both of them & bled out (no bandages). Spent the next two sessions giving bloodpacks to lose the bandit skin, which actually meant something back then.

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I think I had my first legitimate bandit kill a week or two ago. It's been pretty present in my mind whilst playing as a bandit on Taviana since.

There was four of us and we were bombing it from Sabina to Byelov in a Vodnik. I'd been given an FN FAL and was pretty lucky as these guys tooled me up with good gear from a fresh spawn. We got to the end of the motorway and a survivor was standing there. Now, someone said there was a guy in a bush nearby waiting for us to get out, but I didn't really noticed that. I think I had a little bit of a power trip, what with it being my first time in the realms of banditry. Literally just took a few steps and unloaded rounds into him.

In my mind, there was no reason for that dude to die (assuming that wasn't a trap they were trying to pull on us) - but I suppose outright murder is just part of the bandit etiquette these days.

About you playing a bandit on Tavania. I hate bandit skins, as in having them. You know, unless it's on Utes because that's really what it's there for. Anyway, I spawned in first time, first second, first life of Tavania as a bandit skin, and could not suicide to get rid of it. As a result, I got shot at many, many times, in which I killed THE one, or atleast one (depending if I actually HAD a weapon) of the people shooting at me, actually earning me the bandit. Also, a bit later, my friend and I went to the giant town with the morgue, and we sat there for literally 20 minutes while I repeatedly bloodbaged, morphined, and bandaged my friend, to no avail, still having the wretched bandit skin I was never supposed to have in the first place.

And pfft, trying to get people to believe you even though it is a known bug is pretty pointless. I get so much crap for that, it limits my doors to what I can do and experience, and also, having a bandit skin will earn you it faster than anything else. Once you have it, you can either man up and keep it or die from people that see you.

Example: Unarmed, asked for a ride to Boye from two guys with cars, when we met on the road by a mountain. Their response "NO", then "WAIT" in which they came back, and shot me, unarmed, standing in the middle of the road, me deciding to just take it as there really was no point in trying to survive.

Those guys were douches (talked to them later, a lot, and they were), and now we move on to a normal guy.

I spawn, and I find an M9SD randomly. I take it, and have 1 mag. I go further and see a TON of zombies between a hill and military bunkers, literally about 75 in that small area. I see a car. I check around for players, thinking with this much zombies, anyone inside those bunkers would be having a helluva time or shooting by now, so I go over to the car. No loot, and it's fine, except for the wheel is out.

Now I see a survivor coming from the bunkers, and he talks to me. Not being able to holster a pistol, this was going to be interesting. He had a double barrel. We just stood in the open, and I pointed my gun away from him, trying to type in direct as he was speaking. He decided to hip fire me with the double barrel. Agro'ing zombies, I pull out my pistol and shoot him 4 times in the chest and once in the head, dropping the SoB. I bandage and take his double barrel.

I ask him why he shot. "A bandit with an M9SD and a car looks like their doing good, and I only had a double barrel, and was getting scared." First off, I found the M9 randomly, and only had 1 mag, now wasted from the encounter with him (I shot him while he was falling out of reflex). The car was not mine, and was broken. My bandit skin was not supposed to be there. Oh right, and I had no food or water while I was almost at orange, along with no medical supplies and tools other than my flashlight. Doing great.

You see how this just makes more and more bad things happen?

Edited by Neko-san

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Back in the early DayZ i was just a lone unknown, You know just checking out Balota, not had the courage to venture North yet... when stumbling into a hangar i see an un suspecting player, i raised my AK and unloaded 6 rounds directly at him.

I feel no regret, no grief, only a sense that i survived to live another day... he did not.

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well i was in a private hive server fresh spawned, i say team in side chat one guy sais yes and he said come meet me in elektro so i went there. took me awhile he said he was in the fire station i checked for snipers, no snipers around so i decided at least better get a pistol. i look in the pub sure enough i find a revolver and plenty of ammo. i said to the guy in side im coming up to the fire station i headed up and turns out he has a duble barrels shotgun aimed at me he misses both shots luckily for me i shoot back i fire 3 shots in total 1 missed and the other 2 headshotted him and that was my first time.

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I've only been playing for four or five days now, but I was in one of the high value residentials in Elektro scavenging when I hear some idiot popping off with a G17 outside. I'm at red blood after an encounter with another bandit earlier in the day that was a terrible shot but nearly killed me before I was able to get away, so understandably I am paranoid. I type into direct that I'm friendly, but if he comes into the residential I will drop him.

So he comes inside the residential. He shoots me once with the G17 before I hit him in the head with the Enfield, but that one time is enough to bleed me out. We die simultaneously while he bitches me out in the side channel.

On a side note, it has taken me five days to go from a bambi, try to be friendly, helping folks out sort of survivor to a KOS will only trust the one friend that lives 2 miles from my house IRL sort of survivor. I love this game.

Edited by Jim Lahey
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I was rolling with my CQF (RIP) buddies, on a routine run to the Krasnostav general store to secure some beans and cola drank for our ninja base. We pull the hippie van up outside Krasnostav and we enter from the south. I was dressed up real fancy in my ghillie, with my trusty M24 ready to make a hole in the little fella that had taken up residence in the general store. I took up a position in the red churchy looking building overlooking the store, and my three buddies went to flank around into the store. Then my victim walked out of the store, in his ghillie suit, carrying his m249, and he got mobbed by an estimated 20 zombies. He starts spraying his m249 all over the place in an attempt to get he infected off his ass. The poor thing was a danger to himself, as well as my buddies, so I capped him in the knee. He keels over and the zombies finished the job. I get my beans and leave, with a shiny clean debug monitor.

