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I think Alcohol would be an interesting addition to Day Z. Think about it. It's the apocalypse. Flesh eating creatures are roaming around, trying to tear you to shreds. Maybe you're terrified, and need something to take the edge off, so you take a few swigs of Vodka. Or maybe you broke a leg, and don't have any morphine at hand, but have a few shots of Jack Daniels left to lift a bit of the pain. Perhaps you have a group of Zombies following you, but don't have enough bullets or any traps, but you might have matches and enough alcohol you light a few of them up. Or maybe you're just a bit thirsty.

But of course, drinking it comes at a price. Your vision would blur, your shots are less accurate, your character might stumble a bit. Things like that. I think it would be a great addition, and would certainly raise immersion for me.

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I think Alcohol would be an interesting addition to Day Z. Think about it. It's the apocalypse. Flesh eating creatures are roaming around, trying to tear you to shreds. Maybe you're terrified, and need something to take the edge off, so you take a few swigs of Vodka. Or maybe you broke a leg, and don't have any morphine at hand, but have a few shots of Jack Daniels left to lift a bit of the pain. Perhaps you have a group of Zombies following you, but don't have enough bullets or any traps, but you might have matches and enough alcohol you light a few of them up. Or maybe you're just a bit thirsty.

But of course, drinking it comes at a price. Your vision would blur, your shots are less accurate, your character might stumble a bit. Things like that. I think it would be a great addition, and would certainly raise immersion for me.

Maybe a few swigs of Whiskey or Vodka could calm you and stop you shaking or even raise your temperature in the cold :)

Maybe even special dancing emotes only accessible when drunk :P


Edited by jaytmuk

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Maybe a few swigs of Whiskey or Vodka could calm you and stop you shaking or even raise your temperature in the cold :)

Maybe even special dancing emotes only accessible when drunk :P

When you go into the action menu, there would be a "Dance" option :D

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Maybe a few swigs of Whiskey or Vodka could calm you and stop you shaking or even raise your temperature in the cold :)

Maybe even special dancing emotes only accessible when drunk :P


Hahah, yes! And maybe a "talk incomprehensible gibberish" option too. :P

Also; loving that picture.

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Maybe a few swigs of Whiskey or Vodka could calm you and stop you shaking or even raise your temperature in the cold :)

Maybe even special dancing emotes only accessible when drunk :P

Good idea, although Alcohol actually lowers your body temperature. Sure it makes you feel warm but that is because the blood is rushing to the outter part of your body and escaping, reducing the inner core temperature quicker than if you were not drinking alcohol.

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There should be large caches of alcohol somewhere seeing as I keep finding people's empty whiskey bottles.

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If alcohol was added as a cheap alternative to painkillers/morphine this would be an interesting idea. Also if taken WITH painkillers the alcohol would have some very nasty effects on your character. Passing out intermittently, possibly even death. Still, we always find the empty whiskey bottles, it'd only make sense to find a FULL one eventually.

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alcohol and cigarettes just open up sooooooo many social possibilities, and would possibly even turn into the standard "currency" that the world lacks. i cant see the devs NOT adding them in. i mean unless its an issue with the rating...

but yeah cigarettes would require a smoking animation (light visible in darkness) and the ability to offer another player a cigarette.

alcohol would require drunken effects and animations and puking obviously, and ultimately loss of consciousness.

seems kinda stupid to have these things, but realistically the possibilities are endless for how players would interact with them.


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There doesn't necessarily need to be a specific use for these objects in my opinion. Just give us consumables like cigarettes and booze that have effects and let the players decide how best to use them.

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yes defentley, calming the nerves and perhaps the flammable aspect too bearing in mind its no where near as effective as using petrol in the same manner but more so for times of desperation.

It would defentley make you alot thirster many hrs later. Even if you run a long distance over a short period of time you would need a shit load of water e.t.c (any long running after alc consumption in real life sucks baad)

Perhaps you could use it also to clean your knife off (with rag?) before you harvest meat from a dead animal, however you lanced an infected in the head with it the night before thus clearing the knife of harbouring infectious properties.

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