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It's Impossible to See at Night! - Other threads will be locked/deleted!

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I personally like the real time and realistic night cycle. Once you understand how the game works, it makes the immersion incredible.

perhaps for release or a later patch there should be an option for daytime servers, nighttime servers and realistic servers; just like how 3rd person can be enabled and disabled server wide, you could disable realtime and lock the server during mid-day or mid-night.

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"it is now impossible to see at night time its not "hard to see" its "impossible to see" you cant even tell if your in 3rd or 1st person mode that's how hard it is to see"

Oh.. It's hard to see at night? Good. That's the way I like it. It brought back the necessity of Flares, Chemlights, and Flashlights, and along with it came the RISK. That's what this game banks off of, the risk of shooting, using light, running vs. sneaking, it's all risk and fear and creates paranoia that the user then has to acknowledge and evaluate the pros and cons of their choices.. It's good that you can't see, you're probably posting this because you keep getting shot in a flare or aggroing zombies that you can't see.

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To a certain degree, I love the darkness in this game, but if you find yourself without flares or chemlights, it really is impossible to play. Sure, flares are pretty easy to come across, but when you don't have anything you can use to light the way, you're screwed.

Servers that are in a night cycle without any moonlight are practically empty.

My only real gripe is that you can't even see the sodding floor you're standing on. Pretty unrealistic, the human eyes adjust for limited light. Even starlight outside should be enough for you to find your way in an open field.

Why not have it so visibily has a very sharp reduction in distance, say anything further than 10m is pitch black?

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Still, its too dark at night unless the moonlight is working. Simple fix really, just fix the moonlight so it always works, and put a cap on gamma DUUURRRR

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Can you we start with a couple of flares? Or maybe a chemlight? I think that might encourage people to not just ditch the server they spawn at night.

I find playing at night to be really fun personally. But I don't like the flashlight at all and never use it once I find chemlights and flares.

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I love the night, both in real-life and in-game. However, this night is something terrible. It's really inconvenient when you are force to undergo 2 options as a new player:

1) Run in the dark and pray you aren't attracting zombies or being scouted by players with NVG's or some other midnight advantage

2) Run while intermittently turning on your flashlight to check where you are - again at a risk of having a trigger-happy player slaughter you on the spot

3) Simply run around with the flashlight on as a beacon to the server saying - HEY, CAPTAIN NEWB BOY HERE COME TAKE MY SHIT

All three of those options are terrible. As suggested above ambient moonlight / starlight is an excellent option. Not only will we retain the "scary" post-apocalyptic ambience of the game, but you can navigate a bit better 24 hours a day. I find myself constantly searching for servers that are on day time. Which means at night I can't even play on local servers, not without hassle.

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What you got to lose by getting killed at night when u spawn with nothing?

Would be an idea to spawn with a light source? Last night I spawned with nothing. Well I had a bandage and a backpack though.

Couldn't work it out cos I found a dead guy on the road and he had a torch...

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N.B. For all those who haven't realised yet' date=' the Arma moon follows a realistic cycle. When I played the other day, it was a new moon, meaning it's very dark.

On nights where it's a full moon, then you *can* see at night, just like you should be able to by moonlight.


for you who has no idea what hes talking about

the new patch caused this it has nothing to do with the moon or its cycles

Yeah, with the new patch, your gamma is forced to normal levels, and you basically can't see without the moon. However, during the full moon, you can see at night with regular gamma settings. So the new patch has created two different kinds of night to go with day settings. The servers will cycle back and forth between pitch-black night (and people wishing they had a gamma hack) and between playable night.

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all i have to say is a fucking hate not being able to play this game because i work at night.. its an interesting idea being able to play at time.. but i wish they would disable this feature until its playable.. i spent 30 dollars to play and i still havent been able to do shit

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i spent 30 dollars to play

I swear people are retarded. I want to slap everyone that says this and no I won't bother to explain why, you should know.

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I feel like a lot of people are posting without reading the posts that came before.

Light pollution or ambient light isn't the issue. Human eyes adjust over (a long) time to darkness. Currently, at least on my monitor, there is NO detail on a dark night. I'd just like to be able to make out the bare edges of objects.

Less of this: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20460662/too_dark.jpg

And more of this: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20460662/better.jpg

(Image stolen from GIS)

It's probably hard to even see a difference without downloading the image and zooming in.

Edit: I should add that I'm fine with the current light levels on moonlit nights.

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yea ppl are saying its too bright with the moon and not bright enough without it, just get used to it. its fuckin perfect IMO, just run north. find star patterns so you kno which way north is without a compass, thats what i did. now i have no problem starting with a torch and finding a hatchet to use first, then lee/ Winchester/ the akm, then m4. thats how it goes.

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I dont get it, im not hardcore player nad for sure not vet. in DayZ but im fine with nights.

I can see your point - its unrealistic, coz in real life u would see ur hand at last (in open space - aka not in forest)


You have to understand, in this game, night is a challenge, what u gonna do when u will have full stuff and and nothing more to get ? try to survive night ... thats usualy new experciance to most players coz ppl on early game just avoid night servers (and i wanna point it out, why ppl are bitching around, u dont wanna challenge - go to day server - you always have choice)

(and again) BUT

Night if fully playable even for new players who just spawned - how ? of course u have flashlite in ur backpack - i know, i know, its like ,,Hey im here - kill me u ugly bandit" - but remember guys, u have only bandage and flashlight ... usualy they wont even waste ammo on you, plus - u have no other choice, go with flashlight or be eaten in darkness, its easy to pick in my opinion. Its survival horror for god sake, make it survival, and make it horror ! no1 says gonna be easy (im not like "hey im pro coz i can" i just want to show u other point of viev). PLUS you just need to use brain sometimes ... pull zombies with flare, loot some store, count on matches - and ur in home. Find good place for set a fire, and make yourself comfortable, make short trips to closest building in search for loot, or even team up with other players, u can regroup easly with fireplace on hilltop - i know its dangerous, but u can hide ur stuff earlier and say ,,Hey i have nothing - just wanna talk" : )

Why im writing this wall of text (with bad, or BAD english gramma) ? Coz i want to show u whiners that all u have to do is thinking, and a lil bit of luck ... beside it im at work, and its SOOO BOOORING



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night was dope around the lat 1.6 patch with HDr v high and without gamma up , so many night time joy rides into packs of zombies, little too dark now

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Sad to see people still complaining about this. You spawn with a flashlight now, no one else's problem that you toss them first chance you get. If you don't like night, play on a server in a timezone where it's daylight. It's a simulation game, sure it's not perfect, but it's not like you're going to have perfect vision for miles around at night in real life. Lunar cycles, etc..

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It's a little too dark. It's nowhere that dark at night during any season. At least not where I live. Unrealistically dark is what it is. I think that it should be dark, but not being able to see anything other than the stars/moon/ and the outlines of trees/buildings without using flares/flashlight is too much for my taste.

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Sad to see people still complaining about this. You spawn with a flashlight now' date=' no one else's problem that you toss them first chance you get. If you don't like night, play on a server in a timezone where it's daylight. It's a simulation game, sure it's not perfect, but it's not like you're going to have perfect vision for miles around at night in real life. Lunar cycles, etc..


Flashlights shine through walls.

Also, this is what I mean by people not reading the thread before they post. I'm not asking for "perfect vision for miles." I'm asking for some vision for feet.

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I agree that the game is TOO dark at night. Whats the harm in adding some ambient moonlight?

There is ambient moonlighting...when the moon is up. What's the harm in using available light sources when it's not up?

Can you we start with a couple of flares? Or maybe a chemlight? I think that might encourage people to not just ditch the server they spawn at night.

LOL' date=' you are new here, aren't you? We _did_start with flares up until the last two patches. But then we had players QQing about how much they don't like to use flares. So, rocket was more than happy to address this issue by giving us flashlights...and removing guns and morphine and food and water. So be careful what you wish for around here }:-).


I'm asking for some vision for feet.


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I find the assertion that pitch black nights are realistic quite hilarious. Anyone suggesting this should seriously visit a physician because there is most definitely something wrong with your vision. Either that, or you've never gone outside at night.

The following is taken from the American Optometric Association's website in regards to the human eye and how it works at varying levels of light.

link: http://www.aoa.org/x5352.xml


According to a widely held theory of vision, the rods are responsible for vision under very dim levels of illumination (scotopic vision) and the cones function at higher illumination levels (photopic vision). Photopic vision provides the capability for seeing color and resolving fine detail (20/20 of better), but it functions only in good illumination. Scotopic vision is of poorer quality; it is limited by reduced resolution ( 20/200 or less) and provides the ability to discriminate only between shades of black and white. This limitation can be easily confirmed by noting that, at dusk, the different colors of a flower garden become virtually indistinguishable. However, the scotopic system provides enhanced sensitivity and low detection thresholds under markedly reduced illumination.

This dual-receptor system allows the human eye to maintain sensitivity over an impressively large range of ambient light levels. Between the limits of maximal photopic vision and minimal scotopic vision, the eye can function rather effectively to changes in brightness of as much as 1,000,000,000 times. The sensitivity of the eye automatically adjusts to changes in illumination. The dimmest light in which the rods can function is equivalent to ambient conditions of an overcast night with no moonlight. The dimmest light in which the cones can function is roughly equivalent to a night with 50% moonlight. Thus a white which can just barely be seen by the rods must be increased in brightness 1,000 times before it becomes visible to the cones. The light intensity of the sun is approximately 30,000 times that of the moon, yet the eye can function well in bright sunlight as well as in dim moonlight. Although the human eye can function over a vast range of brightness, the retina is sensitive to damage by light, e.g., from lasers or unprotected sun gazing. This potential for light injury exists because the optics of the eye can concentrate light energy on the retina by a factor of 100,000 times.

So, from this we can see that our eyes have two ways of providing vision. The first is our normal vision in optimal resolution and color quality, which uses the cones. The second is a lower resolution and color quality that we get from the rods. The cones can function on a clear night with at least 50% moonlight, and the rods function in overcast with no moonlight.

This means that even in a pitch black setting, the human eye functions at a base level. This is why at night, even if there is no moonlight and full cloud cover you can still see. Your vision is nowhere near as good as in regular moonlight or during the day, but you still have vision. As mentioned in the quoted article, our "Night Vision" is comparable to 20/200 (Things 20 feet away have the clarity of something 200 feet away with a normal eye) with colorblindness. While this is not optimal vision, it is far better than no vision. Currently, DayZ offers no vision, and hides behind the delusion that that is realistic. This seems to be a common theme in Arma II (rotational blur and vision bobbing while running, which human's with normal vision and brain function don't perceive because our brains actually process our vision properly so that we don't notice it) so I can't fault the creator too much.

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Lets take a look at what we are complaining about guys... "I cant see at night" nooo shit. Its night time, go out into the woods near absolutely zero lights and tell me if you can see. if ya really hate it so much then maybe this isnt the best game for you, This is meant to be a realistic game which means night time is dark. I dont understand why people are so shocked by that. Please just gobal ban everybody who whines about the mechanics that make this game what it truly is, an awesome game.

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Go outside at night, you will find it verry diffrent, and visable

And dont just walk outside from inside, stay out there for about 20-30 min. Your eyes will adjust, just like you adjust while running and your vision doesnt look like a camera attached to a bobblehead

Edit - the only way you have dark like it is ingame is if there is no light source, like a blackout room. Unfortunatly the sky prevents that, unless its cloudy. The stars will provide enough light to see

Its aparent who lives in the city and who lives in the country away from the city lights affected by Light Polution

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