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Bandits, safe zones, death penalty, item spawning, zombies suggestions

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Hi all. I'm new to the community and I also haven't played the MOD yet, because I've only found out about it a few days ago, and I'll wait for the SA version (of course).

I'm now researching the features that are (supposedly) going to be implemented/changed in the SA version. (EDIT: the research I did is not what I thought it is - don't take the suggestions from the link like I agree with them - it's mostly the opposite - I am NOT the author of the article in the link!).

I have some suggestions. This is a long read, but trust me: the premise is "Like in real life" and "realism", because that's exactly what I want from this game when it's propery developed. So please, do read. ;)

8. Safe Zone Area

Imagine this, you’ve been out fighting zombies for the day and you’ve got your bag full of some useless loot that you don’t need. You also don’t like fighting in the dark. A Safe Zone would provide players with a place to rest, regain blood, get medical attention, pick up a group and even sell some of the loot you’ve gained from scavenging. A trading mechanic between players would also be a nice addition and would let players who find something useless, trade it with someone who would have some use for it.

5. Less Severe Death Penalty

The fact that if you get shot in DayZ, you don’t come back alive, appealed to some people whereas some opposed it. The major downside of it was that you could have an entire days, week or even month’s hard work completely wiped if you made one little mistake. I believe a better death penalty should be introduced, one that is not as severe as the old one, but one that is still enough to stop people from rushing around, losing their heads and going in all guns blazing because there are no consequences. I can’t think of what it would be, but the penalty for death in DayZ should definitely be less severe.

1. Actions should have repercussions!

Bandits are one thing that tic me off in DayZ. I don’t think they are wrong for doing what they are doing, but I just think there should be something that stops them from edging away from the survival part of the game, which in my opinion, is what DayZ should primarily be about. Let’s say a player wipes out a whole party of guys just looking for some food. If constantly on his own without any human contact you’re going to go a bit nuts in the head. And so maybe factors such as insanity should be implemented into the game to stop players constantly camping out the good loot areas just to get a kill.

Source: http://www.hostilega...standalone-game

Bandits sure are a pain in the @ss, that I believe 100%. But regulating this with insanity or anything is IMO a wrong way to go. It's hard to say what would really go on in someone's head in situations like this. I will explain this in bulletins, so hopefully it will be an undestandable (but probably flawed) explanation of my suggestions:

- Safe zones are a must, where people will be able to trade, heal, form (INFORMAL! - no official "clans", no markers or "No teamkill" or anything!), because IRL you would have them, too (I'm not sure what would be the best way to protect these zones...I don't like any "virtual" ways (no gun past this sign like Far cry 2 etc.) - maybe NPC guards? Bandits will be discussed in the next point.). Safe zones would have to be in buildings with windows shut and sealed - no sniper damage. Let's say: a hospital would be ideal.

- There are always people who take different advantages of different situations. Therefore having (completely random number of) bandits is almost a certanity in a situation like zombie apocalypse, IMO. The only repercussion I see viable is this: make them known. Player names will be permanents and unchangeable (like in Minecraft...hopefully), so feel free to add someone on the "black list" or maybe even a "wanted list" with rewards in the safe zone where everyone with survival in mind can see it - in combination with mouse hover over a certain player (there would have to be a distance set for being able to recognize someone - not sure how this works ATM, though; but 100% no sniping a bandit on 1000meters, unless you somehow remember his clothing or something - risky.) to see his name and remove him from his "duties" for a while. Every player has "dog-tags" - take them and collect reward or something (disappearing bodies when disconnecting is a feature I'd like to see changed a bit...not sure how). Also, bandits would probably have more loot - harder to hide, probably more cool items lost when killed than with ordinary survivors.

- Also, this would reduce the amount of bandits:

And so maybe factors such as insanity should be implemented into the game to stop players constantly camping out the good loot areas just to get a kill.

Item spawning should be somehow (at least partially) randomised (locationally) and very limited. Looking at the youtube episodes of some people, I absolutely hate the fact that you go into a random barn or a fire station etc. and find a sniper rifle there. Now, this topic is a delicate one, because how else DO YOU give a chance to survive to everyone...but this is something that has to be changed. Maybe it's planned (hopefully), but I don't have enough time to do much more research about this.

