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How do I get this game to work?

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I've heard of this game from other people and third party sources, and I want to play it ASAP. What are the necessary steps to get this game working on my PC?


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Well, you could start by posting the specifications of your computer. This will save you from buying this game and it not working.

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I have literally done nothing except heard about this from third party sources. I don't own anything, but I have the money to buy any game necessary.

I have two computers. The first one:

WIndows 7 64 bit

Bios: Phoenix Award Bios v6.00

Processor: Intel® Pentium® Dual CPU E2160 @ 1.8ghz (2cpus)

Ram 4096

NVIDIA GeFroce 8600GTS

Other and superior computer:

WIndows 7 64bit

Processor: AMD Phenom IIX2 550 Processor (2CPUs) 3.1ghz

4096 Ram

GeFroce GTX 560 Ti

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STEP 1: Tell us if you have Arma II and mods and your computer specs. I'm sure you can look at your own post and see that you just wasted 2 mins of everyone's time on it.

edit: ok after looking at your specs just want to tell you that you might have problems with your graphics card and that cpu is fairly weak but probably able to run it.

Edited by intensity

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-Buy ArmA II Combined Operations (This includes both ArmA II and ArmA II Operation Arrowhead)

-Run both Arma2 and Arma2: Operation Arrowhead once to complete installation.

-Download the latest version of DayZCommander from http://www.dayzcommander.com

-Run DayZCommander and click the "versions" button from the top menu.

-Click "Install latest revision" under Arma2 OA. Wait for the download and install to complete.

-Click "Install latest version" under DayZ. Wait for the download and install to complete.

-Press "Done" to close the versions panel.

-Double-click any listed server to play.

Or you can just wait for the standalone game to come out.

Edited by smasht_AU
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Sorry, I'm not trying to waste anyone's time. I don't own ArmAII, I don't own anything but this computer.

Will the first PC listed work, or only the second - superior - one?

Will the Standalone have equal problems running on my PC? And what's the ETA on the standalone?

Thanks for your help, everyone.

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STEP 1: Tell us if you have Arma II and mods and your computer specs. I'm sure you can look at your own post and see that you just wasted 2 mins of everyone's time on it.

edit: ok after looking at your specs just want to tell you that you might have problems with your graphics card but probably able to run it.

hes got a GeFroce GeForce GTX 560 Ti it will run okay

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Better off buying the mod now, seeing as news is null for the SA release if you've got a craving, and time off - get it.

Very enjoyable game.

General break down of server types below.

Public Hive (Public hive, hosted by DayZ MOD) you can join these hives and have your current gear from the last server, to the next. Tents, cars, and rotorcraft don't follow you to the other servers.

Public hives are hacker swamped and often you'll get teleported and killed or something... rude along those lines.

Private Hive (Privately hosted servers) with active admins are a safer route - check around the forums for servers looking for players. Leaving from one private to another that is not linked, your gear WILL NOT follow you.

Private Community Hive (Privately hosted servers, that are linked together) like the public hive if they have several linked together you can go from one to the other and retain your gear on your characters. Again, tents, cars, and rotorcraft will stay on the server you found them on.

The term WHITELISTED means in general a list that you must get pre-approved to join and play on that server, its to protect the server from unknown players and hackers (script kiddies)

Trust is a bit higher on a whitelisted private hive, but trust no one... going alone is your safest bet.


Eating meat / canned food will restore health meat - 800, can of beans - 200 if I remember correctly. 12,000 is your total blood (health).

Bloodbags are used on OTHERS to restore entire blood. Risky to ask for a bloodbag from a player you do not know.

You can collect wood in the forest with your axe, by right clicking it while its in your inventory - you'll see collect wood.

You can place that wood pile down with matches, and light the fire once its placed.

You can cook meat, from hunting animals over the fire - which returns more blood then a can food item.

Don't roll off buildings, be careful around ladders and even the smallest falls.

Stay away from rocks you can get stuck.

Don't crawl under vehicles.

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Sorry, I'm not trying to waste anyone's time. I don't own ArmAII, I don't own anything but this computer.

Will the first PC listed work, or only the second - superior - one?

Will the Standalone have equal problems running on my PC? And what's the ETA on the standalone?

Thanks for your help, everyone.

The second and greatly superior PC should run DayZ.

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