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DayZ 1.7.1 Discussion - Others will be locked/deleted!

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Yeah, zombies have a "very rare" chance of doing that on-hit. No matter the Blood you have. And it's one of the must frustrating and most idiotic features of DayZ.

I'm all okay with if they break your leg, I guess that makes sense - but knocking you unconscious? That's a death sentence, even if there's just 1 zombie since he'll probably just break your leg while your unconscious.

I've experienced getting knocked unconscious by a Zombie several times when above 10k blood, it's so frustrating and unfair since it kills you like 98% of the time... It really sucks when you're fully loaded and then get fucked by one stupid feature that doesn't even make sense.

Well, maybe I guess it makes sense in DayZ since the zombies have some fucking superhuman abilities. -.-

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I enjoyed the Mod the way it was before. Where the zombies had set numbers of spawns. For example at the deer stand, it spawned 3, then when you snuck by (Reasonably snuck by) and or shot the 3 zombies, theyd be dead, and you could go about your business looting. Now its more like 5-10 spawn, ok fair enough. So i shoot them, assuming after i kill those i can loot on my merry way. WRONG, another 10 spawn in and then you kill them, and then another 10, and another 10. Not worth sticking around shooting never ending horde of re spawns, not to mention how watching 10 zombies spawn in the middle of a field ruins the immersion.

I think the game was fine the way it was, dunno who thought it wasnt hard enough. I mean zombies acted like they did in lore. STUPID slow under-attentive morons. Now they are like spetznaz on crack.

So can we plz bring it back the way it was.

Another example is fixing a car in a zombie area. You need to crouch to put on the wheels. You cant shoot all the zombies cause they just respawn on top of you. And when you get up to put wheel on, they WILL see you. Its too sensitive. Just ruins all the other parts of the game that were rly fun. The part where if you get to close and aggrod one or took a shot and called in a horde made alot of sense. Now its just over the top. Looting was fine, zombies were fine. Your not going to fix banditry by taking away peoples guns and equipment early on. We all know why they are doing it, and it isnt for the beans. its for the thrill of the hunt.

Fix bugs, but otherwise should keep the game EXACTLY as it was before.

My input anyway.



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spawning with no guns makes this game a lot less friendly to newcomers, who are already battling the game's clunky controls and wonky zombie aggro effects. I know a lot of people don't have a problem with it, because the average forum user is probably an avid player, so what you aren't hearing are the people who are trying out the game and being discouraged because they are just running around getting shot. I really enjoy the high difficulty, but there has to be some way to make the game harder that doesn't effect newcomers.

Veterans of DayZ are also more likely to die less often, making the game exponentially less frustrating than it is for those newcomers that die often. I understand a lot of people are protective of the game's new difficulty, but to keep this game healthy in the long run, there needs to be a system that doesn't encourage people to stop playing within a few deaths. Scaling zombie difficulty from easy zombies on the beaches to harder zombies inland whilst correlating the amount and / or quality of loot similarly would make the game easy for newcomers and also challenging for people who want that challenge.

I want to see this mod succeed very much, and to have a healthy community, you can't just have the 5% of players who are so into the game that they sign up on the forums, because those players have different perspectives and tastes than 95% of the players. I could name plenty of great games that died because the developers concentrated on the demands of those who demanded and not those who had one foot on each side of the fence. I'm not suggesting you pander to the casual community, and the difficulty of the game is what makes it so fun to a lot of us, so I'm not saying to dumb that down by any means, but making it absurdly hard for newcomers is counterproductive on a number of levels.

anyways, that's my two cents.

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I don't really enjoy the new aggro mechanics. inconsistent, wonky and overall doesn't even feel significantly different from the last version bar prone has become much harder to use to sneak in and out of places.

Starting out with no gun has basically killed any interest any of my friends I had, who I had hoped to get into this game with me not to mention how borked it is to spot a gun in a building and it be surrounded by 5 or 6 Zombies inside said building. Without a gun there is no option to even deal with this. Teaming up (contrary to popular and stupid belief) in this when spawning is even more useless. It's one more person to aggro zombies and take loot and they can't even defend themselves or you.

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what the REAL problem is that out of the 200 some thousands of players that play this mod only what 10% are active on the forum. these people (you) are the hardcore players who want everything to be harder but the DEVs have to think about the majority of the people and to be honest thats all that counts really in a game...making the larger part of a games community happy. if rocket wants the casuals to keep playing he needs to have guns at spawn and ave less agro on zombies....thats a fact

and most of u dont care about the changes because u are ll boosted up on weapons and stuff so u dont have the same problem us new players have...not to mention that the fps lag makes the mod almost unplayable

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and most of u dont care about the changes because u are ll boosted up on weapons and stuff so u dont have the same problem us new players have...not to mention that the fps lag makes the mod almost unplayable

Basically this' date=' with emphasis on the FPS lag.

I didn't mind getting killed by a fresh spawn, because if I got killed by a Makarov - it was my own damned fault. The Makarov really is that bad.