Anyways, players hiding (not well enough!) their stashes (make it possible that you dig it in the ground - but a sligh change to a texture is made) around the map should be a way to find items. Traders should be a way to find items. Randomised spawning points should be a way to find loot, but RARE (let's say a heicopter crash site is not too shabby). Rarely in houses (mostly pistols, shotguns and hunting rifles). But for newcomers: solidarity. Those with survival in mind will gladly give away a pistol or two for the newbs (or the bornagains). Make a "donations" stand in the safe zone. One gun per newly spawned player...if he's lucky enough to get one.

But I like this one: Zombies were human once. Maybe with a gun. Or a hatchet, trying to save their lives....maybe with a lighter, or matches, or flashlight...some money... Give zombies items (which maybe they can use - with limited accuracy, of course) and/or some stuff you'd find on a guy getting infected by battling zombies. And there you have it, a very strong motive to kill or even hunt zombies.

And make them harder to kill (except maybe for the fast running ones ;) ). This is laughable as it is now! No wonder people started to kill each other so much.

- And last but not least: death penalty like it is now is perfectly fine. IRL, if you die, you don't respawn. Respawning ALREADY IS a less severe death penalty! And this also makes this game so awesome.

Having permanent item stashes (that don't get deleted when you die - I'm not sure how this is implemented now) could be a way to soften your loss...if you hide it well...and remember where it is (and survive getting to it)!

Most likely some of these ideas were already suggested. But I see them strongly interconnected and they make much more sense when presented so. And I have limited time for searching ATM (college duties), but I really wanted to share these. So bear with me. Post constructive opinions - what you disagree with and why, and what you'd personally prefer to do. I'm sure I didn't suggest anything too

Edited by DaedalusIan

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Having permanent item stashes (that don't get deleted when you die - I'm not sure how this is implemented now) could be a way to soften your loss...if you hide it well...and remember where it is (and survive getting to it)!

This already exists. Its called placing a tent. You can store things inside of your tent, and as long as no-one blows it up or just steals everything from it, its a perfect way of establishing safe bases. In fact I have bases all over the coast in case I get hosed, so when I come back I can resupply and move on.

Also, NPC safezones will absolutely not happen. There may be actual PLAYER ENFORCED safe zones such as the trading post PCGN plans to set up. That will likely be on private servers where people will be actively banned for violations. The PVP aspect of this game is what makes it so tense and atmospheric. Knowing that death can come from any angle, that you might be in someone's sights is what keeps players engaged. Once you learn how to avoid Zeds, its the player aspect that is really gripping.

Essentially, private servers and clans are the way to avoid asshats, hackers and bitch-ass snipers.

I'll be honest, and please don't take this TOO personally.

Don't make suggestions if you haven't played.

This isn't to rail you, or to be an asshole. This mod has a lot of very strange little nuances, some of which add to it's greatness and others that take away from it. if you had played it, you would understand how difficult it is to aim and hit running targets in this game (despite the fact when I watched videos I was like OMG SCRUBS CANT HIT SHIT). Same thing for banditry and respawning. Banditry is a problem, but its a FUN problem much the same way the zombies being unfaily difficult/obnoxious is what makes this mod FUN. Until you have experienced some of the rage inducing moments this game has, and until you have successfully snuck up behind a bandit sniper and axed him to death.... your suggestions simply lack perspective.

Edited by Happymrsnowman

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This already exists. Its called placing a tent. You can store things inside of your tent, and as long as no-one blows it up or just steals everything from it, its a perfect way of establishing safe bases. In fact I have bases all over the coast in case I get hosed, so when I come back I can resupply and move on.

Oh, that's what the tents are for. Well, too visible IMO.

Also, NPC safezones will absolutely not happen. There may be actual PLAYER ENFORCED safe zones such as the trading post PCGN plans to set up. That will likely be on private servers where people will be actively banned for violations. The PVP aspect of this game is what makes it so tense and atmospheric. Knowing that death can come from any angle, that you might be in someone's sights is what keeps players engaged. Once you learn how to avoid Zeds, its the player aspect that is really gripping.

Essentially, private servers and clans are the way to avoid asshats, hackers and bitch-ass snipers.

