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Dangit, where is the next community build discussion topic?

Community Change log:


* [Prerequisites]

* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58P_EP1. (Military)

* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_EP1. (Military)

* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_RCO_EP1. (MilitaryS)

* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_CCO_EP1. (MilitaryS)

* [NEW] Weapon - G36C. (HeliCrash)

* [NEW] Weapon - G36C_camo. (HeliCrash)

* [NEW] Weapon - G36A_camo. (HeliCrash)

* [NEW] Weapon - G36K_camo. (HeliCrash)

* [NEW] Weapon - M40A3 (MilitaryS)

* [NEW] - Ability to flip ATV's.

* [NEW] - Zeds spawn while in vehicles.

* [NEW] - Zeds mow have the ability to damage vehicles. This is limited to glass only once glass is destoryed players within will be damage.

* [NEW] - Zeds now have the ability to pull you from open vehicles.

* [NEW] - In combat bot added if your in combat and logoff your player will be replaced with a bot that can still be looted and killed.

* [NEW] - New Load screens added to show timeleft for combat logging.

* [NEW] - Revamped Blood/Food/Water/Temp gui icons. guiinfo-v3.jpg

* [uPDATED] - BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS replaced with BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo. (HeliCrash)

* [uPDATED] - Added a much faster login process.

* [uPDATED] - Limted amount of ammo found with weapons.

* [uPDATED] - Gender selection images updated thanks Des.

* [uPDATED] - Updated infection chance during zed attacks from 1/1000 to 1/50.

* [uPDATED] - Changed Loot tables to increase the supply of Antibiotic drops.

* [uPDATED] - Combat Mode is now effected by everything you do and everything done to you (example any kind of damage).

* [uPDATED] - Bots will lie down on player dissconnect.

* [uPDATED] - While bots are active all gear is synced in real time as if the bot was a normal player removes dupping issues.

* [uPDATED] - Max local zeds updated based on the area your in (example CityCapitals - 100, City's - 80, Village's - 60 (Old Local Zed count was 40 at any location that has buildings)).

* [Fixed] - Zeds hearing should now be fixed.

* [Fixed] - Temperature icon color now ranges from iceblue (cold) to red (hot)

* [Fixed] - German Tranlations updated.

* [Fixed] - mi17 gunner seat is now fixed (you no longer stand outside)

* [REMOVED] - BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS (Based on poll)

* [REMOVED] - Banned m136 as it never really worked and served no real purpose.


* [Prerequisites] beta-patch 98866.

* [Prerequisites] Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 x86 Redistributable (http://www.microsoft...ls.aspx?id=8328)

* [NEW] - Added new constraint to block non Dayz items from being wrote to the db

* [uPDATED] - Publish Object will now only publish items allowed. (tents, other deployables)

* [Fixed] - Crash issue on stale child calls.

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* [NEW] - Added new constraint to block non Dayz items from being wrote to the db

I need more info on this, any other private hive person agree? What does this MEAN for Private Hives? Can we no longer correct things with our MySQL powers?!?

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Pls pls get rid the icons and hud pls Rocket :)

Sounds and animations would be a better indication for blood level, food level etc etc

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Pls pls get rid the icons and hud pls Rocket :)

Sounds and animations would be a better indication for blood level, food level etc etc

Until that happens, I am really digging the look of these new icons. The temperature one especially, since it always seems to be a shade of white for me and never gives me particularly useful information. Having bright red food and or water always looked out of place too. Until they're removed, I can get behind these all green ones.

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Pls pls get rid the icons and hud pls Rocket :)

Sounds and animations would be a better indication for blood level, food level etc etc

except there is no way to compensate for everything with sounds and animations.

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I love the new HUD icons and am really looking forward to the new combat logging bots too.

As for removing the HUD, I wouldn't mind that being an option, but I like the HUD. It's very minimal and blends in well so I've never found it bothersome. Sounds, on the other hand, I don't think I'd like. Would my guy pant every 20 seconds when thirsty? Would my stomach grumble when hungry? Based on my experiences with sound notifications in other games I've found the novelty wears off quickly and the noises become so annoying I'm begging for a small, soundless HUD replacement instead.

An even better solution than toggling the HUD via the options menu would be to have a HUD activation key. Press a button, the HUD appears. Press it again it goes away.

