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Things you don't want to see in DayZ posed as a suggestion

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I thought this might be a good idea to see what other people want to see in the game in a fun way..post what you DONT want to see changed/introduced in the game but write it as if you do. Please dont flame and troll.

i will start

I think snipers are unbalanced and m107 and AS50 should be removed..Also night time should be made brighter

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All snipers are bogus.

I mean, what's the fun in being killed randomly with no idea where the killer is? A firefight lighting up a city with assault rifles is a much better story to tell, and it tests your true skill.

But what I don't want is killcams, thermals, more snipers.

Edited by Welch

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^ nights are stupid dark to the point of absurdity. in real life i can feel the environment i am in. i can touch it and smell it and hear it, in a game sight is everything, sounds do not apply as they are added in and not chaotic and free like sight is.

i dont even remember what the topic of this thread is lol

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dont want it dumbed down any further, dont want to see bandit skins etc

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I don't want n00bs like the op and his friends who can't deal with snipers allowed to play the mod.

If you don't want snipers then don't play a mod based on a military simulator with zombies go away and play pokemon and stop whining to get the mod dumbed down any further than it already has been.

Edited by trichome

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I don't want n00bs like the op and his friends who can't deal with snipers allowed to play the mod.

If you don't want snipers then don't play a mod based on a military simulator with zombies go away and play pokemon and stop whining to get the mod dumbed down any further than it already has been.

Try reading it again. This thread is about things you DO NOT want suggested.

Edited by smasht_AU

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I do not want anything outside of 24 hours online world.

Currently there are cars and tents within this world.

I do not know the concept of the underground bases, hope they are not rule-breaking that all is 24 hours reachable. Don t want see things outside the world!

A storage for things outside the world is well tested in warz. It does not work.

@smasht_AU sorry...

Want suggest that the underground bases should be enterable by watching others going in them or realy hard to find by knocking with stick or gun on ground.

Edited by NoCheats

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All snipers are bogus.

I mean, what's the fun in being killed randomly with no idea where the killer is? A firefight lighting up a city with assault rifles is a much better story to tell, and it tests your true skill.

But what I don't want is killcams, thermals, more snipers.

But if a kill cam is added you could know where you were shot from

IMO snipers aren't a problem just the humanity system. Make there be more incentives in not being a bandit. The current system is shit house to say the least.

As for things not wanted, probably nothing that changes the game to much. Like Minecraft, really liked it when I started playing it but to many changes killed it for me.

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The ability to find and fix military vehicles (such as a Humvee or an APC). Even though it would be fun to drive through Cherno destroying every scrub I see, once a clan gets their hands on one, goodbye fun.

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I don't want n00bs like the op and his friends who can't deal with snipers allowed to play the mod.

If you don't want snipers then don't play a mod based on a military simulator with zombies go away and play pokemon and stop whining to get the mod dumbed down any further than it already has been.

I can't think of anything more noobish and dumbed down than sniper rifles. Point, click. That hardly takes any skill.

Sneaking up on a guy to get into melee range to kill him is about a million times more "hardcore" than sitting in a bush and playing shooting gallery. If you're too scared of dying to mix it up, you're the one who should be playing Pokemon.

Edited by Bongofish

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I can't think of anything more noobish and dumbed down than sniper rifles. Point, click. That hardly takes any skill.

Sneaking up on a guy to get into melee range to kill him is about a million times more "hardcore" than sitting in a bush and playing shooting gallery. If you're too scared of dying to mix it up, you're the one who should be playing Pokemon.

Sniping isn't that easy. Plus its not that hard to kill a sniper... Most suck at trying to shoot you when your runing i have killed quite a bit of snipers when i have had crap weapons Its part of the game and Sniping isn't suppost to be fair lol.

Things i don't want in the game i know some people want MORE guns but i disagree with that infact i would like a few less guns and i really hope they don't make it easier to get the good gear to since its pretty easy to get good loot as it is

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