I agree completely with the PVP aspect. That's also why I stated that bandits should not be in any way penalized, except for being known as bandits. Somehow. Regarding NPCs...needs more time to think about.

I'll be honest, and please don't take this TOO personally.

Don't make suggestions if you haven't played.

This isn't to rail you, or to be an asshole. This mod has a lot of very strange little nuances, some of which add to it's greatness and others that take away from it. if you had played it, you would understand how difficult it is to aim and hit running targets in this game (despite the fact when I watched videos I was like OMG SCRUBS CANT HIT SHIT). Same thing for banditry and respawning. Banditry is a problem, but its a FUN problem much the same way the zombies being unfaily difficult/obnoxious is what makes this mod FUN. Until you have experienced some of the rage inducing moments this game has, and until you have successfully snuck up behind a bandit sniper and axed him to death.... your suggestions simply lack perspective.

No offense taken at all. It's a legitimate concern. But reading this (after the above "Knowing that death can come from any angle, that you might be in someone's sights is what keeps players engaged. Once you learn how to avoid Zeds, its the player aspect that is really gripping.") I suspect you didn't understand the (or maybe read entire) post well enough.

I've played ARMA 2 a bit. I know how difficult it is (also due to non-intuitive controls, let's not forget). I know how difficult is to shoot a real gun. I AGREE 100% it should be difficult to aim and hit running targets. Bandits must exist (if they want) - there should be no restrictions whatsoever, except for maybe a repercussion of server's list of bandits, but you'd have to be close enough to them to recognize them (like I already wrote in the OP). Regarding zombies - this is something I can't really comment without playing DayZ, but I can't see one shot (in an "unimportant" area of body) - one kill being that challeging. Besides, this is zombie survival game - it shouldn't be just a matter of learning how to aim. More ammo needs to be spent on them.

So while I completely agree about perspective (watching about 20 YT videos doesn't equal playing a game), I still feel I can form an opinion on these things. And that's why the discussion is necessary. And you misunderstood me! ;)

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It's not so much a "zombie survival game" as it is a "survival game with zombies".

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This has to be a troll. There is no way someone would have the stones to come on a forum for a game they haven't even played and suggest materially changing it into a different game.

The whole god damn point of the game (what makes it different) is the lack of what you suggest.

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It's not so much a "zombie survival game" as it is a "survival game with zombies".

I disagree to a certain degree. If you want to limit bandits activity (like the dev team obviously does), you make zombies a bigger threat and increase the motive to kll them.

Also - for each killed player, a zombie with some items the guy had (depending on whether his body was looted or not?) spawns after xy minutes on the location of death. I forgot to add this one.

This has to be a troll. There is no way someone would have the stones to come on a forum for a game they haven't even played and suggest materially changing it into a different game.

The whole god damn point of the game (what makes it different) is the lack of what you suggest.

It's not a troll. It's an opinion based strongly on what the dev team intends to do. Didn't you read?

And why is it a bad thing to make it more realistic?

PS: I totally have the stones to suggest stuff be put in a game I might buy. So instead of acting like an idiot, try at least "I don't agree with these suggestions - play the game first" and don't act like it's none of my business how does this game look like if I haven't played it yet. It's not like I'm suggesting that the ballistics are changed.

Edited by DaedalusIan

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8. Safe Zone Area

Imagine this, you’ve been out fighting zombies for the day and you’ve got your bag full of some useless loot that you don’t need. You also don’t like fighting in the dark. A Safe Zone would provide players with a place to rest, regain blood, get medical attention, pick up a group and even sell some of the loot you’ve gained from scavenging. A trading mechanic between players would also be a nice addition and would let players who find something useless, trade it with someone who would have some use for it.

I'm not sure if you are just trolling or not... (I feel you are because of the bounties/safezones/saving gear/etc) but if you aren't, here's my answer:

Once you play DayZ and then WarZ, you will realize that safe zones SUCK!

There may be actual PLAYER ENFORCED safe zones such as the trading post PCGN plans to set up.