You can prone behind someone and empty the mag in their ass and they won't give a fuck. They'll just run around bleeding from their ass confused as to what to do. Should they bandage and risk to get shot? Or should they just try and run for it and try to bandage the last second, or die from bloodloss?

That's what made DayZ good, those that had quite a few hours on their character would still be at great risk along the coast, not only to Zombies or other geared up players going back for medical supplies and then back to camp the NW/NE Airfield - but also to new players.

What Rocket have done now is like every other game out there, punish new players by a whole fucking lot. New player? Oh, hey, fuck you, here, have a flashlight and piss off.

Old player? Oh, hey, free kills along the coast for you! And a Flashlight! Or two. Or a hundred.


Also there's the fact that the Flashlight takes up 4, yes 4! FOUR! Inventory slots, god damnit Rocket, that's half our backpack!

Don't get me wrong, the Flashlight serves its purpose real well but it just doesn't make sense! And that it uses the sidearm slot doesn't make sense either, but I'm fairly sure that's the case due to engine limitations.

If we're to spawn with that little Flashlight, at least make it so that it only uses 2 slots instead of 4, because that's outrageous. Even in 1.7.0 I got discouraged to pick the Flashlight up, even though I wanted because it takes up a whole 4 slots!

I really hope Rocket tries to turn this into some KickStarter project, not only could he make a hell of a lot of money himself, but he'd also get rid of ArmA 2's limitations.

Rocket, UDK. Use it. Just look at how big this mod is. It's in Alpha. Alpha! And there's a sick amount of limitations with the ArmA Engine, look at how many people actually bought ArmA 2 + Expansions only to play this mod, it's ridiculous. I'm not even kidding when I think it must be at least 30-40% of all the sales.

Surely you won't be able to pull off such a project all by yourself, but that's what KickStarter is for - to get your project running, you'll get a budget you can use to hire people.

There's a lot of money to be made here, and I know I'm making it sound easy when it really isn't but I still think it'd be worth it in the long run. And you have a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge community that will support you to 100%, that's for sure!

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I don't really like the new update with the new zeds behavior... not that it's ''Too Hard'' or anything, I just don't have the same feeling anymore. Maybe it was just the server I was in but I felt like there was a lot less zeds and that I could just sprint everywhere looting everything knowing that they would randomly stop after 30 seconds...

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Jesus I love this update. I had just learned how to play the game and had gotten good enough to loot electro without dying. Then this update comes along and kicks me back to square -1.

My only real complaints are that their are so many people playing that I cant get a spot, and that most servers are unplayable due to not the right version, lag or other issues that im sure will be ironed out within a couple days at most.

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Great patch. I spawned fresh with nothing after this patch and have not had any trouble at all getting away from zombies, finding food/weapons/equipment and FPS has definitely improved.

Rocket mentioned the loot thing isn't perfect yet, but at least its playable.

I'm not hardcore or really new, but I think the changes make the game vastly more fun. I don't think starting with a weapon is a good idea.. I found a weapon within minutes easily.. in fact I passed like 3 double barrel shotguns. Zeds are very easy to lose imo.

People will adapt like they have before. no matter what changes are made their will always be some unhappy and some happy. It's Alpha.. that in itself is enough. I think if people keep bitching as much as they do.. they'll end up doing closed testing or something.. and then we wouldn't get to be a part of it like we are now.

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I spawned with no debug monitor and my food and water indicators are clear. When I drank and ate they turned solid red (not blinking) and when I reconnected to another server they were clear again (not green, clear).

What is going on?

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Okay, some feedback on the new game... sorry, I haven't read the nineteen pages so some or all of this has likely been covered...

So I ate an ENTIRE cow and got up to 9k blood. A single zombie apparently spotted me through a wall and hit me once, knocking me unconscious, and began to feed on me.

When I finally woke up, I couldn't shoot it because it was outside the building I was in while it was eating me. I finally got away from the wall and killed it when it walked through the wall to follow me. I was down to less blood than I had before I ate the entire cow... nice...

Then I discovered that ladders have become death traps. I climbed up one and wound up bleeding and in shock when I got to the top. When I climbed down, I wound up with a broken leg and bleeding again. Since I'd run out of bandages by then and I was only at 1.2k blood, rather than wait to bleed out, I tried to respawn. I'm now waiting for the coma timer to expire, since I was in shock when I spawned...

Ummm... WTH... can we roll ladders and zombie sight and attacks back to what they were? This is insane!

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Sry i must be a boy and not a man .up to today i couldnt wait to get home to play this mod now lol not so much .i gave it a 3 hr go, i think the people that say its great now are just trolling.i start with no gun i cant go anywhere with out aggroing something .no matter if im behind them and crawling or in a building there zombies for godsake.u turned them into super heros lol say waht u want but from these post and people in live servers alpha or not is messing up game .hard is fun no guns cool .but when ur 30 m to 40 m away and u aggo when crouch walking (not running).it wasnt that easy before and was lots of fun.im not crying im just saying all u so called hardcore players mod the mod when its done and play there .this game was the buz and had great reviews.from what i hear now it dont .say what u want i know 4 people that payed for arma just to play this now there not lol on them i guess.Super Zombies LOL.

