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The Aquatic Land Walrus

What was your motive to come to DayZ?

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Well, what was it?

Mine was:

when I was playing an indie zombie survival game (forgot the name), and the host of the server left, saying "I'm off to play DayZ". Everyone asked what it was, and he told us about it. After installing sixinstaller, only to find it had at least 10 trojans, thus ruining my old laptop. I bought Arma 2: combined operations, fired up DayZ commander, and now i'm started. Honestly, I came to ARMA for DayZ only. I personally think ARMA 2 is a waste of potential. Good mods, and a bad game. Too many glitches. That aside, what was your reason for coming to DayZ. Why did you join?

Edited by Arcralf

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I heard people got angry when they died, i came create rage

Would've been very funny and clever if you had gotten your shit together and used correct grammar...

I came because I heard about it while playing Arma 2.

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Been waiting for a Zombie Survival Game, then I saw a review on DayZ and heard there were Bandits too. So naturally I downloaded straight away and loved every bit of it. Wish I could recapture that old feeling of everything being so new, exciting and rage inducing all at the same time. :)

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My motive for tagging along in the DayZ adventure was for the scavenging aspect. I really like that. But there was another reason I stayed. I started back when a lot of the stuff was insanely hard to get on servers, and I never had it down to a science. I don't know what it was about it but the way that I could choose to end someone's day, their fun, and get everything they worked for in one shot made me stay. I like the feeling that if I see a bandit, I know he's murdered and ruined a ton of people's days. I could just stop him from doing that for one day by putting a round in him. It's pretty insane. Making a difference virtually.

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I had watched Arma 2 videos for years and had really been interested in the game before DayZ came along, and of course I started seeing more and more DayZ videos while watching videos of Arma 2. I later found Frankie's (frankieonpcin1080p) gameplay videos of DayZ, and I became hooked right away. I decided to go out, find a gaming computer, and get DayZ. So here I am, a bambi that has died far too many times in Elektro.

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I've played Arma for years - and over looked DayZ entirely. I used to roll around with a crowd of ACE/ACRE hardcore guys that shunned DayZ. I wanted to try it before I deployed... once I came back, me and three other buddies gave it a go. Liked the game for its raw approach, for the intense situation it brings in regards to the no laws, all is fair game...

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Was following TheYogscast on Youtube and saw them playing it, then I fell in love with the game :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:

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I was on a teamspeak server for Minecraft. They were playing DayZ so I asked them all about it. They just told me to yYouTube it so I did. Watched a small handfull of videos mostly of TheDevilDogGamer... Or whatever his name is. Fell inlove instantly but I am confused is it worth the wait for DayZ Standalone? Or should I get ARMAII and get DayZ Mod...?

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Just get ARMA II CO then get the stand alone. Every penny helps the developers.

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I watched the videos made by Frankie. Watched about 100+ videos about dayz till I finally got it and now I can't stop !

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Some guy on a drawing site I used to use recommended it. I read up on it and decided it would be the game to get me back into gaming and Iv played it regularly ever since.

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Friend of mine in my old Mount and Musket/Napoleonic Wars regiment made a forum post about it just as I left the regiment. It seemed pretty lame till I started watching YouTube videos about it, and then I was hooked. I ordered Arma II through the mail, and the anticipation of having to wait for it to arrive was worse than being a little kid waiting for Christmas. This was before DayZ Commander and I was skeptical about Six Launcher at the time, so it took me several hours to get the game installed correctly and get all the little issues ironed out.

But man, when I finally spawned in on that beach, looking down the sites of my Makarov with zombies roaming just a few feet from me on either side, I knew this game was gonna be awesome.

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Never heard of DayZ til I saw this movie, cracked me up.

The direct chat thingy as something new for me, and I really wanted to try it out.

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Whilst I was playing MW3, some guy whom I had previously thought to be a complete retard slapped me 'round the face with a copy of Arma2 shouting "What the fuck are you playing this old busted diaper-wearing baby bullshit for? Fuck Activision yo! Is that a copy of Diablo 3, yeah? How dumb are you, son? Don't you know DayZ is the new hotness?"

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I came across one of FrankieOnPCin1080p's DayZ videos and the game looks absolutely amazing!

Im waiting on my new PC which should be here any day now. I'm on my second run through of Frankies series lol.

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A friend of mine started bothering everyone he knew about Dayz because he wanted to start a clan. I'd heard a little bit about it before then, so I thought "why the hell not". Been here ever since :o

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Wanted to play a very realistic horror survival game that would give me an adrenaline rush like slenderman and amnesia, but also a survival scenario that extends past what minecraft does and this seems to be the perfect balance in between.

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Had a few clanmates talking about it but I wasn't convinced until someone linked me "Driving miss DayZ" on youtube.

Edited by smasht_AU

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