I am a part of the PCGN community and play every day on their community server. I'll have to say it's an okay method, better than WarZ at least, but I feel it makes the game less fun. The whole point of DayZ is that thrill of knowing you will lose everything, which leads into this:


5. Less Severe Death Penalty

The fact that if you get shot in DayZ, you don’t come back alive, appealed to some people whereas some opposed it. The major downside of it was that you could have an entire days, week or even month’s hard work completely wiped if you made one little mistake. I believe a better death penalty should be introduced, one that is not as severe as the old one, but one that is still enough to stop people from rushing around, losing their heads and going in all guns blazing because there are no consequences. I can’t think of what it would be, but the penalty for death in DayZ should definitely be less severe.

This is stupid... The 'thrill' of DayZ is that at any moment, you may die and lose everything. Right now, all of video game culture points towards progression and achievements. I've even taken a class on using this progression and applying it towards things outside of video games "Gameification." This may work in some ways, but until you play DayZ you will never grasp the great feeling of knowing that everything is just fleeting. I feel DayZ is much like our own real lives. There are no save points, no real achievements, and in the end, does it all really matter? I feel DayZ was the first game that I have played that has grasped this feeling.

Basically, don't make judgement on a game that you haven't played. This game is as successful as it is because they did something right in its development I feel that most things that are in it work, and many things people have suggested wouldn't work. If I could save my stuff and there weren't as big of penalties I don't think that I would enjoy the game as much.

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I don't know. The current PvP is pretty much in line with your typical zombie films. Unless you team up as bambis or play with people you know, you can't really trust anyone. Some people are just jerks or psychos. Some are just scared you'll take their stuff.

Doing away with anti-materiale rifles like the AS50 or making them more rare might help keep the game from turning into a sniper duel over Cherno and Electro.

I think a combination of zombies being more dangerous and having the ability to fortify structures or areas into "safe zones" would help foster cooperation.

Also, there needs to be more to "do". Once you get geared up, it seems like the choices are to hide in the woods or go to the hot spots and hunt other players.

Also, what happens in every single zombie movie or show? The characters create a "safe zone" which is ultimately breached by the zombies!

Edited by bfisher

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I agree completely with the PVP aspect. That's also why I stated that bandits should not be in any way penalized, except for being known as bandits. Somehow. Regarding NPCs...needs more time to think about.

I've played ARMA 2 a bit. I know how difficult it is (also due to non-intuitive controls, let's not forget). I know how difficult is to shoot a real gun. I AGREE 100% it should be difficult to aim and hit running targets. Bandits must exist (if they want) - there should be no restrictions whatsoever, except for maybe a repercussion of server's list of bandits, but you'd have to be close enough to them to recognize them (like I already wrote in the OP). Regarding zombies - this is something I can't really comment without playing DayZ, but I can't see one shot (in an "unimportant" area of body) - one kill being that challeging. Besides, this is zombie survival game - it shouldn't be just a matter of learning how to aim. More ammo needs to be spent on them.

Sorry, you're right, I missed some points, so I want to go through some of the stuff you said point by point.

1. You are able to ID bandits by looking at them. They wear scarves over their heads and their skins are different looking. Also, when looking at a bandit from far away, you hear a hearbeat. The stronger the heartbeat, the more people they have killed. So if your heart is THUMPING, that means RUN. This is actually a strong deterrent for bandits already because it makes them identifiable at range.

2. The videos you are watching are very obviously outdated. This is where the playing bit comes in. No doubt what you're watching has people starting with guns. Currently ( you do NOT start with a gun. A makarov pistol will take 4-5 shots to the body to drop a zombie. Obviously any gun will kill in a headshot. Stronger guns such as shotguns and the lee enfield rifle will drop a zombie in 1 shot anywhere. While arguably unrealistic, you have not experienced how LOUD the weapon is. I fired the Lee Enfield nearby a small village the other day. It brought the fucking apocalypse on my head.

With respect to the intermediate rifles, AKs, M4s, etc they each take 2 or so shots to the body to kill. This is a perfectly reasonable number, IMHO.

3. I am a gun owner, I have also played many shooters, ARMA, etc. HOWEVER. The flanking maneuvers zombies execute in this game are bullshit of the highest order. Essentially trying to shoot a zombie in this game while its running for you is like trying to shoot a guy thats running full tilt AT YOU while dodging masterfully. For a zombie game, this shit can not possibly work. When zombies dodge better than Unreal Tournament players, any semblance of tactical shooting goes out the window.