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I quite like the HUD, just wish there was a way for me to see my humanity.And the bots will be amazing! :D

And as for the new weapons I think that is amazing! DayZ doesn't have much AR's and the G36 has to be one of my favorite, Don't get me started on the M40A3 :3

Edited by BCaused

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What I worry about is the constraint though, unless the means it's blocking in-game players from writing their own stuff somehow to the DB... That must be it, like an additional createVehicles block.

And yes, the HUD is amazing.

But even more amazing: Zombies spawning around vehicles, hitting vehicles, and pulling survivors out. That is cool.

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What I worry about is the constraint though, unless the means it's blocking in-game players from writing their own stuff somehow to the DB... That must be it, like an additional createVehicles block.

And yes, the HUD is amazing.

But even more amazing: Zombies spawning around vehicles, hitting vehicles, and pulling survivors out. That is cool.

Im hoping it dosnt stop players from writing to the database, it will break our custom base building mod :(

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Moar zombies and they spawn while in vehicles and they gonna mike tyson you off atv cycle and bike while hating you with they infection filled jazzhands. I think this will be an interesting update. :D

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Hmm this one worries me > [NEW] - Wreck locations are now marked on the map (1). although not 100% sure what that means :|

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* [NEW] - Added Markers for all towns (1)

* [NEW] - Added player marker (1)

* [NEW] - New zed & loot spawn systems reworte Phase 1.

Maybe someone here knows better on the subject than me.... What sort of Markers? Some kind of beacons?

Same goes to the player one... is it supposed to act like a squad based marker like in Wasteland?

And the third one hell if I know...

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Yeah, I'm really confused.. What do they mean by markers?

There is another one that I don't understand:

* [uPDATED] - Zeds will talk to other zeds within 100 meter.

Edited by Sutinen

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Hmm this one worries me > [NEW] - Wreck locations are now marked on the map (1). although not 100% sure what that means :|

I'm playing at wireworld which runs 1.7.5 version and the newest helicrash site (when it spawns) is visible on the map as 'Secure helisite' or something like that. When a new helicrash comes the old mark will disappear and show the current. Helicrashes will not despawn even the mark disappears. I think it is pretty cool feature.

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Community Notes:

* V1.7.5

Community Change log:


* [Prerequisites] beta-patch 99806.

* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58P_EP1. (Military)

* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_EP1. (Military)

* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_RCO_EP1. (MilitaryS)

* [NEW] Weapon - Sa58V_CCO_EP1. (MilitaryS)

* [NEW] Weapon - G36C. (HeliCrash)

* [NEW] Weapon - G36C_camo. (HeliCrash)

* [NEW] Weapon - G36A_camo. (HeliCrash)

* [NEW] Weapon - G36K_camo. (HeliCrash)

* [NEW] Weapon - M40A3 (MilitaryS)

* [NEW] Vehicle - HMMWV.

* [NEW] Vehicle - MH6J_DZ.

* [NEW] - Ability to flip ATV's.

* [NEW] - Zeds spawn while in vehicles.

* [NEW] - Zeds mow have the ability to damage vehicles. This is limited to glass only once glass is destoryed players within will be damage.

* [NEW] - Zeds now have the ability to pull you from open vehicles.

* [NEW] - New Load screens added.

* [NEW] - Chopper weapons can now be reloaded.

* [NEW] - UH60Wreck added

* [NEW] - New zed & loot spawn systems reworte Phase 1.

* [NEW] - Basic Anti teleport script.

* [NEW] - Basic Mission system Phase 1 (Server Admin Controlled).

* [NEW] - Revamped GUI icons to now empty as you loose the relevent item (blood,food,water) Thanks Des

* [NEW] - Added Markers for all towns (1)

* [NEW] - Added player marker (1)

* [NEW] - Wreck locations are now marked on the map (1).

* [uPDATED] - BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS replaced with BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo. (HeliCrash)

* [uPDATED] - Added a much faster login process. (Advantages: Login Speed up)

* [uPDATED] - Limted amount of ammo found with weapons.

* [uPDATED] - Gender selection images updated thanks Des.

* [uPDATED] - Updated infection chance during zed attacks from 1/1000 to 1/500.

* [uPDATED] - Changed Loot tables to increase the supply of Antibiotic drops.

* [uPDATED] - Combat Mode is now effected by everything you do and everything done to you (example any kind of damage).

* [uPDATED] - Max local zeds updated based on the area your in (example CityCapitals - 50, City's - 40, Village's - 40 (Old Local Zed count was 40 at any location that has buildings)).

