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What is the point in hosting your own server?

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It sounds like you can only: kick, ban, restart and change some basic features.

I thought hosting a DayZ private hive server would allow you to spawn items, spawn vehicles, go invisible and teleport to certain people.

Can you spawn items, or do these things?

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No, otherwise you could abuse such things, couldn't you? And there would be no point in playing a survival game if you could just spawn what you needed like a lot of servers do ( 100 vehicles, 1000000 times more loot etc. )

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So you want to be an abusive admin basically?

The point of hosting your own server is that you always have one you can join and you can eliminate hackers, it's possible to do a lot of things with a private hive if you know how.

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I want to have fun while helping players on the private hive. Can you spawn items, yes or no?

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You have

I want to have fun while helping players on the private hive. Can you spawn items, yes or no?

In my opinion you have a fun time playing the game how it should be played, not adding fucking 500 vehicles or a ton of loot. It takes all the fun out. That's why I don't get the point behind private hives.

Helping players is actually taking away from them the fun of finding shit themselves.

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You have

In my opinion you have a fun time playing the game how it should be played, not adding fucking 500 vehicles or a ton of loot. It takes all the fun out. That's why I don't get the point behind private hives.

Helping players is actually taking away from them the fun of finding shit themselves.

Before disrespecting me and being a complete dick you should probably read what I actually posted.

I was implying if Admins could spawn, fool.

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It sounds like you can only: kick, ban, restart and change some basic features.

I thought hosting a DayZ private hive server would allow you to spawn items, spawn vehicles, go invisible and teleport to certain people.

Can you spawn items, or do these things?

Welcome to the life of a public server admin. Wait until player bitch at you for not being able to stop hackers, that is when the true joy begins. Maybe you would better like just doing your own Arma 2 OA server and getting the Wasteland mod or some other mod if you want all that stuff. Why change DayZ when there are other Arma2 mod have tons of vehicles weapons and everything else.. just no zombies...

Edited by MissBehave

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There's abusive admins in plenty of other privately owned servers in many more different games. The solution if you don't like it is to leave. I don't really know why it should be different here. I think if the owner of the server wanted to spawn something it isn't really abuse and they should be allowed. For obvious reasons this shouldn't be allowed in main hive servers, but I think there should be an allowance for private hives as long as they are tagged properly (something saying the admins can spawn stuff) so people don't get any unwanted surprises.

It could be a lot of fun, if you don't think so then don't play on those kinds of servers and don't ruin it for other people.

Welcome to the life of a public server admin. Wait until player bitch at you for not being able to stop hackers, that is when the true joy begins.

he's asking about private servers

Edited by Chris529

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Playing DayZ usually means getting someone else forcing an unwanted surprise on you. You don't need to teleport around and be invisible to be a good admin. It just sounds like if you want the DayZ experience with a shit ton of cars and weapons.. there are other mods out there that do that. Hell you can play vanilla Arma2 and get that. Fly jets around and tanks. Why force it on DayZ?

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...It could be a lot of fun, if you don't think so then don't play on those kinds of servers and don't ruin it for other people...

It isn't forcing it on anyone, it isn't hurting anyone, it's just an option. Clearly there are people who would really enjoy such things, like I wouldn't mind riding through chernogorsk in a bmp guns blazing, crushing and killing anything in my way. It would be a break from the stresses and hardships of classic DayZ. I would favourite a couple of those servers and maybe go on with my friends and fix up really cool vehicles that we normally don't get to and have some fun.

I think it would keep gameplay much the same in a way, I mean its just the case of sticks and rocks vs sticks and rocks, guns vs guns and then the next step military vehicles vs military vehicles. Same stuff just a level up.

Edited by Chris529

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Your not the smartest, How's the global ban working for you?


"I've been Globally Banned on DayZ for no reason and I'm not sure what to do, I've never attempted to hack or do anything wrong in the game since I've been playing it because I know there's no point and it just simply ruins the game for what it is."


Teleporting, Spawning being invisible ruins the game.


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I want to have fun while helping players on the private hive. Can you spawn items, yes or no?

Same as hacking...why help them with spawned items...takes the fun out of the game. Even if someone offered me tons of weapons in game i don't even need i would rather take a can of beans and a knife over that every single time.

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You know you could have found the answer to this if you looked a server providers websites, anyway with a private hive server you can kick, ban etc also you can spawn in vehicles and weapons and even buildings but you need to know how to do it and also if you do spawn them in the players are going to find out very quickly and just leave your server, the one thing you should be hosting a server for is to create a nice friendly place for people to play. Also you will get moaned at every time your on your server if your an admin, if you kick someone for a legit reason like spamming their mic in side chat then will just complain, so think before you decide to host one.

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hosteeng own server mean you pay,

it help great dayz dev warriors that not charge you $60 to play continue their crusade..

it giv bak to communitee. and wifout those men hosting great servers.... we will all be playing warz.

Edited by basement4life

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Hosting your own server means that:

You can customize starting gear

Ban players that hack faster that BattleGay

You can add custom buildings if you know how

Increas/decrease vehicle spawns.

Kick someone to make room for your friends

ah,why am i even bothering?It's clear that you want admin powers to gear yourself up,and then tp around ,use admin powers to see where others are and kill them and then think that you're the god of dayz,and brag on side chat,right?It's your money and your call,but with an adittude like that your server will be empty and you will just waste your money.Remember,noone loves abusive admins

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lol @ vapordadz reply :D :D :D :D :thumbsup:

Edited by terrorizer33

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