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Well, I see where I screwed it up - I thought those were the intentions of developers. My head is messed up from studying. Anyways, I made a chain of misunderstanding.

The highlighted suggestions (by Hostile Gamer) are the ones I don't agree with, except for safe zones. And these, as I already said, should be protected only by guns, and nothing else. But thinking about it, if contstruction is added, it will be possible to just make them...but I would like NPC traders, because I think that's something you'd see IRL. And you can't really rely on other players only. Not sure.

I agree completely about the death penalty. I said it should stay. I did screw up, but no one actually read the OP. Oh well. Lesson learned. :)

Edited by DaedalusIan

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Sorry, you're right, I missed some points, so I want to go through some of the stuff you said point by point.

1. You are able to ID bandits by looking at them. They wear scarves over their heads and their skins are different looking. Also, when looking at a bandit from far away, you hear a hearbeat. The stronger the heartbeat, the more people they have killed. So if your heart is THUMPING, that means RUN. This is actually a strong deterrent for bandits already because it makes them identifiable at range.

2. The videos you are watching are very obviously outdated. This is where the playing bit comes in. No doubt what you're watching has people starting with guns. Currently ( you do NOT start with a gun. A makarov pistol will take 4-5 shots to the body to drop a zombie. Obviously any gun will kill in a headshot. Stronger guns such as shotguns and the lee enfield rifle will drop a zombie in 1 shot anywhere. While arguably unrealistic, you have not experienced how LOUD the weapon is. I fired the Lee Enfield nearby a small village the other day. It brought the fucking apocalypse on my head.

With respect to the intermediate rifles, AKs, M4s, etc they each take 2 or so shots to the body to kill. This is a perfectly reasonable number, IMHO.

3. I am a gun owner, I have also played many shooters, ARMA, etc. HOWEVER. The flanking maneuvers zombies execute in this game are bullshit of the highest order. Essentially trying to shoot a zombie in this game while its running for you is like trying to shoot a guy thats running full tilt AT YOU while dodging masterfully. For a zombie game, this shit can not possibly work. When zombies dodge better than Unreal Tournament players, any semblance of tactical shooting goes out the window.

No problem at all. I screwed up, too.

1. Ok, so the identification system like that exist...but scarfs, skins...that's bullshit IMO. No one would dress like bandit intentionally, right? And heart rate...well, that's connected to the recognition from far away based on their clothes. But I don't like that. You shouldn't know someone's a bandit from 1 kilometer away.

2. They are a bit old, yes (august). I didn't pay enough attention towards this. Nice to hear that. Thanks for the heads up...will watch (EDIT: hopefully, play as soon as possible - waiting for the release) some newer material. Agreed on everything.

3. Interesing. Now, I'm not sure what you mean by "flanking" (do they actually NOT go directly at you (=intelligence), or does that apply only for the zombies coming from your sides?), but as you describe it, it does indeed sound a bit unrealistic (well...realistic...zombies?...let's say unlikely).

Thanks for the constructive feedback. :)

I don't know. The current PvP is pretty much in line with your typical zombie films. Unless you team up as bambis or play with people you know, you can't really trust anyone. Some people are just jerks or psychos. Some are just scared you'll take their stuff.

Doing away with anti-materiale rifles like the AS50 or making them more rare might help keep the game from turning into a sniper duel over Cherno and Electro.

I think a combination of zombies being more dangerous and having the ability to fortify structures or areas into "safe zones" would help foster cooperation.

Also, there needs to be more to "do". Once you get geared up, it seems like the choices are to hide in the woods or go to the hot spots and hunt other players.

Also, what happens in every single zombie movie or show? The characters create a "safe zone" which is ultimately breached by the zombies!

Agree on the PVP part.

AS50 - can't really comment on that.

Zombies - they sound more dangerous to me now...will have to wait and see.

Well...yeah. Maybe we shouldn't let the movies be the norm. But it's hard to think there would be any specific goal. Except survival. That's why the bandits and tough zombies (with gunz) must exist.

What's the current situation with item spawning? Still randomly on the floor? Still fire stations, barns etc. loaded with stuff?

Edited by DaedalusIan

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No problem at all. I screwed up, too.