* [uPDATED] - Updated Mi17_DZ and UH1H_DZ to max ammo Max 100 rounds per gun.

* [uPDATED] - UH1 Crash sites no longer all spawn on server start but thoughtout the game.

* [uPDATED] - Damage processing for zombieattacks with prebuilded weighted arrays. (Advantages: speedup and saves a lot cpu cycles)

* [uPDATED] - Loot chance reworked Result should now be instant spawn loot.

* [uPDATED] - Much faster fn_instring (Old peak execution time: >20ms, New peak execution time: <0.5ms).

* [uPDATED] - Cargo space redo.

MI17_DZ ( transportMaxWeapons = 10;, transportMaxMagazines = 50;, transportmaxbackpacks = 10; )

UH1H_DZ ( transportMaxWeapons = 5;, transportMaxMagazines = 25;, transportmaxbackpacks = 4; )

AH6_DZ ( transportMaxWeapons = 3;, transportMaxMagazines = 10;, transportmaxbackpacks = 2; )

Mh6J_DZ ( transportMaxWeapons = 3;, transportMaxMagazines = 20;, transportmaxbackpacks = 0; )

AN2_DZ ( transportMaxWeapons = 10;, transportMaxMagazines = 80;, transportmaxbackpacks = 15; )

* [uPDATED] - CZ_VestPouch_EP1 to be more usefull 12 slots 0 weapon slots.

* [uPDATED] - Zeds will talk to other zeds within 100 meter.

* [uPDATED] - Combat Logging is now active during Zombie chase.

* [Fixed] - Zeds hearing should now be fixed.

* [Fixed] - Temperature icon color now ranges from iceblue (cold) to red (hot)

* [Fixed] - German Tranlations updated.

* [Fixed] - mi17 gunner seat is now fixed (you no longer stand outside)

* [Fixed] - Bloodbag glitch fixed.

* [Fixed] - UH1Y_DZ animation issues.

* [REMOVED] - BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS (Based on poll)

* [REMOVED] - Banned m136 as it never really worked and served no real purpose.

* [REMOVED] - In Combat bot removed while we work on speed improvements.


* [Prerequisites] beta-patch 99806.

* [Prerequisites] Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 x86 Redistributable (http://www.microsoft...ls.aspx?id=8328)

* [NEW] - Added new constraint to block non Dayz items from being wrote to the db

* [uPDATED] - Publish Object will now only publish items allowed. (tents, other deployables)

* [uPDATED] - Updated Basic SQL Procs.

* [Fixed] - Crash issue on stale child calls


Upstream hive (public hive):

thats the entire changelog as i see it so far

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I'm playing at wireworld which runs 1.7.5 version and the newest helicrash site (when it spawns) is visible on the map as 'Secure helisite' or something like that.

That sounds kind of lame to me. Half the fun of Heli crash sites is going out looking for them.

There is another one that I don't understand:

* [uPDATED] - Zeds will talk to other zeds within 100 meter.

Thats an odd one too. Maybe a zombie who agro's on you will cause other zombies within 100m of them to agro on you as well?

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That sounds kind of lame to me. Half the fun of Heli crash sites is going out looking for them.

Yea I gotta agree. Although it would create new random hotspots around the map, it's one of the most potent loot spawns in the game and almost always guarantees a nice weapon so it should be hard to find.

Not to mention it kind of goes against the 'natural' dynamic that Rocket is aiming for. Things automatically popping on the map is kind of a step in the wrong direction.

Edited by Cdrive
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There is another one that I don't understand:

* [uPDATED] - Zeds will talk to other zeds within 100 meter.

Thats an odd one too. Maybe a zombie who agro's on you will cause other zombies within 100m of them to agro on you as well?

That would ruin low-noise weapons.. That would mean that if you use a Makarov and one zombie aggroes, it will cause a chain reaction of the entire town chasing you.

Edited by Sutinen
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Yeah, I'm really confused.. What do they mean by markers?

There is another one that I don't understand:

* [uPDATED] - Zeds will talk to other zeds within 100 meter.

That means that everytime they say "Fuck that hurts" near by zombies will be more careful! :lol:

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Yeah, I'm really confused.. What do they mean by markers?

There is another one that I don't understand:

* [uPDATED] - Zeds will talk to other zeds within 100 meter.

@.@! Dear god, they finally have enough intellegence to use mobiles again!

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