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If you're going to make the zombies all-knowing superheroes, then there needs to be less of them.

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Spent the day driving around the north in a UAZ. I would drop off a 5 man team at starry or the airfield and bug out to a safe point. When they finished their op I rolled in and picked them up. Off to the next target or back to base. 1.7.1 is keeping the carebears near the beach.

Cowering in Cherno?

Man up, ladies!

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I spawned with no debug monitor and my food and water indicators are clear. When I drank and ate they turned solid red (not blinking) and when I reconnected to another server they were clear again (not green' date=' clear).

What is going on?


I had that issue too when i updated to 1.7.1. As I was wondering what was goin on, I took shelter in a pine tree during daytime. I could see that in the blackness of the tree, a very faint overlay of information...It was saying that I was running the wrong build/patch for the server I was on. Turns out, I was on a 1.7.0 server

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Poor changes. As a survivor, starting out with a little bit of food and water with a crappy gun was perfectly reasonable. Now, starting with nearly nothing will push many new players away. Also, the new zombie seeing and hearing mechanics need some more tweaking.

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It seems the people saying "man up" are the people who started out with tons of loots and haven't died yet to experience what it's like spawning with nothing only to die 5 minutes later from zombies seeing you 10,000 kilometers away.

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what the REAL problem is that out of the 200 some thousands of players that play this mod only what 10% are active on the forum. these people (you) are the hardcore players who want everything to be harder but the DEVs have to think about the majority of the people and to be honest thats all that counts really in a game...making the larger part of a games community happy. if rocket wants the casuals to keep playing he needs to have guns at spawn and ave less agro on zombies....thats a fact

and most of u dont care about the changes because u are ll boosted up on weapons and stuff so u dont have the same problem us new players have...not to mention that the fps lag makes the mod almost unplayable

Well, if you look over what Rocket said in many other posts, he wants to keep this his own project. He doesn't care if he does or does not make money off of it, he just wants a game that elicits emotion, even if it's frustration at the game. He's stated that he does not care if you rage and leave the game for good, but the fact that he got such a reaction out of you is good enough for him. He considers this not a game but art and an experiment, if you want a game that caters to the masses, I'd suggest looking elsewhere, however I'd encourage you to stay haha.

I for one have had no issues with the new update, it really makes death even less desirable, and the initial experience of surviving very intense. I've also never had an issue creeping past zombies either, their behaviour seems very similar to me still hahah. I like where it's going, not many games can get me this immersed and involved, the mere sight of a player sending a jolt through me, it's a rare and very pleasing experience.

However my one complaint is that nights are dark as fuck, but that's more of an arma issue than anything lol.

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Checked apartments and general stores for about 40min in Berezino.

I emptied them all out in that time but found 0 drinks, food or bandages!

Is this happening for everyone or could it be the server?

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Checked apartments and general stores for about 40min in Berezino.

I emptied them all out in that time but found 0 drinks' date=' food or bandages!

Is this happening for everyone or could it be the server?


Loot seems to be pretty lousy on every server I tried, but I think the server notes mentioned the problem, too...

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so this new update' date=' was supposed to be good right? so why are people spawn capping the shore killing everyone because they can? we cant even fight back, i finally got off the shore and played for over a hour found no food, ammo,guns,etc just empty bottles. and got killed by a player who massacred me because i couldn't fight back. if your gonna rig it so its like this at least give us lube in our backpack, i hate being raped dry.


So you played for an hour.. and were still on the coast after an hour?

I don't think the game is the problem here. The coast is an exposed area.. even with low food and water or none you can make it pretty far inland before you need anything.

aggro needs to be turned down.i doubt there is a single person here who has crawled through a field filled with zombies and actually got inside without aggroing a zombie and running half a mile to lose it.

EDIT: and i have yet to die from a zombie this patch only players' date=' last patch it was zombies because you couldnt out run them very easy


I proned near a group of zombies and stopped moving while one went by (very close to me) and it just kept going. Pretty sure people are expecting to stealth, but quickly. Real stealth is very slow and with patience. Yes, yes I know it's a game and everyone thinks it's tedious. I prefer it, feels more real.

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So you played for an hour.. and were still on the coast after an hour?

I don't think the game is the problem here. The coast is an exposed area.. even with low food and water or none you can make it pretty far inland before you need anything.

errr... seemed to me he said that after he finally escaped the death zone of the coast, he played for an hour, but found only cans and empty bottles.

That would match my experience so far this evening. Helpless against the bandits who all have weapons and think it's fun to massacre defenseless new spawns, and if spotted by a single zombie with it's super-vision, you're helpless to defend yourself. And little to no loot...

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i just crawled in and out of NE airfield' date=' i crawled in with a winchester, left with M4 ad tons of ammo, plus 1911 , I PLAY LONE WOLF SON, and i didnt disturb shit, LOS = DONT CRAWL DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THEM. this aint shit.



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