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Foxtrot Muppet

Player Classes

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On first ever log in you should have to select a class that you can't ever change from even after death.

Class examples:





and so on.

These classes will affect things like how much you can carry and what you can and can't do. Like for example the builder is the only on you can create fortifications and underground bases. But they may not be able to run as fast or for as long.

This will make the game more team-based as every team member will need a certain class.

When selecting a class they'll need an excellent description but so people don't make the wrong choice.

This suggestion would need a lot of work as i can see some things that would need to be worked on myself.

E: When i say classes i mean like your job before the Apocalypse because you don't see an athlete you can professorially use a gun and repair cars easily.

I guess maybe i'm trying to make it to realistic...?

Edited by Foxtrot Muppet
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Class selecting isn't something I'd like to see. If you want a feature like this you'd have it achieved by experience. (eg. designate someone in the group your mechanic and have him do every repair etc. on your vehicles and the more he does the more experience he'll have in the matter. Same for a medic or a soldier.) In saying that, I don't want to see xp bars or any type of grinding either. It's a hard thing to implement while still keeping balance and the accurate experience DayZ offers.

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I thought of something like this myself, because it is very Strange, that everybody survivor can repair a Car (apart from changing The tires .. Even i can do that) give a blood Transfusion, operate a Rifle and can fly a helo, without any Problem.

But nevertheless I think it wouldn't fit Into The world well, or atleast I don't know of a Way to implement it properly, so that it doesn't feel arbitrary.

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I can´t disagree more on this matter.

Every survivor must be provided with the same capabilities and skills. The balance would be screwed over.

If you want classes you should play a different game, maybe Planetside 2 is something for you.

And next time use the search function. You are number 3293240302343024 who did come up with this gratuitous class idea.

so long Rudson

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No. I don't see this fitting in at all.

It's not an MMORPG. It may have some role playing elements if you decide to do that with your friends, but no. it is not.

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I used to be a skyrim player like the OP, till i took a zombie to my ankle, too bad OP is still strugling with hes Arrow in the knee, and thinking replacing it with a zombie does him any better.

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How many of these suggestions exist? There are never going to classes because dayz isn't about that. Dayz is about survival part of survival is everyone being on the same page.


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One of the things that makes Dayz what it is that everyone starts out the same, adding classes I think would ruin a big part of the game. I think you may be looking for a different type of game perhaps something on a console would be more suited to your tastes.

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[Falls to knees, arms outstretched, looks up to the sky]


In all seriousness (yeah, that's right) this has been suggested many times and the overwhelming response has been no. DayZ is unique in that it forces no back story upon you.

Dressing up like one of these 'classes' would be fine, but perks and stuff like that - no thanks.

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I just realized that many of the people who suggested things like "classes" are often new to the forum and the community.

One the one hand i find it to be charming, because it shows how far the whole "dayz-effect" is on new players, not everybody thinks about how to enhance a game by adding something new and so on. On the other hand tough it shows that these players have not spend to much time with the actuall game.

It is a vicious circle, but i always like to comment on these kind of topics, it is funny and most of the times it teaches somekind of lesson to newcommers who want to become part of the forum community. I hope Foxtrot Mupett isn´t sad about the negative response.

Even your topic wasn´t the smartest you came up with, it still showed me, that new players do care about the game. That is really impressive. So from this point of few i will give you my beans :)

so long Rudson

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