finkone 320 Posted December 25, 2012 So just throwing a little random general discussion out there...Been playing Take on helicopters lately since I've heard that the DayZ engine will be using this engine pretty much... with that said - I hope that they allow servers to have helios with veteran flying status. Helos are WAY to easy to fly in DayZ MOD, and it would be sweet to have to crab walk that bad boy in because of cross winds. I simply love the hard settings of take on helos. Sure you'd see a lot more helo crashes, but also - there where a lot less pilots in this type of situation... the sling loaded crates and so forth is crazy fun mission wise, and I'd like to have that same nervous feeling of my vehicle I'm transporting "flying" the helo rather then the helo flying the load.Just stopping in for XMAS to BS a bit... 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted December 25, 2012 Hello thereI've not played the ToH engine (bad of me I know) but I too would hope that the flying mechanics, whilst not "full sim" standard are a massive leap when compared to vanilla Arma.It would make Helo's a much more valuable resource and might slow down the KoS a little as folk would *need* pilots.In Arma I'm a ground pounder so I really appreciate a good pilot, with the difficulty ramped up, I'd be actively hugging him/her.RgdsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
finkone 320 Posted December 25, 2012 (edited) Maybe me and you could get into a hugging match then if they do incorporate the harsh mechanics of ToH. ;)Its a pretty nice engine - you can see the collective change the angel of attack of the blades, you can damage the engine from using the throttle at wide open, and you have to correct tail drift for over torque adjustments when taking off, ascending and descending. The buffer zone from being close tot he ground makes landing a lot more realistic and fun. Crash landing using autorotation from a over worked engine is a real thrill in this one. Its to easy in DayZ. You have to operate the helicopter within its parameters rather then going full tilt, full throttle all the time.Not to mention harsh weather conditions such as wind, and temperature changes, along with high altitude flying in smaller craft... ;D Edited December 25, 2012 by FinKone 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Willard1118 31 Posted December 25, 2012 While I have never bothered trying to get or fly a helo, I love the idea of making them insanely hard to fly.It's not likely that your average survivor could fly a helo, and implementing this could really add value to befriendinga player that knows their way around a helo.Would be interesting to see clans fight over a helo pilot :) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZomboWTF 527 Posted December 25, 2012 Well that said, you'd need an engineers degree to get those damn thing repaired also, also for cars you'd have the need to understand the engine etc.And to get a rifle to work, you have more to do then just pick it up and hold down the trigger...I guess it would be okay to make them a little harder to fly, and way harder to reapir, but not like in the highest difficulty of ToH, thats way to harshJust keep the game playable and hard at the same time, and dont forget about the zombies 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
finkone 320 Posted December 25, 2012 (edited) I'm talking about adding additional flying features and preexisting mechanics of the engine they are using - not making people attend to school to work on things... The mechanics of flying a helo in ToH as compared to DayZ or regular Arma II/OA are a joke. Its fun to fly in ToH, its just E-Z street on DayZ.As long as it ain't one of them gay electric cars I can put some wrench time into it.A lot of Americans will surely know how to work a M4 with that said also... not my fault...Making it harder would also make it more of a risk for players just flying around, looking for tents ... or underground bases, or caches - whoever they will be working it in SA... Edited December 25, 2012 by FinKone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mick17 93 Posted December 26, 2012 I would love the flying to be insanely hard! I can fly the a rma copters fine but I couldn't in real life. As for guns if you can work one you could pretty much figure out any weapon. Cause at the base they are pretty similar! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted December 26, 2012 Yup, I'm with you and Orlok on this one too. I wouldn't want to see full on flight-sim status but not far off of it. I'd like them to require practice and knowledge. That would make a decent pilot in DayZ a pretty valuable person. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daze23 549 Posted December 26, 2012 I wouldn't mind if there were no helicopters in DayZ SAplenty of 'normal' people have some working knowledge of cars and guns. helicopters, not so much... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CapricornOne (DayZ) 379 Posted December 26, 2012 Great idea, would instantly make gameplay quite interesting.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