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Second spawn.

Looting in construction.

Noob with makarov shots me 2 times in the back.

Axe'd him to death.

Noob still complains in side chat.

I log off.


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I had an enfield duel with some random guy on the streets of Cherno.

I had a five person shoot-out in the park across from fire station in cherno.

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God it's been too long.

How about the earliest I can remember?

I met someone around Cherno or Elektro, who eventually became probably one of my "best friends on Steam" for months, and still is, and we were attempting to help another player who also helped us. He was talking over direct voice chat and was clearly a nice fellow, but I shot him anyway for the lols. I ended up shooting that "best friends on Steam" as well, but I THINK that was on accident.

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God it's been too long.

How about the earliest I can remember?

I met someone around Cherno or Elektro, who eventually became probably one of my "best friends on Steam" for months, and still is, and we were attempting to help another player who also helped us. He was talking over direct voice chat and was clearly a nice fellow, but I shot him anyway for the lols. I ended up shooting that "best friends on Steam" as well, but I THINK that was on accident.

We always have that "special" friend in steam :D

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Hey guys I posted this in another thread but I thought Id post it here too. Hopefully thats not a big deal.

Somehow I've managed to play the game almost daily since October without ever having to kill anyone...until yesterday.

I was on my way to Balota to meet a group of various "friendlies". Just outside of Cherno, near the construction zone on the outskirts to the east. I decided to try and make my way to the hospital in an attempt to pick up some blood bags, morphine, and various medical supplies. Just a minor stop along the way, "Ive done it before, no big deal" I tell myself. I began to approach a small shack just outside the construction zone. Being aware of my vulnerability - with the treeline a few yards away, I was completely exposed to snipers or anyone else who could be lurking nearby. I was crawling through the grass trying to avoid a small group of zombies when it happened.

That quick gray flash, the sudden shaking, and that unmistakable sign of being shot ran its way through body. Again, and again. Things went blurry and the world lost color. I turned around in the apparent direction of the shots.

I looked at the screen and via voice chat I hear something to the effect of "I'm gonna kill you f*cker" from a player we'll call "Kenneth". His voice revealed he was maybe twelve years old at most with that all too obvious obnoxious tone of those who feel completely protected via the screen between them and the virtual world. The first shot had broken a limb, the following rounds ran right through me. I was dying. Bleeding out. As the world began to blur I watched him approach me from the treeline holding a DMR or some other rifle, maybe an Enfield...at this point nothing mattered.

Before losing consciousness I turned around to face Kenneth as he stood over me, just staring blankly, probably looting my meager supply of freshly spawned items.

I was still alive and he didnt know it. Lying there face to face with my attacker I realized his greed and inexperience had gotten the better of him. He didn't wait for the inevitable buzzing of flies and stillness. He probably had no idea what he was doing. As my world blurred and the gray slowly overcame me I raised my 1911 and unloaded 7 rounds into young Kenneth, killing him instantly.

I had broken my vow of non-lethality in order to save my own life. I left a few choice words for Kenneth over side chat and crawled away on the verge of death leaving his young body and all his supplies where they laid. Needless to say I never made it to Balota. A few minutes later a Chopper landed and a group of hackers put me out of my misery. I thanked them and prepared to respawn.

Its strange the way DayZ makes us so aware of our mortality. Even more so it makes us aware of how easily we can take it from other players. I never wanted to be a killer. I never play with the sole purpose of hunting and killing others - I actually routinely make a point of announcing my intentions as a rescue/medic. In reality that usually ends with me getting shot on the way to administer morphine or a transfusion, my vulnerability and apparent weakness is painfully obvious.

In the end, I feel a strange satisfaction after killing Kenneth. No remorse, no twinge of guilt or regret. Now that I know the feeling of the kill there's part of me that wonders if or when it will happen again. That was my first kill - self defense against the young, blind, bloodthirsty rage of a young, inexperienced player in a rush for more loot or a better weapon. I suppose it really is kill or be killed out there. In my opinion these experiences and the lessons we learn from them are the very essence of DayZ. Like it or not, this is what we ask for when we enter the wasteland.

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When I first played DayZ I was friendly for a few months of playing ^_^ . I got my friend into playing it so we got on a low-pop 700+ vehicle server (Helicopters, helicopters everywhere). I picked him up off the shore, so later after flying over Chernarus for a few minutes, and then we both saw Devil's castle. He told me to land on a steep hill (Okay, this was dumb) so our heli got broken really bad. In the meantime people were complaining about a bandit in a chopper flying over Stary Sobor, a few seconds later he came to Devil's castle. I had a M14 AIM (For my first time :D). The guy was just auto-hovering over the castle. Before I started shooting he said "Hey guys!!!!". My friend asked me should we shoot him, I just said "What are you waiting for! shoot that bastard :murder: !!". We shot him, I thought he was moving off but he was actually crashing to the ground. I couldn't believe that, well that a heli kill would be my first kill. Another luck moment after that, my friend and me found an AS-50 and M107 in a tent! :beans:

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In electro, near the church, was making my way to the hospital for some blood when someone with a pistol shot a few bullets in my direction, I turned around not knowing where he was and ran, little did I know I ran towards him and luckily for me I had an AK-74u which I unloaded upon him firing carefully in Semi, next thing he drops dead, I bandage myself up and did a wee celebration.

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