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Make Zombie Slower, and more realistic.. like in Left 4 dead. or some

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i have a sugestion to make zombies more slower on move speed then now because now they are like a some bug in game not like a real zombies(slower but not so much) + to make their animation more realistic

and if it posible to make a map of a world... to find more rapidly friends , this will bring more new peoples in game. 100%.

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The animation is only bad because the game is a mod and has to use existing animations - the animation used in DayZ for zombies are soldier animations ( So obviously soldiers won't be acting like zombies).

There is also a 'zombie life cycle' being discussed by developers where there will be older and younger zombies, the younger zombies will be a lot faster than the older zombies.

If you find a map in game, you can get a map - the game is NOT about meeting all your friends and playing together, it's a survival game, if you meet up with them you can play but the game should facilitate it any further than an in-game map and in-game communication using walkie-talkies or the like.


Here is a quote for you from Rocket, the lead developer and creator of DayZ:

People who have initially been infected by the virus, they’ll run like a normal human, run really fast, very aggressive. But as they get progressively more starved, they’ll be much slower. The idea is that the zombie life cycle will be very authentic.
Edited by Rossums
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like a real zombies

That's the problem ^_^

Though rest assured zombie behavior will be overhauled in the future. Currently, the zombie animations, while being mocapped, are screwed up as their speed value has been increased without adapting the rest of the animation tree.

Dean has already stated he wants to implement a whole zombie lifecycle so there will be a variety of zombies. Think of recently infected ones as more agile and active and others who are infected since a longer period of time and thus can't move that good anymore.

edit: aah properly ninja'ed ^^

Though Rossums, you're not entirely correct. DayZ offers many new animations (fun fact: The animations like zombie idling, slow walk etc were actually mocapped with the BIS CEO, Marek Spanel, so technically, we are running away from and killing the CEO ^^) and only the AI is the basic but restricted Soldier AI. Thus the flanking and running in zigzag.

Edited by PurePassion

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hope they will maek that)

+ ability to enter in every house or some like, to break doors and other such thinks.

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I wonder how the zombie models will look in the standalone.

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well like real - like all peoples know zombies are slow))

In 2004 the "Dawn of the dead" remake pretty much changed the trend to fast zombies, slow zombies are sooooooooo 1900's.

Here it is for you just in case you have spent the last 10 or so years living under a rock. :)


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The Walking Dead is great, but if you want the zombies to be even slightly challenging, they need to be fast as fuck like in 28 days later. That is what they are right now and will be.

Edited by Sutinen
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well like real - like all peoples know zombies are slow))

This is the problem in this post. Nobody knows how real zombies act, why? Stupid question, there are no real zombies.. Nobody knows will they be slow, fast, agile, able to interact in combat or any of that kind of stuff. We just dont know, no documentary has been posted on what zombies would be like in real life(Correct me if I'm wrong) but random assumptions of them being fast or slow wont work. Each zombie game chooses how they work, that's the concept, you can deal with it or leave, or post a nice poll to see how many people want to take the main concept out of the game which is "fear/horror".. And slow walking zombies, that's just not horrific at all, hell if I want that, I'd go to the center for old people -.-'

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not like a real zombies

more realistic


"Not like a real zombie" So you actually found some zombies in real life. Oh sh*t.

"more realistic" THEIR ZOMBIES! This like playing a fantasy game and saying "darn this magic is not true to real life. I can't shoot fireballs from my hand realistically!"

Zombies are whatever you make them out to be as long as you don't go to far from their roots. Like if the zombies started using guns then I could see where you are coming from but no game is dumb enough to do that....right *dang you capcom*. Also dayz has infected there is a difference if you watch watch enough movies or play enough games.

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Theres some science to why zombies would be slow. If the zombies are classic HS only zombies, their hearts would not beat, Thus its blood would settle in its legs, making the legs heavy and bloated, movement would be like wading through waist deep water. Of course Day Z zombies aren't classic zombies, they aren't dead, Rockets made it quite clear this is a disease, so the zombies are technically just sick people.

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Zombies of 28 ____ later series can exist too.

A zombie is not necessarily weak in his body, and for me the zombies of 28 days later and 28 weeks later who have the virus of the rage are more plausible than walking dead zombies.

In day z we don't want to live, we want to survive...

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name='harley001' timestamp='1356386681' post='1072231']

Zombies are whatever you make them out to be as long as you don't go to far from their roots.

They run and they do not infect players. How much further you want them to go from "the roots"?

And, what roots are we talking about? Romero's zombie? Then, we really are far away.

name='Ratsmon' timestamp='1356378764' post='1072027']

And slow walking zombies, that's just not horrific at all, hell if I want that, I'd go to the center for old people -.-'

Slow Zombie could be scary. Imagine yourself trapped between two large buildings and two group of zombie approaching from opposite side of the road. Have fun.