finkone 320 Posted December 26, 2012 Perhaps I'll bump it over to the idea area - since what started as a general talk seems to be turning into support of a idea... :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr Nasty 1023 Posted December 26, 2012 If they made it more difficult to fly helicopters respawn timers would need tweaking IMO. What youll get is a bunch of people who dont know how to fly trying to fly and crashing all the helis. Sure you may be a good pilot but there wont be any helis to fly because they've all been crashed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daze23 549 Posted December 26, 2012 If they made it more difficult to fly helicopters respawn timers would need tweaking IMO. What youll get is a bunch of people who dont know how to fly trying to fly and crashing all the helis. Sure you may be a good pilot but there wont be any helis to fly because they've all been the mod is, there's only supposed to one heli per server. I definitely don't think this game needs more than 2-3 heli's per server. and like I said before, I'm not sure they belong in a 'survival' game at all Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
finkone 320 Posted December 26, 2012 (edited) If they made it more difficult to fly helicopters respawn timers would need tweaking IMO. What youll get is a bunch of people who dont know how to fly trying to fly and crashing all the helis. Sure you may be a good pilot but there wont be any helis to fly because they've all been crashed.On the public hive - this is the current state of the game anyways at the current time. I cannot locate them - well I can, and have, but its rare. A long with other vehicles. With that said - you are right. Increasing the spawn rate of these helos would 1) Make them more accessible to ALL players (regardless if they make the error when flying them) 2) When the hoarder finally does wreck it'll be respawn'd faster, and the hoarders will have a harder time flying them so they will be more fair game.Daze23...Just because the zombies hit - doesn't mean you'd never find a helo or airplane. Often these guys that own them have a recreational small helicopter that they leave while away on business. There are 3 small airports within the game, and from what I understand, DayZ which is for Day Zero (The first day) they should be in the game by the time line of it. Not to mention the pilots that didn't get to make their way to the strip to flee, the ones that will get rob'd and shot at the strip, the ones that are away...I think helicopters should be fully incorporated into the game. There would be small pockets of resistance that are skilled enough to maintain themselves and equipment in my opinion. Sucks that they are used as a primary scouting tool to find camps... but then again... My gut sinks when I'm in a open field and hear a helicopter coming in fast... these types of experiences BELONG in the game. Edited December 26, 2012 by FinKone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted December 26, 2012 Hello thereIt would be nice if the helos were woven into the game fabric rather than being just "there".rgdsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted December 26, 2012 yup, you can;t beat the intimidating noise a heli makes when approaching. Also, if they're super-rare and hard to fly (whuch they should be) it'd make these moments more special. i agree about the spawn time being sorted though. Most private servers have already done this (including ours) and it works well. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
finkone 320 Posted December 26, 2012 (edited) I went ahead and threw a quick idea on the suggestion boards - pretty much from whats here. Touched mildly on the spawning thing also within this form. Edited December 26, 2012 by FinKone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted December 26, 2012 (edited) Hello thereI fairly much ignored ToH as only flying just isn't my thing. But what lovelyness can one expect from the ToH engine? Anything drastic? or just tweaked?RgdsLoK Edited December 26, 2012 by orlok too many commas i tell's ya Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
electroban 102 Posted December 27, 2012 choppers shud be accessable and easy to use for any player as long as its fixed. I Don't see how a player should be punished for not putting in enough hours in single player learning how to fly. in terms of realism, no "average joe" zombie apoc survivor would be able to fly a helicopter anyway so you can stow that crap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daze23 549 Posted December 27, 2012 Daze23...Just because the zombies hit - doesn't mean you'd never find a helo or airplane. Often these guys that own them have a recreational small helicopter that they leave while away on business. There are 3 small airports within the game, and from what I understand, DayZ which is for Day Zero (The first day) they should be in the game by the time line of it. Not to mention the pilots that didn't get to make their way to the strip to flee, the ones that will get rob'd and shot at the strip, the ones that are away...I think helicopters should be fully incorporated into the game. There would be small pockets of resistance that are skilled enough to maintain themselves and equipment in my opinion. Sucks that they are used as a primary scouting tool to find camps... but then again... My gut sinks when I'm in a open field and hear a helicopter coming in fast... these types of experiences BELONG in the game.people that actually own a small helicopter also have the resources to maintain them. once 'the shit hits the fan', many of those resources would quickly dry up. the first would be the specialized fuel. not to mention the knowledge needed for maintenance and operation. if your car stalls, or otherwise breaks down, you might have to walk. if your helicopter stalls or breaks down in mid air... yeah... to make a long story short, it doesn't respawnof course there's hypothetical situations you can think of where you could operate and maintain a helicopter after 'the apocalypse' , I just don't think they're probable enough to make them part of the gameand personally I panic more when I hear a gun shot or a (land) vehicle, then when I hear a helicopter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