1. Ok, so the identification system like that exist...but scarfs, skins...that's bullshit IMO. No one would dress like bandit intentionally, right? And heart rate...well, that's connected to the recognition from far away based on their clothes. But I don't like that. You shouldn't know someone's a bandit from 1 kilometer away.

It's kinda weird. I mean think of it like this. Basically, a character gets "branded" by their actions. The scarf on their head signified they are a bandit. Now at very long range, you're not going to see that. In fact at very long range you're not gonna see shit. Trekking through the woods like I have been I've only run into players like twice and luckily we agreed to go our separate ways. In addition, the game DOES have binoculars so its not impossible to zoom in on a player if you think you noticed them from very far away. As far as the heartbeat goes.... its more of a "visual recognition" thing. That far away look in their eye, the scowl on their face. I'm not really defending it, just trying to justify it. In the standalone, they've confirmed there is going to be a better identification method such as scars, tattoos, etc.

As far as seeing someone 1km away, its like I said, good fucking luck. The most use it really gets is if you're coming up behind a player and youre not sure if they're a bastard or not. Say you're 50m behind them, you see them well enough, and you see they have a scarf. You put your crosshairs on them and *badumpbadumpbadumpbadump*. Well you just have a bad feeling about THIS fellow.

3. Interesing. Now, I'm not sure what you mean by "flanking" (do they actually NOT go directly at you (=intelligence), or does that apply only for the zombies coming from your sides?), but as you describe it, it does indeed sound a bit unrealistic (well...realistic...zombies?...let's say unlikely).

The zombies IN FRONT OF YOU, will run sideways, back and forth and will try to get next to you or behind you. They will ACTIVELY dodge your crosshairs and will phase through walls, fences and other obstacles. Their movements are erratic, they have a tendency to run up to you, STOP, run to the side and then swing. Its basically like trying to shoot a housefly. In a game like L4D where I could give a fuck less about noise, that wouldn't matter, but in this game, it is incredibly frustrating because I can't even drop ONE zombie without alerting the town. If at least I could do so consistently with one shot then no problem, but the damn things are impossible to hit. Currently, the BEST way to take down a runner is shoot them in the legs because they are a bigger target than the head and will reduce the zombie to crawling which means you can run away.

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It's kinda weird. I mean think of it like this. Basically, a character gets "branded" by their actions. The scarf on their head signified they are a bandit. Now at very long range, you're not going to see that. In fact at very long range you're not gonna see shit. Trekking through the woods like I have been I've only run into players like twice and luckily we agreed to go our separate ways. In addition, the game DOES have binoculars so its not impossible to zoom in on a player if you think you noticed them from very far away. As far as the heartbeat goes.... its more of a "visual recognition" thing. That far away look in their eye, the scowl on their face. I'm not really defending it, just trying to justify it. In the standalone, they've confirmed there is going to be a better identification method such as scars, tattoos, etc.

As far as seeing someone 1km away, its like I said, good fucking luck. The most use it really gets is if you're coming up behind a player and youre not sure if they're a bastard or not. Say you're 50m behind them, you see them well enough, and you see they have a scarf. You put your crosshairs on them and *badumpbadumpbadumpbadump*. Well you just have a bad feeling about THIS fellow.

Interesting point of view. While I agree many people would be annoyed if the recognition would be more difficult, I just can't see scarfs appearing like a good solution. Scars, tattoos either...if I was a bandit, I would want to be just like everyone else. I guess that maybe it would get too difficult without this...

1km away was just a saying. Though in a video (by FRANKIEonPCin1080p) he can spot them pretty well at 500m+. Also their guns. Not sure how. Or maybe he adds the commentary later...

The zombies IN FRONT OF YOU, will run sideways, back and forth and will try to get next to you or behind you. They will ACTIVELY dodge your crosshairs and will phase through walls, fences and other obstacles. Their movements are erratic, they have a tendency to run up to you, STOP, run to the side and then swing. Its basically like trying to shoot a housefly. In a game like L4D where I could give a fuck less about noise, that wouldn't matter, but in this game, it is incredibly frustrating because I can't even drop ONE zombie without alerting the town. If at least I could do so consistently with one shot then no problem, but the damn things are impossible to hit. Currently, the BEST way to take down a runner is shoot them in the legs because they are a bigger target than the head and will reduce the zombie to crawling which means you can run away.