But, first things first.

I'm not saying they should be slow as hell, but they should not run. I saw livestream where some guy were running away from few zombies for about 15 min. Damn, what? What is this i don't even

They shouldn’t have chance to catch you in the field, but things are different in towns. There could be lots of them in towns, like behind every corner. And if you alarm one, all neighbourhood will try to kill you.

And it would be awesome to give zombie chance to slow down, or even stop player. Allow them to grab, bite and things like that. And to mention, no, I don’t want them to spread disease, that would be to harsh.

So, to end. Slower zombie, something like 1/2 or 3/4 of player speed, but lots of them, with ability to grab. It would be nice.

Edited by Mrozio

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Zombies should have the same physical abilities as the human has. They can run as fast and lift as much but would damage themselves eventually because they dont limit themselves. I like the zombies the way they are, I just wish they werent so buggy and jumping all around me when attacking.

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The zombies are fine as they are now..but I really think 99% of the players don't even think about them.I'm pretty sure that most of the players just forget about the purpose of this game wich is to survive the freaking zombie infection thing.Why?because the zombies ain't that dangerous atm.

Anyways,that was some off-topic stuff that I've just had in mind :D .

on : I really want to see zombies with proper animations and stuff,I think it will be more scary and "brutal"(a word wich rocket uses very often to describe the game as I found out) and then the people will maybe care there is an infected dude,just chilling out next to them.Maybe then players will think before shooting between them("hey,maybe this guy could help me kill that bunch of zombies over the house and we can loot it together) ..

But yeah,that's just me and my thoughts about the game.Sorry for my english,hope you can understand :D .

Edited by VldMaskot

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If you really wanted Zombies to be realistic, add in some infection process if you're hit hard enough. That's the whole scare behind zombies, is it not?

If you're hit hard enough and a wound opens up, why not have a slow infection (depending on where you're hit and how hard would determine how strong/fast the infection is)?

I think this would add so much of a more fear aspect to the game about the zombies if they can actually do something to you, other than slap you in the face and hope you go down.

I dunno, that's my two cents on it. First post btw :D

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If you want to make zombies "realistic" #1. you need to stop dry humping l4d. that shit is getting old like paris hilton's sex tape.

#2. through out the history there have been 2 things that zombies seem to have A,) Basic instincts B.) pack animal behaviour. so if you want more realistic zombies, they would need to behave like in 28 days.

sometimes they have been depicted as sluggish creatures, but the old mythos(before the 60s, 70s and 80s slow-mo zombie celluloid film zombies) zombies were either slow and controlled by someone else, or fast and moving in packs. and since we cant have zombies controlled by some magic wabber jack in a witch doctor hut in the north west corner of chernarus, go back to the beginning of #2.

#3. you sound like you dont want to play the game with its core intact, well here is a word of advise, switch games. I am guessing this is the scenario that happened in your dark lonely room before you posted this.

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If you want to make zombies "realistic" #1. you need to stop dry humping l4d. that shit is getting old like paris hilton's sex tape.

#2. through out the history there have been 2 things that zombies seem to have A,) Basic instincts B.) pack animal behaviour. so if you want more realistic zombies, they would need to behave like in 28 days.

sometimes they have been depicted as sluggish creatures, but the old mythos(before the 60s, 70s and 80s slow-mo zombie celluloid film zombies) zombies were either slow and controlled by someone else, or fast and moving in packs. and since we cant have zombies controlled by some magic wabber jack in a witch doctor hut in the north west corner of chernarus, go back to the beginning of #2.

#3. you sound like you dont want to play the game with its core intact, well here is a word of advise, switch games. I am guessing this is the scenario that happened in your dark lonely room before you posted this.

Whats wrong with you man? Dont be mean to people.

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The original slow "zombies" weren't zombies. They were meant to be ghouls...

Edit: L4D has the fastest zombies I've seen in a game, yet you use it for a slow zombies idea? The best zombies, that fit your description, is Dead Rising 2 zombies.

Edited by MacabreLlama99

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This topic comes up time and time again.

Despite the fact they are called zombies they are in fact Infected people. They are not walking corpses but psychotic, cannibalistic humans. There is no reason for them to shamble when they can scream and sprint. Think 28 Days Later 'zombies'.

Rocket has stated he is eager to produce an Infected life cycle whereby 'newer' infected are fast while older, hungry ones will be slower. Sounds good to me.

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This could be fixed by adding one more type of zombies, so there would be:

Crawlers - Do not change anything. Fairly common. Avegare chance of infecting.

Hoppers - Do not change anything. Fairly common. Avegare chance of infecting.

Walkers - Every place is indoors for these bitches. The most common sight. Avegare chance of infecting.

Infected - Do not change anything, exept make these run indoors. The fairly rare sight. Very high chance of infecting.

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