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It's Impossible to See at Night! - Other threads will be locked/deleted!

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I have no problems with the nighttime' date=' chemlights, flashlights and flares work just fine for me. The only downside I see is the transition (Twilight) between day and night is just way too short considering gametime runs in realtime 1:1 ratio.


you dont have the new Arma 2 Beta patch installed yet thats why you dont have a problem with it but you will

i bet you did not even look at the videos

its unplayable

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Try slow walking. Double tap shift to activate/deactivate. Should help with the constant stopping.

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There's no more lights.. they ALL turned off because there's no more electricity. We only have vehicles and mobile lights. In this situation, during the night, you wouldn't see anything except when there's the moon. Sometime i do the mountain camping during the summer, so i am km's away from the city, and there's no light pollution to light the sky, and when there's no moon, even if your eyes get used of the darkness, you can't see anything! Except maybe the line of the surrounding mountains around you.

I'm not sure why ppl are saying: you can see at night.. maybe they mean in a city, or near a city, or when there the full moon... but normally it's exactly like that: it's BLACK and you can't do a couple of steps without a flashlight.

Did you ever tried to RUN in this situation? It's incredibly scary and dangerous: you end with a broken bone in a couple of minutes if you try to...

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I've been having tons of problems with the night ever since tone mapping got "improved" in the beta patch. It's pretty ridiculous now. The sky is bright as the fires of hell, but everything below it doesn't even have a texture, it's just paint-bucket-filled black. I can see the silhouette of the tips of trees against the sky and that's it. Everything on the ground is just pure black. No outlines, silhouettes, nothing. Just black.

Everyone says to just use flares or chemlights, etc, but they don't work nearly as well anymore. The flares just have a circle of light, that's smaller now than it was before, and outside that circle it's pure black again. I really think the people telling me to use flares and stuff have never played on a recent beta patch.

I did mess around with a flashlight for a while. The flashlights work very well. However it seems my character who can run miles with pounds upon pounds of equipment, fix up his own bullet wound, and fire weapons with pinpoint accuracy, does not have the competence required to point a flashlight forward while running. And then there's the added fact that flashlights aggro zombies.

I don't understand the people who can apparently get around fine at night. There's no way you've been playing on the recent beta patches. Something needs to be done and if making it slightly brighter isn't an option, I think the flashlights can be tweaked a little to work very well.

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I myself have no real quarrel with the night time in DayZ yes your right in real-life your eyes would adjust an you could see at night abit which i understand and i am sure they'll include this in future updates


Alot of you seem to forget this is an ALPHA mod, not a beta or a fully working mod but an ALPHA there will be bugs there will be glitches and things that will be fixed/removed/updated this is how any game becomes the full product it is when it finally get's released for sale

If you are unsatisfied with playing the game at night which is manageable by the flares, chemlights & flashlights weather there mounted on weapons or just handheld then don't play on a server that's at night play on a day time server if your still not happy do not play the game at all

I've seen an heard of players who play without using any of these even NVG's an do fine, the whole point of us all playing this is to report errors/issues/bugs/glitches to the dev team so then can work out how to resolve them this is not just for our enjoyment but to help it make it a better or even a more epic mod than it already is.

Do you see ALPHA/BETA testers moan an complain because something isn't playable? NO! of course not there job is to identify these issues and report them, essentially that's what ever DayZ player is we're ALPHA testers if you will

Everyone is entitled to there opinion and are granted to voice it but doesn't mean everyone or anyone will agree with you and personally i vastly doubt that this will make it loose popularity if new players aren't willing to give it a shot just because its "TOO DARK" then there missing out on an awesome mod

If you don't agree with me or want to add something on that i may have missed out then feel free i welcome anyone's opinions :)

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I really hate the people who agree with the gamma/brightness bullshit.

It's night time, you're not suppose to be able to god damn see, use your bloody god damn flares, pick one up, use a torch.

Yes you then have to watch out for bandits, but this is the risk you take to be able to SEE, unless he's camping in a house waiting, the chances are that bandit also can't see.

Join a group of 4, all of you use torches, you'll see just fine.

It's that simple, you are not suppose to really be able to survive a zombie apoc solo, lets get this straight, this is why to heal yourself you need another person, yea you can try & most will get by doing so, but ultimately you're going to die & even in a team you may die.

Deal with it.

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Also at the moment, flashlights seems to be buggy for some people, so if someone dies (say me)

I start at the coast, in pitch blackness, and a broken flashlight...

Good luck with that.

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Alot of you seem to forget this is an ALPHA mod' date=' not a beta or a fully working mod but an ALPHA there will be bugs there will be glitches and things that will be fixed/removed/updated this is how any game becomes the full product it is when it finally get's released for sale[/quote']

What you seem to forget is that the darkness at night has nothing to do with the fact that this mod is an alpha. It's an issue with the Arma 2 beta patch, which may or may not have been influenced by this mod. Before the required beta patch, flares and chemlights were more usable, and the only impossibly pitch black nights were full on overcast.

Frankly, I'd be happy if I could at least make out some texture inside of 10-20 meters. Yes, nights without light pollution can be extremely dark, but that doesn't make the world a single slab of black with a brightly glowing sky, only making out any outlines by horizoning them. If darkness is going to be this extremely unrealistic, I'd rather have Skyrim's unrealistic nights, not a world made out of black construction paper.

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This is for all you people bitching about night time in DayZ being to dark..

Well news flash in real life out side away from the city lights to brighten up your life.. It's so dark you can't see in front of your face.

Really leave the city go some place where there are no city lights and guess what its just that dark so and dayz is realistic hardcore type of game so ya.

I mean have you people ever gone real camping before in your lives?