finkone 320 Posted December 27, 2012 choppers shud be accessable and easy to use for any player as long as its fixed. I Don't see how a player should be punished for not putting in enough hours in single player learning how to fly. in terms of realism, no "average joe" zombie apoc survivor would be able to fly a helicopter anyway so you can stow that crap.Well in that case, ballistics should be removed and every weapon should be a ray gun. I can hit my target, first time, full value, 800-900m ALL DAY in this game, because its a game, and the only thing not letting me engage you out more is draw distance.So in terms of ... realism... not a average joe is going to be able to pick up a weapon system in regards to it being a long rifle, be able to dial in to 700m without any type of DOPE (data of previous engagements) and make shots with it all day, but yanno what? They can. I'm asking to use ToHs additional realism features and some guys are getting scared. ;)So I guess with you're approach we will have to bog down everything, to make sure its friendly for all ... and not a dark twisted hard game that it currently is... I could go on for HOURS with that approach SO YOU CAN STOW THAT CRAP! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rossums 2190 Posted December 27, 2012 choppers shud be accessable and easy to use for any player as long as its fixed. I Don't see how a player should be punished for not putting in enough hours in single player learning how to fly. in terms of realism, no "average joe" zombie apoc survivor would be able to fly a helicopter anyway so you can stow that crap.This is certainly leading my 'retarded post of the week' award so far.Choppers should NOT be accessible by everyone, choppers should not be ridiculously easy to use.They are not being punished for not playing, the other players are just getting an advantage of playing more - that's like wanting to cap everyone playing World of Warcraft to 3 hours per day because that's all you are able to play.This isn't another run-of-the-mill clusterfuck that is going to be picked up by 13 year olds COD-kiddies, it's not instant-gratification where you get your hand held the entire way and guns thrown at you from the start, AND THATS THE WHOLE POINT. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
finkone 320 Posted December 27, 2012 (edited) people that actually own a small helicopter also have the resources to maintain them. once 'the shit hits the fan', many of those resources would quickly dry up. the first would be the specialized fuel. not to mention the knowledge needed for maintenance and operation. if your car stalls, or otherwise breaks down, you might have to walk. if your helicopter stalls or breaks down in mid air... yeah... to make a long story short, it doesn't respawnof course there's hypothetical situations you can think of where you could operate and maintain a helicopter after 'the apocalypse' , I just don't think they're probable enough to make them part of the gameand personally I panic more when I hear a gun shot or a (land) vehicle, then when I hear a helicopterDo you have any idea of how much fuel in general is stored at air strips? Even small ones? You do know that there are additional fuel sectors which you've most likely just driven by numerous times that are holds for aircraft? There are small dirt strips located all over the world, all over the place - that a lot of people don't even know about. Maintenance of a small, naturally aspirated rotor craft is lighter then you think...And you're right - if your car stalls you get out... its a safer means of travel... which was half my main point. If your helicopter starts to falter because sometime is flying like a idiot - its the dangers of the air and the nature of the beast.Hearing a gun shot or a car doesn't even get my blood pumping any more. Don't get me wrong - I'm more alert then normal under these circumstances... The loud wooop woopp woooppp woooppp of that 2 bladed huey, and the general mentality that comes with it "These guys are well situated if they aint hackers" is whats sweet.I understand its your opinion to think helicopters shouldn't even be in the game - that was your statement. I can't even begin to understand why then you wouldn't want to make them harder to fly - but whatever. ;D Edited December 27, 2012 by FinKone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daze23 549 Posted December 27, 2012 I understand its your opinion to think helicopters shouldn't even be in the game - that was your statement. I can't even begin to understand why then you wouldn't want to make them harder to fly - but whatever. ;Dwhere did I say I didn't want them to be harder to fly? I want them to be so difficult to fly and maintain that they might as well not be in the game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
finkone 320 Posted December 27, 2012 as the mod is, there's only supposed to one heli per server. I definitely don't think this game needs more than 2-3 heli's per server. and like I said before, I'm not sure they belong in a 'survival' game at allMisunderstanding...You came here to state that you don't even want them in the game when I was just requesting to make them harder to fly...So because you didn't give any actual input to the chattin' I took it as if you where simply saying removing them would be your only option as compared to saying "Hey I hate them, make them harder to fly - or remove them."So yea... misunderstanding I guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites