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New to this. Need a little help.

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Alright so I am both new to DayZ and new to PC gaming. My PC should be able to handle this game from what I under stand so the only problem I have run into so far is actually getting on a server. I have Arma 2, and Arma 2: OA as well as Arma 2: OA beta. After I downloaded that I downloaded Day Z Commander. Once that was download I made sure my versions were up-to-date and I chose the Arma 2 version that seemed to have the most servers connected. Which as of 12/28/2012 was version 99515. Now when I find a regular server with the same versions as me and no white list or recruit. I attempt to join. My name shows up orange when everyone else is green. After a couple seconds I am kicked from the server. Obviously I'm missing something but I am not sure what. I know there are hundreds of posts like this but I can't seem to find any that have answers that have worked. Would appreciate any any and all assistance if possible. Thanks for your time I am really looking forward to playing.

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I have Steam now sure what you mean by addy lol But I do have a steam account.

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just install the latest beta they are backwards compatible then you don't have to find servers that match your beta only the dayz version

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What exactly does it say when it kicks you out?

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Isn't Battle Eye the anti hacking thing? And it just says. You have been kicked from the game.

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Did it do this in multiple servers?

Did the kick say admin kick?

Did you get a message in the lower right corner saying Battleye was current and initiliazed?

What was your ping?

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what is your ping like on the server do you get into the game or are you still in the lobby

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whats your name in game if your getting it in more then one server join mine and ill see why your getting kicked just search for my name

Edited by AmberHelios

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Did it do this in multiple servers?

Did the kick say admin kick?

Did you get a message in the lower right corner saying Battleye was current and initiliazed?

What was your ping?

Yeah it did it in multiple servers.

It didn't say admin kick.

The lower left had something about Battleye being current.

The ping I am assuming is that number by your name in the lobby said. (130ms)

I'm decent with computers but this is a little beyond things I have worked with before especially with this game so I apologize for catching on slow.

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whats your name in game

In game name is the same as this one. Desado

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Just as a heads up, if anyone PM's you or wants to Skype and then offers you any links or software to help you, tell them to p*ss off. Some people will try and steal CD keys this way.

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Just as a heads up, if anyone PM's you or wants to Skype and then offers you any links or software to help you, tell them to p*ss off. Some people will try and steal CD keys this way.

Oh yeah none of that I heard there were quite a few hackers around. Won't be clicking on any links I don't find myself.

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Alright so tried again it said something about Battleeye uptodate but it was in red? I didn't have time to get the whole message.

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Alright so tried again it said something about Battleeye uptodate but it was in red? I didn't have time to get the whole message.

Exact message: You were kicked off game.

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all battleye messages are in red now join my server ill look at the logs if you get kicked to see why

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all battleye messages are in red now join my server ill look at the logs if you get kicked to see why

I would do this if I were you, Desado. Very nice gesture Amber. :thumbsup:

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all battleye messages are in red now join my server ill look at the logs if you get kicked to see why

Alright trying now.

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Alright I tried it out. Same thing this time. I'm sure I am just missing something simple to have gotten this far. lol

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You are running the current verisons, so thats not the issue. You are using DayZ Commander - just double tap and make sure it enables the MODs required to play DayZ itself...

To do this load into the game, attempting to join - once it kicks you (you should be at the multiplayer screen) back out to the main menu (press cancel in lower corner) from the main menu - you should see the follow listed in the upper right hand corner...

arma 2




If there is anything missing, go into your expansions tab at the bottom of the main menu. From there - make sure the following are checked...

Arma 2

Arma 2: British something

Arma 2: Private military something

arma 2

Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead




Now regardless if you've got the Private military DLC, or the Brit also - it should still be listed from my understanding. I don't own either of these also but they are listed. If there is anything else listed in addition to that - unselect it. The only ones I've listed are whats needed. If for some reason you don't see Operation Arrowhead, Brit, or Private expansions, the issue could be that you have not yet run them as combined arms. To do this, you need to be in steam. I would walk to through this process, but I haven't done it in so long. Googling something along the lines of Steam Combine Arms how to should bring the desired results.

As Fraggie stated... DO NOT download programs that assist you, DO NOT download programs that promise to increase performance...

If you are still having issues, PM me - I'll walk ya' through it on steam chat (voice) if ya have a mic, since getting someones problems solved now a days with text can be a rather slow, and barbaric method... ;D

Edited by FinKone

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its not showing any kick in the logs it comes up as youve just disconnected

Player #0 Desado - GUID: ############################ (unverified)

10:49:02 : Verified GUID (#####################################) of player #0 Desado

10:49:13 : Player #0 Desado disconnected

10:50:00 : RCon admin #0: (Global) Server will Auto restart in 10 min

you dont appear in any other log your guid is not on the ban lists and battleye gives you the ok

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Actually yeah when I am back in the main menu it shows.





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