I mean your talking about a post apocalyptic setting where there are no street lights on every street down every road no electricity, no Light pollution..

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- Stars

- Moon

- Eyes adjusting to darkness

I loved the way it worked without the beta patch, with HDR at very high. I was able to see perfectly fine outside on wide open fields, but I could barely see in forests and indoors.

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- Stars - not enough for naked eye (NVGs amplify starlight)

- Moon - not always available

- Eyes adjusting to darkness - not really, try it in a dark room

There really are completely dark nights in country away from towns (far away, towns pollute air with lights quite far). I don't understand how some people still claim otherwise.

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- Stars

- Moon

- Eyes adjusting to darkness

I loved the way it worked without the beta patch' date=' with HDR at very high. I was able to see perfectly fine outside on wide open fields, but I could barely see in forests and indoors.


Sorry but your wrong.. Stars and moon don't help see 1 inch in front of your face if there is no electricity around for miles. Just pure black nothing not even the outline of your hand if you put it up in front of your own face. It would just be pure muted black. I know because I have been out there miles away from nothing and I have really good eye sight.

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This thread will now be stuck as the official "the night is too dark" thread. Stay on topic and you may continue with your grumblings.

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I'm enjoying the increased difficulty

How is night too dark? They give you a flash light at the spawn now?

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good, this isnt a popularity contest, its about a unique dev making a unique product for a small amount of hardcore players

Rocket: dont listen to these people, keep this game as your own, you doing an amazing job, youre another reason Im so proud to be kiwi!

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2 solutions, simply don't play at night or work to get some nvg's.

I enjoy the mod quite a bit however I don't enjoy playing at night. So, I when the server I manage gets dark I sign off (AND I have NVG's)

Thus, I fixed my play experience..perhaps you should do the same.

If unsatisfied with the quality of your experience either work within the the scope of the sim or simply leave and go play farmville.

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I keep seeing posts like this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13467&pid=124325#pid124325

and i just don't understand why some people are against making the night time brighter. i get that night is supposed to be challenging and all, but you can see at night in reality. if this game is trying to go a more realistic path, seeing in the dark is realistic.

Rocket, put a moon in the sky. the moon can light up the night as it does in reality. all the challenging aspects of the night are still present, you can just now see even if you don't have any nvg's. with people bandits sniping people all the time, how could you not think it would be a good idea to make it easier to see at night when you've lost your nvg's?

the kind of people, like in the post linked, are the ones threatening the longevity of this game. the hardcore garbage they demand be present should be in veteran mode only, regular mode should be considerably more realistic. there are people saying you, Rocket, don't care about your playerbase's opinion. that this is your mod and you'll do as you want, but you have to prove that's a lie and you have to show everyone that you're listening to the feedback we're giving you

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No, the night is not this dark in real life. I grew up in very rural Missouri(the closest neighbor was over a mile away and the closest town about 25 miles). There is no light pollution and our land is mostly forest. Still, I could see even in the deep forest in the middle of the night with a little bit of time to adjust my eyes. Ride a 4 wheeler 2-3 miles down in to a forest, turn the 4 wheeler and all its lights off, and give it 5 minutes.

You won't see well, but you'd be able to navigate. The simple fact is, it's not that dark in real life. I want the night to be dark because I want flares to have relevance, but the simple fact is that it IS really too dark. Just a little bump would be fine. You shouldn't be able to see really, but you should be able to navigate a little bit.

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I have no problems with the nighttime' date=' chemlights, flashlights and flares work just fine for me. The only downside I see is the transition (Twilight) between day and night is just way too short considering gametime runs in realtime 1:1 ratio.


you dont have the new Arma 2 Beta patch installed yet thats why you dont have a problem with it but you will

i bet you did not even look at the videos

its unplayable

You're wrong again, I do have the arma beta patch and my position still stands.

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No' date=' the night is not this dark in real life. I grew up in very rural Missouri(the closest neighbor was over a mile away and the closest town about 25 miles). There is no light pollution and our land is mostly forest. Still, I could see even in the deep forest in the middle of the night with a little bit of time to adjust my eyes. Ride a 4 wheeler 2-3 miles down in to a forest, turn the 4 wheeler and all its lights off, and give it 5 minutes.

You won't see well, but you'd be able to navigate. The simple fact is, it's not that dark in real life. I want the night to be dark because I want flares to have relevance, but the simple fact is that it IS really too dark. Just a little bump would be fine. You shouldn't be able to see really, but you should be able to navigate a little bit.


This guy got a point.

Also, why is everyone suggesting to abuse the scarce sources of light we have? Considering that the only two times I tried to use a flare or turn on the G17 flashlight I was sniped (in the middle of nowhere far from any point of interest) I think that this is some sort of tactic to force more players to be visible at night and allow easier night-sports.

Honestly I don't know what kind of settings do you use but especially during dusk/dawn there is no real reason to have the same visibility like in midnight. My eyes are still bleeding from...

P.S.: Guys, there is no need to be absolutely rude against everyone, you can mantain a decent discussion without calling names and using valid arguments.

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The problem is that DayZ only influences 2 of the 5 human senses. At night, a real person's sense of awareness is amplified by the senses other than sight. DayZ does not compensate for this, and it shows. People who jump up and defend nights being pitch black have either A: Never been in an open field on a clear night, or B: Don't want nighttime to change so they can feel perfectly safe with NVGs.

Honestly people, before you state that nighttime is perfectly fine, you need to get out of your basement (it's scary, but you can do it) and go out into an open field...away from the city. Take a real road flare with you just to make sure. You may not see nearly as much as daytime, but you definitely know you're either on the road, in a field, and which way it is within a 20m radius.

At night, the game turns into LIMBO without the puzzles or the background.

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