Interesting. Zombies shouldn't be intelligent. That's like the last thing you think of when thinking about zombies. They should reconsider this. I'd much prefer the non-dodging, non-itelligent, no-shenanigans, slow-ish zombies with headshot as the only sure kill. Oh well. Maybe they'll change their mind about this.

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Interesting point of view. While I agree many people would be annoyed if the recognition would be more difficult, I just can't see scarfs appearing like a good solution. Scars, tattoos either...if I was a bandit, I would want to be just like everyone else. I guess that maybe it would get too difficult without this...

1km away was just a saying. Though in a video (by FRANKIEonPCin1080p) he can spot them pretty well at 500m+. Also their guns. Not sure how. Or maybe he adds the commentary later...

Interesting. Zombies shouldn't be intelligent. That's like the last thing you think of when thinking about zombies. They should reconsider this. I'd much prefer the non-dodging, non-itelligent, no-shenanigans, slow-ish zombies with headshot as the only sure kill. Oh well. Maybe they'll change their mind about this.

Modern zombie mythos 101.

-Zombies retain the animalistic nature of our nature. what does that mean? have you ever pointed your gun at a small pack of wild animals? then shot one? they immidiately scatter and run in zigzags to avoid your accurate field of view, this is what the zombies do.

-Zombies have the curiosity and learning capacity of wild primates, Giving them a sort of pack animal mentality, they move in packs, and are aware of each other, giving others space to move around.

just my 2 cents on the matter, you can thank 28 days and 28 weeks later movies for the current zombie mythos in video games and movies.

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Modern zombie mythos 101.

-Zombies retain the animalistic nature of our nature. what does that mean? have you ever pointed your gun at a small pack of wild animals? then shot one? they immidiately scatter and run in zigzags to avoid your accurate field of view, this is what the zombies do.

-Zombies have the curiosity and learning capacity of wild primates, Giving them a sort of pack animal mentality, they move in packs, and are aware of each other, giving others space to move around.

just my 2 cents on the matter, you can thank 28 days and 28 weeks later movies for the current zombie mythos in video games and movies.

Well, yeah...this kind of is the core of this problem. Zombies are not real, therefore they could be flying zeppelins if someone sees fit. I guess we'll just have to accept whatever challenge they give us. After all, if there WAS a zombie apocalypse, there wouldn't be ideal zombies for everyone... :)

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Well, yeah...this kind of is the core of this problem. Zombies are not real, therefore they could be flying zeppelins if someone sees fit. I guess we'll just have to accept whatever challenge they give us. After all, if there WAS a zombie apocalypse, there wouldn't be ideal zombies for everyone... :)

There would be an ideal zombie for me ;D

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Interesting. Zombies shouldn't be intelligent. That's like the last thing you think of when thinking about zombies. They should reconsider this. I'd much prefer the non-dodging, non-itelligent, no-shenanigans, slow-ish zombies with headshot as the only sure kill. Oh well. Maybe they'll change their mind about this.

From the dayzdev tumblr : "We’re ripping out everything not required and replacing it with an optimized solution that has players (the survivors) and AI (the zombies). Our zombies don’t need to conduct flanking maneuvers, they don’t need to reload their magazines. They are simple, and our architecture reflects that."

I disagree with slow to slow-ish zombies. DayZ is tense since the zombies are fast... you can be sure that if you make much noise you could be attracting Zombies from all over the town... and they won't take long to get to you. It creates a tense feeling since the situation can spiral out of control so fast.

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From the dayzdev tumblr : "We’re ripping out everything not required and replacing it with an optimized solution that has players (the survivors) and AI (the zombies). Our zombies don’t need to conduct flanking maneuvers, they don’t need to reload their magazines. They are simple, and our architecture reflects that."

I disagree with slow to slow-ish zombies. DayZ is tense since the zombies are fast... you can be sure that if you make much noise you could be attracting Zombies from all over the town... and they won't take long to get to you. It creates a tense feeling since the situation can spiral out of control so fast.

I completely agree. The days of the slow shufflers is kind of over. Players are more skilled and more aware now than they've ever been. Now this might bring up controversy, but in my opinion: L4D is the best zombie game to date.

Now, DayZ isn't L4D but that also means we don't need to reinvent the wheel and try to completely redo the zombie genre. We have things to compare to. L4D zombies again, IMO are what zombies SHOULD be. They're slow and shuffly, but once attacked absolutely merciless. They swarm, they run, they climb, and if you get backed up, they will eat your face. If this was applied to DayZ, the zeds would be even more of a threat than they are now, and I think that would be a welcome sight. Not because they're not "challenging" now, but because they're "challenging" for all the wrong reasons.

I hope the dev team is strongly talking to Valve, especially in the L4D department for their zombie AI. Their reactions to light, sound and gunfire were excellent, and coupled with what we already have going on would make for pant-shitting terror and for a very gratifying experience.

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I completely agree. The days of the slow shufflers is kind of over. Players are more skilled and more aware now than they've ever been. Now this might bring up controversy, but in my opinion: L4D is the best zombie game to date.

Now, DayZ isn't L4D but that also means we don't need to reinvent the wheel and try to completely redo the zombie genre. We have things to compare to. L4D zombies again, IMO are what zombies SHOULD be. They're slow and shuffly, but once attacked absolutely merciless. They swarm, they run, they climb, and if you get backed up, they will eat your face. If this was applied to DayZ, the zeds would be even more of a threat than they are now, and I think that would be a welcome sight. Not because they're not "challenging" now, but because they're "challenging" for all the wrong reasons.

I hope the dev team is strongly talking to Valve, especially in the L4D department for their zombie AI. Their reactions to light, sound and gunfire were excellent, and coupled with what we already have going on would make for pant-shitting terror and for a very gratifying experience.

L4D Zombies move fast and are dangerous but DayZ can't use the same AI design since the L4D Zombies are meant to linger to make a player to feel a false security that they have the advantage and then there are the swarms. The Swarms are designed for a fast twitch game like L4D where you can be hit and survive. The mechanics are designed for a different form of game play then DayZ is but I understand the point your getting at.

The DayZ Infected need to give players a false security that makes them think they can sneak into a town with Infected walking/moving around but once alerted, the Infected swarm or move toward the player or sound.

Dayz must make the Infected a threat.

In L4D, Zombies were a threat since they move in swarms when the player is in a bad spot as per design of the game. They used over whelming numbers to bring that terror and confusion to the player.

DayZ has to take in consideration of using your tactics and brains and free mobility into consideration which L4D did't give player much room in order to choose mobility in a swarm attack.

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Dayz must make the Infected a threat.

In L4D, Zombies were a threat since they move in swarms when the player is in a bad spot as per design of the game. They used over whelming numbers to bring that terror and confusion to the player.

DayZ has to take in consideration of using your tactics and brains and free mobility into consideration which L4D did't give player much room in order to choose mobility in a swarm attack.

That's valid. However, Dayz zombies ALSO move in swarms. The thing is, because of their fucktarded AI, the swarm thing doesn't really work out for them too well. Think about the hate congas you can get if you shoot your gun and then haul ass out of town. I've had probably about 8 infected following me. And as soon as I turn to shoot them, instead of coming at me like I want them to, the zombies execute evasive maneuvers worthy of top gun.

In DayZ if you get cornered you have fucked up monumentally since its an open world game. There is not much danger from zombies in the open fields. You can just get up and sprint out of there. Inside the city, if you shoot, you bring down hell upon your head. And that already happens quite well. The issue is zombies phasing out of the fucking warp to hit you and coming through walls. And when you're trying to run down the street to get away you face more of the same bullshit.

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L4D...a good reminder. It's helluva fun game. And the L4D people (one is mentioned) do work with Rocket. BUT...

Fast zombies means minimum PING required. What's the current situation regarding this?


The Server controls character actions, a player’s client sends its requests and the server decides if this is possible.

Source: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/36771692833/dev-report-november-2012

How does this work in practice regarding the latency?

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If they add safe zones, there better be gambling and moonshine included, and the possibility to pickpocket players.

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I actually like the insanity idea. Players with alot of murders and bandit kills could have random peripheral dots appear or maybe hear sounds that don't exist. Would add to the fear aspect of the game.

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